• UART初始化函数

    void Uart_Init(int pclk,int baud)
    {int i;rGPHCON|=0xa0; //GPH2,GPH3 as TXD0,RXD0rGPHUP = 0x0;    //GPH2,GPH3内部上拉if(pclk == 0)pclk = PCLK;rUFCON0 = 0x0; //禁止3个通道的FIFO控制寄存器rUFCON1 = 0x0;rUFCON2 = 0x0;rUMCON0 = 0x0;rUMCON1 = 0x0;rUMCON2 = 0x0;    //初始化3个通道的MODEM控制寄存器,禁止AFC//Line control register 0: Normal,No parity,1 stop,8 bits.rULCON0=0x3;// Control register 0rUCON0  = 0x5;//Baud rate divisior register 0rUBRDIV0=( (int)(pclk/16./baud+0.5) -1 );
  • 接收1字节数据

    char Uart_Getch(void)
    {while(!(rUTRSTAT0 & 0x1)); //等待就绪//读错误状态寄存器UERSTATnif ((rUERSTAT0 & 0x1)|| (rUERSTAT0 & 0x4))return -1;return RdURXH0;  //0x50000027
  • 接收1个字符串

    void Uart_GetString(char *string)
    {char *string2 = string;char c;while((c = Uart_Getch())!=‘\r’)   //回车符*string++ = c;
  • 接收1个字符串,转换为数字

    int Uart_GetIntNum(void)
    {char str[30];char *string = str;int base     = 10;  //进制int minus    = 0;   //是否负数int result   = 0;    //转换的结果int lastIndex;       //字符串长度int i;Uart_GetString(string);if(string[0]=='-'){minus = 1;string++;}if(string[0]=='0' && (string[1]=='x' || string[1]=='X')){base    = 16;string += 2;}lastIndex = strlen(string) - 1;if(lastIndex<0)return -1;if(string[lastIndex]=='h' || string[lastIndex]=='H' ){base = 16;string[lastIndex] = 0;lastIndex--;}if(base==10){result = atoi(string);result = minus ? (-1*result):result;}else {for(i=0;i<=lastIndex;i++) {if(isalpha(string[i])){if(isupper(string[i]))result = (result<<4) + string[i] - ‘A’ + 10;//之前的结果乘16,再加当前数字elseresult = (result<<4) + string[i] - 'a' + 10;}else{result = (result<<4) + string[i] - '0';}result = minus ? (-1*result):result;}return result;
  • 发送一字节

    //#define WrUTXH0(ch)  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50000023)=(unsigned char)(ch)void Uart_SendByte(int data)
    {while(!(rUTRSTAT0 & 0x4));Delay(10);  //because the slow response of hyper_terminalWrUTXH0(data);
  • 送一个字符串

    void Uart_SendString(char *pt)
  • 2410addr.h 定义UART各个寄存器的头文件

    //2410addr.h  定义UART各个寄存器的头文件
    #define rULCON0 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50000000)  //UART 0 Line control
    #define rUCON0 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50000004)  //UART 0 control
    #define rUFCON0 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50000008)  //UART 0 FIFO control
    #define rUMCON0 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x5000000c)  //UART 0 Modem control
    #define rUTRSTAT0 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50000010)  //UART 0 Tx/Rx status
    #define rUERSTAT0 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50000014)  //UART 0 Rx error status
    #define rUFSTAT0 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50000018)  //UART 0 FIFO status
    #define rUMSTAT0 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x5000001c)  //UART 0 Modem status
    #define rUBRDIV0 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50000028)  //UART 0 Baud rate diviaor
    #define rULCON1 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50004000)  //UART 1 Line control
    #define rUCON1 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50004004)  //UART 1 Control
    #define rUFCON1 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50004008)  //UART 1 FIFO control
    #define rUMCON1 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x5000400c)  //UART 1 Modem control
    #define rUTRSTAT1  ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50004010)  //UART 1 Tx/Rx status
    #define rUERSTAT1  ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50004014)  //UART 1 Rx error status
    #define rUFSTAT1 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50004018)  //UART 1 FIFO status
    #define rUMSTAT1  ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x5000401c)  //UART 1 Modem status
    #define rUBRDIV1  ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50004028)  //UART 1 Baud rate divisor
    #define rULCON2  ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50008000)  //UART 2 Line control
    #define rUCON2 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50008004)  //UART 2 Control
    #define rUFCON2 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50008008)  //UART 2 FIFO control
    #define rUMCON2 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x5000800c)   //UART 2 Modem control
    #define rUTRSTAT2  ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50008010)  //UART 2 Tx/Rx status
    #define rUERSTAT2  ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50008014)  //UART 2 Rx error status
    #define rUFSTAT2 ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50008018)  //UART 2 FIFO status
    #define rUMSTAT2  ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x5000801c)  //UART 2 Modem status
    #define rUBRDIV2  ( * (volatile unsigned * )0x50008028)  //UART 2 Baud rate divisor
    #if def_BIG_ENDIAN
    #define rUTXH0  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50000023)  //UART 0 Transmission Hold
    #define rURXH0  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50000027)  //UART 0 Receive buffer
    #define rUTXH1  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50004023)  //UART 1 Transmission Hold
    #define rURXH1  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50004027)  //UART 1 Receive buffer
    #define rUTXH2  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50008023)  //UART 2 Transmission Hold
    #define rURXH2  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50008027)  //UART 2 Receive buffer
    #define WrUTXH0(ch)  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50000023)=(unsigned char)(ch)
    #define RdURXH0  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50000027)
    #define WrUTXH1(ch)  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50004023)=(unsigned char)(ch)
    #define RdURXH1()  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50004027)
    #define WrUTXH20(ch)  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50008023)=(unsigned char)(ch)
    #define RdURXH2()  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50008027)
    #define UTXH0     (0x50000020+3)  //Byte_access address by DMA
    #define URXH0     (0x50000024+3)
    #define UTXH1     (0x50004020+3)
    #define URXH1     (0x50004024+3)
    #define UTXH2     (0x50008020+3 )
    #define URXH2     (0x50008024+3)
    #else//Little Endian
    #define rUTXH0  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50000020)//UART 0 Transmission Hold
    #define rURXH0  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50000024)//UART 0 Receive buffer
    #define rUTXH1  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50004020)//UART 1 Transmission Hold
    #define rURXH1  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50004024)//UART 1 Receive buffer
    #define rUTXH2  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50000820)//UART 2 Transmission Hold
    #define rURXH2  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50008024)//UART 2 Receive buffer
    #define WrUTXH0(ch)  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50000020)=(unsigned char)(ch)
    #define RdURXH0  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50000024)
    #define WrUTXH1(ch)  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50004020)=(unsigned char)(ch)
    #define RdURXH1()  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50004024)
    #define WrUTXH2(ch)  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50008020)=(unsigned char)(ch)
    #define RdURXH2()  ( * (volatile unsigned char * )0x50008024)
    #define UTXH0     (0x50000020+3)  //Byte_access address by DMA
    #define URXH0     (0x50000024+3)
    #define UTXH1     (0x50004020+3)
    #define URXH1     (0x50004024+3)
    #define UTXH2     (0x50008020+3 )
    #define URXH2     (0x50008024+3)


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