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It has to be said that training institutions promote the popularity of industrial equipment maintenance industry, out of the students are not extensive excellent peers in the industry. But this industry has a short board, maintenance of theoretical reserves and practical experience as important, and more imported brands and big brands, people's design, and product positioning is far more than the fan pump inverter application is so simple, comprehensive and diversified, maintenance is a bit of pressure.

Frequency converter and DC governor, in fact, the development of DC governor earlier, but the speed of development, wide application, frequency converter has far ahead of dc governor, which is why the country has been developing industry for 20 or 30 years, there is no outstanding DC governor manufacturer in China. According to experience, high-precision, high-power DC governor, all imported goods, in dc governor technology, it can be said that even Japan is not as good as European and American enterprises, but Japan is very fierce in the field of motion control. Common governor brands on the market such as: Germany Siemens; Sweden abb. Continental United Kingdom (Parker) 590; American CT Emerson; American A. B. Rockwell; Ansaldo, Italy and so on. Of course, there are also some unpopular brands, the only one without a domestic brand, including Taiwan.

Wechat peers asked, dc governor output in the end how many lines? It can be seen how far the popularity of industrial equipment maintenance is. Dc governor principle is to control motor to do power, as the name implies, dc governor can control, of course is dc motor. High power DC motor is complicated to manufacture and expensive. Digital DC governor is characterized by small volume and large output power. The technical difficulty is complex control circuit and high response speed. For example: 660V AC frequency converter to achieve more than 1500KW power, not to mention the hardware cost, the size of the light box must be several ten cubic bar, dc governor output the same power of the bulk, two cubic meters is enough. Dc governor in steel, rubber, energy, chemical and other high-power, low-speed and high-torsion applications, has been as important as frequency conversion.

Many partners say that dc governor is low speed and high twist, the scope of application is narrow, this point of view is worth discussing, I saw a candy factory the whole production equipment with the European Continent 590 do drive control, and is the product of more than ten years ago, the control board or simulation of the kind of. There are also wood plywood manufacturers household CT DC governor as a round wood layer. Such work requires quite high, log wood turning smaller, planed layer plate not only requires smooth, uniform thickness, no fracture, torque change range is also very large, the general inverter is also difficult to competent. The enterprises approved to resume production include automobile manufacturing, integrated circuits, biomedicine, equipment manufacturing and other key industries. Due to the particularity of their products, both manufacturing and producer services have an important impact on the security and stability of the upstream and downstream supply chains of the whole market.

The resumption of work is inevitable, but the problem is that production inventory, logistics and supply chain security, as well as personnel, are a big problem in the face of traffic jams and personnel shortages. Since the advent of static management, apart from concerns about the resumption of work and production, the biggest daily anxiety is how to fill their refrigerator. For employees who have returned to work, they not only have to bear the safety risks under the epidemic, but also have to consider the inconvenience of life and work.


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