

  • 魔术农庄1 Magic Farm 1
  • 不变量计算 The calculation of invariants
  • 魔术农庄2 Magic Farm 2
  • 不变量计算 The computation of invariants
  • 后记 Appendix


Recently, I heard an interesting problem in freshmen group.


Long time ago, there were three kinds of animals, say red sheep, blue goat and yellow lamb.


They lived in a farm called Magic Farm.


If two different animals collide, then they will convert into the other one species.

有红蓝黄三色羊各15,19,20只,问最后会不会出现 所有绵羊同色的情况?

There are 15 red sheep, 19 blue goats and 20 yellow lambs respectively. Can all the animals become of same color at the end?


The solution of this problem is based on the simple observation as follow.

每一次物种的转变,两物种的数量只差$\bmod 3$都是定值。

Each time of convertion of species, the difference of number of any pair of two species is a constant $\bmod 3$.

但是现在,两两的差为$1,1,2\bmod 3$, 所以不论怎么基因突变,都不能有两种数量同时为零。

But now, the differences are $1,1,2\bmod 3$ respectively, so no matter how the gene mutations occur,  there can not have numbers of two species vanishing at the same time.

选择$\bmod 3$并不是巧合,这背后有一些数学,下面要来揭示这一点。

Our choice of $\bmod 3$ is not a coincidence, and there are some mathematics behind it. We will illustrate it in the following context.


Denote $a,b,c$ by three kinds of animals, consider $a\mathbb{Z}+b\mathbb{Z}+c\mathbb{Z}$, the free abelian group generated by them.


Then any state of anmial's numbers is an element in this group.

鉴于物种的变化,我们商掉关系$a+b-2c, a+c-2b, b+c-2a$.

Taking into the consideration the change of species, we need to module the relation $a+b-2c, a+c-2b, b+c-2a$.


Then, two states in which one can convert into the other one are equal in the quotient group.


Now, we need some calculation.

$$\begin{array}{l}    \quad a\mathbb{Z}+b\mathbb{Z}+c\mathbb{Z}/(a+b-2c, a+c-2b, b+c-2a)     \\ = a\mathbb{Z}+b\mathbb{Z}+(2a-b)\mathbb{Z}/(a+b-2c, a+c-2b, b+c-2a)     \\     = a\mathbb{Z}+b\mathbb{Z}/(a+b-2(2b-a),b+(2b-a)-2a) \\  = a\mathbb{Z}+b\mathbb{Z}/(3a-3b) \\  = a\mathbb{Z}+(b-a)\mathbb{Z}/(3b-3a) \\ = a\mathbb{Z}+(b-a)\mathbb{Z}/3\mathbb{Z}\\ = \mathbb{Z}\oplus \mathbb{Z}/3\mathbb{Z}    \end{array}$$

在此映射下,$a\mapsto (1,0), b\mapsto (1,1), c\mapsto (1,-1)$.

Under this isomorphism, $a\mapsto (1,0), b\mapsto (1,1), c\mapsto (1,-1)$.

所以$15a+19b+20c\mapsto (54, -1)$, 不能等于任何$na,nb,nc$的像。

Therefore  $15a+19b+20c\mapsto (54, -1)$ which cannot equals to any image of $na,nb,nc$.

同时,我们也发现,在这个问题中,有两个不变量,一个是羊的总数,一个是某两种羊数量之差$\bmod 3$.

On top of that, we find that, in this problem, there are two invariants, the one is the total number of animals, and the other one is the difference $\bmod 3$ between certain two species.


Now, we turn to anthor similar problem.


Long time ago, there were three kinds of animal, say red sheep, blue goat and yellow lamb.


They lived in a farm called Magic Farm.


If two distinct animals collide, then they will blend into one animal of the other one species.


There are 15 red sheep, 19 blue goats and 20 yellow lambs respectively. What kind of species will unify the farm at the end?


This problem is weird, because it is not clear that the final color is determined in advance.


If we just want to know about one of the possible final stages, the following observation is sufficiant.


If we have two red sheep, we can borrow a blue goat from neighbor, then they can finally becomes one blue goat (and we can give it back to our neighbor).


Using this trick, we can cancell pair by pair of same species ultizing another species as trigger.


Finally, 15, 19, 20 becomes 1, 1, 0. So the final species is the yellow lamb.


If we follow the clue of the problem above, we need the following computation.

$$\begin{array}{l}    \quad a\mathbb{Z}+b\mathbb{Z}+c\mathbb{Z}/(a+b-c,a+c-b,b+c-a) \\     = a\mathbb{Z}+b\mathbb{Z}+(a+b)\mathbb{Z}/(a+(a+b)-b, b+(a+b)-a) \\     = a\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} + b\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} \\      \cong \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} \oplus \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\end{array}$$

其中$a\mapsto (1,0), b\mapsto (0,1), c\mapsto (1,1)$,所以$15a+19b+20c\mapsto (1,1)$.

Where $a\mapsto (1,0), b\mapsto (0,1), c\mapsto (1,1)$. As a result, $15a+19b+20c\mapsto (1,1)$.

注意到$na\mapsto (n,0), nb\mapsto (0,n), nc\mapsto (n,n)$,所以$15a+19b+20c\equiv nc$,且$n$是奇数。

Note that $na\mapsto (n,0), nb\mapsto (0,n), nc\mapsto (n,n)$, hence $15a+19b+20c\equiv nc$, with $n$ odd.


Sometimes, the final speices is not determined, that is the case $(0,0)$.


Now, the remain kind of animals can be any speices.


The invariant is amazingly the Klein's group of order 4.


The fact that the order is 2 is demonstrated in the example of `borrowing a goat'.


The original problem is

有红黄蓝三色绵羊各15 19 20只,两只异色绵羊可以同时变为第三色,问最后会不会出现 所有绵羊同色的情况?

There are 15, 19 and 20 sheep of color red, yellow and blue respectively. Any pair of sheep of different colors can convert into the rest one color simultaneously. Can all the sheep become of same color at the end?


To make it of more fun, I made a story.


The `similar problem' is raised by myself.


The raising of this problem is inspired by the game `Peg Solitaire' , where we can know the final position by coloring with Klein group in striped pattern.

    a b c    
    b c a    
a b c a b c a
b c a b c a b
c a b c a b c
    c a b    
    a b c    


The picture is made by powerpoint.


Thank for Tang Yiming for his original solution, and for Liu Ben for discussion.


Thank for my mom's markers.


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