此文档基于ubuntu14.04 内核4.4.0.148


# Command basic format:
sudo adb push <local path> <module path>
sudo adb pull <module path> <local path>
# for example:
adb push ~/ql-ol-sdk/ql-ol-extsdk/example/helloWorld/hellolworld /usrdata
adb pull /home/test/file .

1. 安装必备软件


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-adbd


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-adbd

成功后使用 adb version命令出现如下提示

2. 连接


  • 插入设备前

  • 插入设备后



echo 0x2c7c > ~/.android/adb_usb.ini

3. 列出ADB并链接

sudo adb kill-server
sudo adb devices        #列出设备
  • 若成功链接则可使用adb shell连接设备,如图
  • 若不成功,如图,设备为空,则可能是linux驱动不正确,参考4

4. 设备空

重新安装linux设备驱动,使用uname -r查看对应linux内核版本,下载对应版本linux源码


sudo wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v4.x/linux-4.4.148.tar.xz
sudo xz -d linux-4.4.148.tar.xz     # 解压
sudo tar -xvf linux-4.4.148.tar
cd linux-4.4.148                    #进入到目录linux-4.4.148

4.1 修改内核文件

4.1.1 Add VID and PID

打开[KERNEL]/drivers/usb/serial/option.c 文件

static const struct usb_device_id option_ids[] =
#if 1 //Added by Quectel{ USB_DEVICE(0x05C6, 0x9090) }, /* Quectel UC15 */{ USB_DEVICE(0x05C6, 0x9003) }, /* Quectel UC20 */{ USB_DEVICE(0x2C7C, 0x0125) }, /* Quectel EC25 */{ USB_DEVICE(0x2C7C, 0x0121) }, /* Quectel EC21 */{ USB_DEVICE(0x05C6, 0x9215) }, /* Quectel EC20 */{ USB_DEVICE(0x2C7C, 0x0191) }, /* Quectel EG91 */{ USB_DEVICE(0x2C7C, 0x0195) }, /* Quectel EG95 */{ USB_DEVICE(0x2C7C, 0x0306) }, /* Quectel EG06/EP06/EM06 */{ USB_DEVICE(0x2C7C, 0x0512) }, /* Quectel EG12/EP12/EM12/EG16/EG18 */{ USB_DEVICE(0x2C7C, 0x0296) }, /* Quectel BG96 */{ USB_DEVICE(0x2C7C, 0x0435) }, /* Quectel AG35 */

如果你的芯片是 EC20 还要删除这几个冲突的东西

// File: [KERNEL]/drivers/usb/serial/qcserial.c
{USB_DEVICE(0x05c6, 0x9215)}, /* Acer Gobi 2000 Modem device (VP413) */
// File: [KERNEL]/drivers/net/usb/qmi_wwan.c
{QMI_GOBI_DEVICE(0x05c6, 0x9215)}, /* Acer Gobi 2000 Modem device (VP413) */

4.1.2 添加零包处理机制

File: [KERNEL]/drivers/usb/serial/usb_wwan.c 中添加如下

static struct urb *usb_wwan_setup_urb(struct usb_serial *serial, int endpoint,
int dir, void *ctx, char *buf, int len,void (*callback) (struct urb *))
//……usb_fill_bulk_urb(urb, serial->dev,usb_sndbulkpipe(serial->dev, endpoint) | dir,buf, len, callback, ctx);
#if 1 //Added by Quectel for zero packetif (dir == USB_DIR_OUT){struct usb_device_descriptor *desc = &serial->dev->descriptor;if (desc->idVendor == cpu_to_le16(0x05C6) && desc->idProduct == cpu_to_le16(0x9090))urb->transfer_flags |= URB_ZERO_PACKET;if (desc->idVendor == cpu_to_le16(0x05C6) && desc->idProduct == cpu_to_le16(0x9003))urb->transfer_flags |= URB_ZERO_PACKET;if (desc->idVendor == cpu_to_le16(0x05C6) && desc->idProduct == cpu_to_le16(0x9215))urb->transfer_flags |= URB_ZERO_PACKET;if (desc->idVendor == cpu_to_le16(0x2C7C))urb->transfer_flags |= URB_ZERO_PACKET;}
#endifreturn urb;

4.1.3 睡眠重启

File: [KERNEL]/drivers/usb/serial/option.c

static struct usb_serial_driver option_1port_device =
{//……#ifdef CONFIG_PM.suspend = usb_wwan_suspend,.resume = usb_wwan_resume,
#if 1 //Added by Quectel.reset_resume = usb_wwan_resume,#endif

4.1.4 使用 GobiNet 拨号

还要配置这个File: [KERNEL]/drivers/usb/serial/option.c

static int option_probe(struct usb_serial *serial, const struct usb_device_id *id)
{struct usb_wwan_intf_private *data;//......
#if 1 //Added by Quectel//Quectel UC20's interface 4 can be used as USB Network deviceif (serial->dev->descriptor.idVendor == cpu_to_le16(0x05C6)&& serial->dev->descriptor.idProduct == cpu_to_le16(0x9003)&& serial->interface->cur_altsetting->desc.bInterfaceNumber >= 4)return -ENODEV;//Quectel EC20's interface 4 can be used as USB Network deviceif (serial->dev->descriptor.idVendor == cpu_to_le16(0x05C6)&& serial->dev->descriptor.idProduct == cpu_to_le16(0x9215)&& serial->interface->cur_altsetting->desc.bInterfaceNumber >= 4)return -ENODEV;//Quectel EC25&EC21&EC20 R2.0&EG91&EG95&EG06&EP06&EM06&BG96's interface 4 can be used as USB Network deviceif (serial->dev->descriptor.idVendor == cpu_to_le16(0x2C7C)&& serial->interface->cur_altsetting->desc.bInterfaceNumber >= 4)return -ENODEV;
#endif/* Store device id so we can use it during attach. */usb_set_serial_data(serial, (void *)id);return 0;

4.2 修改内核配置

  1. 进入内核根目录

  2. 设置环境变量,并导入defconfig。

    export ARCH=arm
    export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
    /* 进入arch/arm/configs目录查看有的配置,挑选一个 */
    make bcm_defconfig

    make menuconfig
    [*] Device Drivers →[*] USB Support →[*] USB Serial Converter support →[*] USB driver for GSM and CDMA modems

5. 构建和装载作为给PClinux内核模块的驱动

  1. 进入内核目录

  2. 构建驱动模块

    sudo make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd`/drivers/usb/serial obj-m=option.o modules
    sudo make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd`/drivers/usb/serial obj-m=usb_wwan.o
    sudo make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd`/drivers/usb/serial obj-m=qcserial.o modules
  3. 装载驱动并重启

    sudo cp drivers/usb/serial/option.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/usb/serial
    sudo cp drivers/usb/serial/usb_wwan.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/usb/serial
    sudo cp drivers/usb/serial/qcserial.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/usb/serial
    sudo depmod
    sudo reboot



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