常用sql语句查看数据库: show  databases;创建一个HA的数据库: create database HA;查看自己所处的位置: select database();删除数据库: drop database 'wg';创建表:语法:**create table** 表名 (**字段名** 类型**,** 字段名 类型**,** 字段名 类型**);**mysql> create table student(id int(20),name char(40),age int);查看表的相关信息:use mysql ;show tables;查看表结构: desc student;可以指定默认存储引擎和字符集:mysql> create table student2(id int(20),name char(40),age int)ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;删除表: drop table student2;修改表名称:语法  alter table 表名  rename 新表名alter table student rename students;修改表中的字段类型语法:alter table 表名 modify 要修改的字段名  要修改的类型desc student;alter students modify id int(10);修改表中的字段类型和字段名称:语法:**alter table** 表名 change 原字段名 新字段名 新字段类型**;**alter table students change name stname char(20);在表中添加字段:语法: alter table students add sex enum('M','W');在制定位置添加字段如在第一列添加一个字段alter table students add uid int(10) frist;在age后面添加一个字段:alter table students add address char(40) after age;删除表中的字段:alter table students drop address;插入字段语法:insert   into 表名 values ( 字段值1,字段值2,字段值3);insert into student values(1,'zhangs',21);查询表中的记录select * from  student ;select id,name from student;删除id 为3的行:delete from students where id=3;删除age为空的行;delete from students  where age is null;更新记录:update   students set sex='M' where id=2;所有的都变为2update students set id=2;SQL 基础条件查询语句select  name,age from stuendts;去重复查询语句:select distinct name,age from students;select distinct id,name,age from students where id=3;select id,name from students where id >3 and age >25;select id,name from students where id >3 or age >25;mysql 区分大小写查询select name from studnets where name='jk';select * from students where binary name ='jk';mysql 查询排序:select distinct id from students order by id;select distinct id from students order by id desc;关于MySQL命令帮助help show;help select;


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