You probably secure your iPhone with Touch ID or a passcode. If you have an Apple Watch, you can secure that against unauthorized access as well. Additionally, you need to have a passcode enabled on your watch to be able to use Apple Pay.

您可能使用Touch ID或密码来保护iPhone。 如果您有Apple Watch,也可以防止未经授权的访问。 此外,您需要在手表上启用密码,才能使用Apple Pay 。

You’re probably thinking, “But, I don’t want to enter a passcode on that tiny screen every time I want to use my watch.” Luckily, that’s not the case. You only have to enter the passcode on your Apple Watch in a few situations, such as when:

您可能会想,“但是,我不想每次要使用手表时都在那个小屏幕上输入密码。” 幸运的是,事实并非如此。 在某些情况下,您仅需要在Apple Watch上输入密码,例如:

  • You reboot your watch您重启手表
  • You manually lock and then unlock your watch您手动锁定然后解锁手表
  • You remove your watch from your wrist and put it back on您将手表从手腕上取下并重新戴上

So, if you wear your watch all day, you’ll only have to enter the passcode once when you first put it on. We’ll show you how to turn on the passcode, change the passcode, use a longer passcode, and automatically unlock your watch when you unlock your iPhone.

因此,如果您全天佩戴手表,则首次戴上密码时只需输入一次即可。 我们将向您展示如何打开密码,更改密码,使用更长的密码以及在解锁iPhone时自动解锁手表。

NOTE: If you wear your watch loosely, you will have to enter your passcode more often.


开启密码 (Turn on the Passcode)

To turn on the passcode on your watch, we’ll use our iPhone. Tap the “Watch” icon on the Home screen on your phone.

要打开手表上的密码,我们将使用我们的iPhone。 点按手机主屏幕上的“观看”图标。

NOTE: You can also turn on the passcode directly on your watch and we’ll mention how to do this later.


Make sure the “My Watch” screen is active. If not, tap the “My Watch” icon at the bottom of the screen.

确保“我的手表”屏幕处于活动状态。 如果没有,请点击屏幕底部的“我的手表”图标。

On the “My Watch” screen, tap “Passcode”.


Tap “Turn Passcode On” on the “Passcode” screen.


NOTE: We will be using the “Passcode” screen at various times throughout this article.


A message displays on your phone telling you to enter a new passcode on your watch.


Tap out a new passcode on the number pad that displays on your watch. By default, the passcode to unlock your watch is four digits.

在手表上显示的数字键盘上点击一个新密码。 默认情况下,用于解锁手表的密码为四位数。

NOTE: Your Apple Watch passcode can be different from your iPhone passcode. In fact, you should make them different for better security.

注意:您的Apple Watch密码可能与您的iPhone密码不同。 实际上,您应该使它们有所不同,以提高安全性。

Dots at the top of the watch screen turn white as you tap out your passcode. If you mistype a number, tap the delete button to the right of the “0”.

当您点击密码时,手表屏幕顶部的点会变成白色。 如果您输错了数字,请点击“ 0”右侧的删除按钮。

You will be asked to re-enter your passcode, so tap it out again.


Your passcode is now set and your watch returns to the clock face.


更改手表上的密码 (Change the Passcode on Your Watch)

You may want to change your passcode from time to time. You can do this on your phone or watch. We’ll show you how to do this on your phone, but changing the passcode on your watch is similar.

您可能需要不时更改密码。 您可以在手机或手表上进行操作。 我们将向您展示如何在手机上执行此操作,但是更改手表上的密码类似。

On the “Passcode” screen in the “Watch” app, tap “Change Passcode”.


Enter your current passcode on your watch.


Enter the new passcode you want to change it to on your watch.


Now you can use the new passcode to unlock your watch.


在手表上使用更长的密码 (Use a Longer Passcode on Your Watch)

You can create a passcode as long as 10 digits on your watch if you want better security. To add a passcode from 5-10 digits long, turn off “Simple Passcode” on the “Passcode” screen in the “Watch” app on your phone. The slider button moves to the left and turns black and white, as shown below.

如果您想要更好的安全性,则可以在手表上创建长达10位数字的密码。 要添加5到10位数字的密码,请在手机的“观看”应用程序的“密码”屏幕上关闭“简单密码”。 滑块按钮向左移动并变为黑色和白色,如下所示。

Enter the current 4-digit passcode on your watch.


Then, enter a 5- to 10-digit passcode and tap “OK” when you are finished.


Now, you can use the longer passcode to access your watch.


