
In my previous post, I have discussed about Scala Variance in detail. In this post, we are going to discuss about “Scala Type Bounds”.

在上一篇文章中,我详细讨论了Scala Variance 。 在这篇文章中,我们将讨论“标量类型边界”。

Scala中的Type Bound是什么? (What is Type Bound in Scala?)

In Scala, Type Bounds are restrictions on Type Parameters or Type Variable. By using Type Bounds, we can define the limits of a Type Variable.

在Scala中,类型界限是对类型参数或类型变量的限制。 通过使用类型边界,我们可以定义类型变量的限制。

Scala类型绑定的优势 (Advantage of Scala Type Bounds)

Scala Type Bounds give us the following benefit:


  • Type-Safe Application Development.类型安全的应用程序开发。

Scala类型界限 (Scala Type Bounds)

Scala supports the following Type Bounds for Type Variables:


  • Scala Upper BoundsScala上界
  • Scala Lower BoundsScala下界
  • Scala View BoundsScala视图范围

We are going to discuss these concepts in detail with examples in next sections.


Scala上界 (Scala Upper Bounds)

In Scala, we can define Upper Bound on Type Parameter as shown below:


Here T is a Type Parameter ans S is a type. By declaring Upper Bound like “[T <: S]” means this Type Parameter T must be either same as S or Sub-Type of S.

这里T是类型参数,而S是类型。 通过将“上界”声明为“ [T <:S] ”,表示此类型参数T必须与S相同或S的子类型。



[T <: Ordered[T]]

Here We have defined Upper Bound from Type Parameter T to Type Ordered[T]. Then T much be either Ordered or subtype of Ordered type.

在这里,我们定义了从类型参数T到类型Ordered [T]的上限。 然后,T要么是Ordered类型,要么是Ordered类型的子类型。

Write a Scala program to demonstrate Scala Upper Bound.


class Animal
class Dog extends Animal
class Puppy extends Dogclass AnimalCarer{def display [T <: Dog](t: T){println(t)}
}object ScalaUpperBoundsTest {def main(args: Array[String]) {val animal = new Animalval dog = new Dogval puppy = new Puppyval animalCarer = new AnimalCarer//animalCarer.display(animal)animalCarer.display(dog)animalCarer.display(puppy)}

This program works fine with commenting the following line.



If we uncomment this line and try to run it, we will get compilation error. Because we have defined Upper Bound as shown below:

如果我们取消注释此行并尝试运行它,则会得到编译错误。 因为我们已经定义了上界,如下所示:

class AnimalCarer{def display [T <: Dog](t: T){println(t)}

Here we have defined “[T <: Dog]” that means “display” method accepts only either Dog class object or subclass type (i.e. Puppy) of Dog Class. That's why if we pass Dog Super class, we will get “Type Mismatch” compilation error.

在这里,我们定义了“ [T <:Dog]”,这意味着“显示”方法仅接受Dog类对象或Dog类的子类类型(即Puppy)。 这就是为什么如果我们通过Dog Super类,将会得到“ Type Mismatch”(编译不正确)的错误。

Scala下界 (Scala Lower Bounds)

In Scala, we can define Lower Bound on Type Parameter as shown below:


Here T is a Type Parameter ans S is a type. By declaring Lower Bound like “[T >: S]” means this Type Parameter T must be either same as S or Super-Type of S.

这里T是类型参数,而S是类型。 通过将“下界”声明为“ [T>:S] ”,表示此类型参数T必须与S相同或为S的超类型。



[T >: Ordered[T]]

Here We have defined Lower Bound from Type Parameter T to Type Ordered[T]. Then T much be either Ordered or supertype of Ordered type.

在这里,我们定义了从类型参数T到类型Ordered [T]的下界。 然后,T要么是有序类型,要么是有序类型的超类型。



class  Animal
class Dog extends Animal
class Puppy extends Animalclass AnimalCarer{def display [T >: Puppy](t: T){println(t)}
}object ScalaLowerBoundsTest {def main(args: Array[String]) {val animal = new Animalval dog = new Dogval puppy = new Puppyval animalCarer = new AnimalCareranimalCarer.display(animal)animalCarer.display(puppy)animalCarer.display(dog)}

Here Dog is not a subtype of Puppy, but still this program works fine because Dog is a subtype of Animal and we have defined “Lower Bound” on Type Parameter T as shown below:


class AnimalCarer{def display [T >: Puppy](t: T){println(t)}

If we remove Lower Bound definition in this class, then we will get some compilation errors.

如果我们在此类中删除Lower Bound定义,则将得到一些编译错误。

Scala视图范围 (Scala View Bounds)

In Scala, View Bound is used when we want to use existing Implicit Conversions automatically. We can define View Bound on Type Parameter as shown below:

在Scala中,当我们要自动使用现有的隐式转换时,将使用“查看范围”。 我们可以在“类型参数”上定义“视图绑定”,如下所示:

In some scenarios, we need to use some Implicit conversions automatically to solve our problem statement. We can use Scala’s View Bounds to utilize these Implicits.

在某些情况下,我们需要自动使用一些隐式转换来解决我们的问题陈述。 我们可以使用Scala的View Bounds来利用这些隐含特性。

Write a Scala program to compare Strings with Relational operators(like Int’s 10 > 12).

编写一个Scala程序,将字符串与关系运算符进行比较(例如Int的10> 12)。

class Person[T <% Ordered[T]](val firstName: T, val lastName: T) {def greater = if (firstName > lastName) firstName else lastName
}object ScalaViewBoundsTest {def main(args: Array[String]) {val p1 = new Person("Rams","Posa")val p2 = new Person("Chintu","Charan")println(p1.greater)println(p2.greater)}




If we don’t use Scala’s View Bound operator “<%”, then we will get the following error message.

如果我们不使用Scala的View Bound运算符“ <%”,则将收到以下错误消息。

error: value > is not a member of type parameter T

That’s it all about Scala Upper Bounds, Lower Bounds and View Bounds. We will discuss some more Scala concepts in my coming posts.

这就是Scala上界,下界和视图界的全部内容。 我们将在我的后续文章中讨论更多Scala概念。

Please drop me a comment if you like my post or have any issues/suggestions.





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