
Today we will look into Memcached Java client example. Earlier we learned about telnet commands for memcached with sample execution terminal logs. But most of the times we want to connect to the Memcached server through some other programming languages, such as Java and PHP.

今天,我们将研究Memcached Java客户端示例。 之前我们了解了带有示例执行终端日志的用于memcached的telnet命令 。 但是大多数时候,我们希望通过其他一些编程语言(例如Java和PHP)连接到Memcached服务器。

Memcached Java客户端 (Memcached Java Clients)

There are three most widely used memcached Java client API.


  1. xmemcachedxmemcached
  2. spymemcachedspymemcached
  3. gwhalin memcached clientgwhalin memcached客户端

Memcached Java示例 (Memcached Java Example)

I have used Greg Whalin Memcached client and found it easy to understand and use. It provides all the basic functionalities with thread pooling. Below is the maven dependency to include this into your project.

我使用了Greg Whalin Memcached客户端,发现它易于理解和使用。 它提供了线程池的所有基本功能。 下面是Maven依赖项,将其包括在您的项目中。


To help you get started quickly, I am providing a sample program to showcase the usage of basic functions that can be performed with the Memcached server.


package com.journaldev.memcached.test;import java.util.HashMap;
import com.whalin.MemCached.MemCachedClient;
import com.whalin.MemCached.SockIOPool;public class MemcachedJavaClient {/*** MemcachedJavaClient program to show the usage of different functions* that can be performed on Memcached server with Java Client* @param args*/public static void main(String[] args) {//initialize the SockIOPool that maintains the Memcached Server Connection PoolString[] servers = {"localhost:11111"};SockIOPool pool = SockIOPool.getInstance("Test1");pool.setServers( servers );pool.setFailover( true );pool.setInitConn( 10 );pool.setMinConn( 5 );pool.setMaxConn( 250 );pool.setMaintSleep( 30 );pool.setNagle( false );pool.setSocketTO( 3000 );pool.setAliveCheck( true );pool.initialize();//Get the Memcached Client from SockIOPool named Test1MemCachedClient mcc = new MemCachedClient("Test1");//add some value in cacheSystem.out.println("add status: "+mcc.add("1", "Original"));//Get value from cacheSystem.out.println("Get from Cache: "+mcc.get("1"));System.out.println("add status: "+mcc.add("1", "Modified"));System.out.println("Get from Cache: "+mcc.get("1"));//use set function to add/update value, use replace to update and not addSystem.out.println("set status: "+mcc.set("1","Modified"));System.out.println("Get from Cache after set: "+mcc.get("1"));//use delete function to delete the key from cacheSystem.out.println("remove status: "+mcc.delete("1"));System.out.println("Get from Cache after delete: "+mcc.get("1"));//Use getMulti function to retrieve multiple keys values in one function// Its helpful in reducing network calls to 1mcc.set("2", "2");mcc.set("3", "3");mcc.set("4", "4");mcc.set("5", "5");String [] keys = {"1", "2","3","INVALID","5"};HashMap<String,Object> hm = (HashMap<String, Object>) mcc.getMulti(keys);for(String key : hm.keySet()){System.out.println("KEY: "+key+" VALUE: "+hm.get(key));}}}

The output of the above Memcache java client program is:

上面的Memcache Java客户端程序的输出为:

add status: true
Get from Cache: Original
add status: false
Get from Cache: Original
set status: true
Get from Cache after set: Modified
remove status: true
Get from Cache after delete: null
KEY: 1 VALUE: null

If you want to connect to multiple Memcached servers then you will have to create multiple SockIOPool instances and then use the same name while getting the MemcacheClient instance.




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