用iPhone解锁 (Unlock with iPhone)

If you take your Apple Watch off occasionally, and you don’t want to enter your passcode every time you put it back on, you can make your life easier by turning on a setting to unlock your watch automatically when you unlock your iPhone.

如果您偶尔要摘下Apple Watch,并且不想每次都重新输入密码,可以通过打开解锁iPhone时自动解锁的设置来简化生活。

To unlock your Apple Watch automatically when you unlock your iPhone, tap “Unlock with iPhone” on the “Passcode” screen in the “Watch” app on your phone. This option can also be turned on and off directly on the watch, as we’ll mention later in this article.

要在解锁iPhone时自动解锁Apple Watch,请在手机上“手表”应用程序的“密码”屏幕上点击“用iPhone解锁”。 这个选项也可以直接在手表上打开和关闭,我们将在本文后面提到。

With “Unlock with iPhone” on, you may never have to enter your passcode on your Apple Watch, as long as you’re wearing it. This is useful, if you can’t stand having to tap your passcode on the small screen.

启用“使用iPhone解锁”后,您只要戴上密码,就可能永远不必在Apple Watch上输入密码。 如果您不能忍受不必在小屏幕上轻按密码,这将很有用。

清除手表中的所有数据 (Erase All Data from Your Watch)

You can add further security to your Apple Watch by automatically erasing the data from the watch after 10 failed attempts to enter the passcode. To turn on this feature, tap “Erase Data” on the “Passcode” screen in the “Watch” app on your phone.

您可以通过在10次尝试输入密码失败后自动擦除手表中的数据来增强Apple Watch的安全性。 要打开此功能,请在手机的“观看”应用程序的“密码”屏幕上点击“擦除数据”。

If you turn on this option, be careful how many times you enter your passcode incorrectly to avoid erasing the data on your watch.


自动锁定手表 (Lock Your Watch Automatically)

You can choose to lock your Apple Watch automatically when you’re not wearing it. To do this, open the “Watch” app on your iPhone and tap “General”.

您可以选择不佩戴Apple Watch时自动将其锁定。 为此,请在iPhone上打开“观看”应用,然后点击“常规”。

On the “General” screen, tap “Wrist Detection” so the slider button turns green.


NOTE: The “Wrist Detection” option must be on to be able to use Apple Pay.

注意:必须启用“手腕检测”选项才能使用Apple Pay 。

手动锁定手表 (Lock Your Watch Manually)

There may be times when you want to lock your watch when it’s on your wrist, but this doesn’t happen automatically. To manually lock your watch, press and hold the side button on your watch.

有时您希望将手表戴在手腕上时将其锁定,但这不会自动发生。 要手动锁定手表,请按住手表上的侧面按钮。

Three slider buttons display on your watch screen. Drag the “Lock Device” slider button to the right.

手表屏幕上显示三个滑块按钮。 将“锁定设备”滑块按钮拖到右侧。

You’ll be required to enter your passcode the next time you want to use your Apple Watch.

下次您想使用Apple Watch时,需要输入密码。

输入密码 (Enter Your Passcode)

If you take off your Apple Watch, wear it very loosely, or manually lock it, it asks for your passcode the next time you try to use it. Simply tap out your passcode on the number pad that displays.

如果您摘下Apple Watch,非常宽松地佩戴它或手动锁定它,则下次您尝试使用它时,系统会要求您提供密码。 只需在显示的数字键盘上点击您的密码。

关闭密码 (Turn Off the Passcode)

If you decide you don’t want to have to enter a passcode on your watch anymore, you can turn off the passcode using your watch or phone. We’ll show you how to do it on the watch this time. If you want to use your phone to turn off the passcode, go to “My Watch”, the tap “Passcode” and you should see the option to turn the passcode off.

如果您决定不再需要在手表上输入密码,则可以使用手表或手机关闭密码。 这次,我们将向您展示如何在手表上进行操作。 如果要使用手机关闭密码,请转到“我的手表”,点击“密码”,您应该会看到关闭密码的选项。

NOTE: Remember, if you disable your passcode, you can’t use Apple Pay on Apple Watch.

注意:请记住,如果禁用密码,则不能在Apple Watch上使用Apple Pay。

On your watch, press the digital crown to access the Home screen and tap the “Settings” icon.


Tap “Passcode” on the “Settings” screen.


On the “Passcode” screen, tap “Turn Passcode Off”.


NOTE: You can also change your passcode or turn the “Unlock with iPhone” feature on or off on this screen as well.


Enter your current passcode.


The “Passcode” screen now shows the “Turn Passcode On” option.


If you’ve forgotten your passcode, you must reset your watch to access it.



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