
The apocalyptic images of orange skies and flames tearing through California and Oregon are opening the eyes of a growing number of Americans to the reality of our global climate emergency: a threat that is as real as the fires they see each day on the news, and that will only worsen with each year we do nothing to help our planet cool down.


It’s hard to believe that there are still people out there insisting that these fires are natural phenomena repeated every year and that “the cold will come”, despite the evidence that in the last few weeks more forest has already burned than during the whole of last year, and that each year will see more destruction. The increase in temperatures, which in Death Valley of Death recently exceeded 54.4 º C for the first time since records began, is drying America’s forests and turning them into tinder, ready to burn at the slightest spark.

很难相信仍有人坚持认为,这些大火是每年都会发生的自然现象,并且“寒冷会来临”,尽管有证据表明,过去几周森林燃烧的次数超过了整个森林的燃烧次数。一年,而且每年都会有更多的破坏。 自记录开始以来,死亡之谷最近的温度升高最近首次超过54.4ºC,这正在使美国的森林变干并将其变成火种,准备以最小的火花燃烧。

California and Oregon are only a very small part of the global catastrophe, and simply more visible because they are taking place in a part of the world where there is media coverage. Meanwhile, deforestation in the Amazon continues unabated. In Greenland and the Bering Strait, ice loss is fast reaching the point of no return. Summer temperatures in the Arctic now exceed 38ºC. Torrential rains, hurricanes and tornadoes are increasingly frequent, causing widespread destruction that costs local economies billions of dollars.

加利福尼亚州和俄勒冈州仅占全球灾难的一小部分,而且由于在世界上发生媒体报道的一部分而发生,因此更为可见。 同时,亚马逊地区的森林砍伐仍未减弱。 在格陵兰和白令海峡,冰的流失正在Swift达到无可挽回的地步。 现在北极的夏季温度超过38ºC 。 暴雨,飓风和龙卷风越来越频繁,造成广泛破坏,使当地经济损失数十亿美元。

We are turning our planet into a barren sauna, which in addition to destroying biodiversity, now threatens to destroy us. I have reached the point where I no longer bother arguing with people who deny climate catastrophe: there is no point in trying to convince idiots who dismiss science: they must be removed from decision-making positions.

我们正在将我们的星球变成一个贫瘠的桑拿浴室,除了破坏生物多样性外,现在还威胁要毁灭我们。 我已经到了不再烦扰那些否认气候灾难的人们争论的地步:试图说服那些拒绝科学的白痴是没有意义的:必须将他们从决策职位中移除。

It cannot be said louder or more clearly: we have to change the way we live, and we have to do it now, no matter what it costs or what we lose in the process: otherwise, we face total ruin. The transition to clean energies cannot wait a couple of decades and must instead happen over the next five years. This means abandoning the internal combustion engine and fossil fuels. The economic system that has brought us to this point is unsustainable and is now killing us.

不能大声或更清楚地说:我们必须改变我们的生活方式,而现在我们必须这样做,无论它付出了什么代价或在过程中损失了什么;否则,我们将面临彻底的崩溃。 向清洁能源的过渡不能等待几十年,而必须在未来五年内发生。 这意味着放弃内燃机和化石燃料。 导致我们到这一点的经济体系是不可持续的,现在正在杀死我们。

We must also stop quantifying our economies simply in terms of GDP growth and instead measure the environmental impact of production and eliminate all activity that causes negative effects on the environment. If that forces us to lower economic output, so be it. We need to follow more diverse indicators such as the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This will mean an end to competition between countries and instead greater cooperation to solve a problem that does not respect borders.

我们还必须停止仅根据GDP增长来量化我们的经济,而要衡量生产对环境的影响,并消除对环境造成负面影响的所有活动。 如果那迫使我们降低经济产出,那就这样吧。 我们需要遵循更加多样化的指标,例如联合国的可持续发展目标。 这将意味着结束国家之间的竞争,取而代之的是加强合作以解决不尊重边界的问题。

We have to understand that everything is connected: we’re not wearing masks because a virus has “suddenly” appeared, but because we have put pressure on ecosystems and industrial methods of animal farming to the point where they are breeding grounds for zoonotic infections that are then transmitted to humans. We don’t die in floods and fires because it rains a lot or somebody was careless with a firework: we have destabilized the climate, and what happens, happens because of us.

我们必须了解所有事物都是相互联系的:我们不是戴着口罩,因为病毒“突然”出现了,而是因为我们给生态系统和动物饲养的工业方法施加了压力,使它们成为人畜共患病感染的温床然后传播给人类。 我们不会死于洪水和大火,因为下雨很多,或者有人不小心放烟花:我们破坏了气候的稳定性,发生的事情是由于我们而发生的。

The markets we have allowed to run rampant will not regulate themselves, and instead will force us to produce more and more, at any price. Until we rein them in, the climate catastrophe will continue to wreak havoc, costing billions and ruining the lives of millions of people. The growing chorus of voices warning us of the dangers we face are not being alarmist; they are sounding the alarm: the science is behind them. Either we change, or we disappear. We are being pulled into a downward spiral. And each year will get worse.

我们允许猖ramp的市场不会控制自己,反而会迫使我们以任何价格生产越来越多的产品。 在我们控制住气候变化之前,气候灾难将继续造成严重破坏,造成数十亿美元的损失,并破坏数百万人的生活。 越来越多的声音在向我们发出警告,提醒我们面临的危险并没有使人感到震惊。 他们正在发出警报:科学在他们身后。 我们要么改变,要么消失。 我们正陷入下降的漩涡中。 而且每年都会变得更糟。

(En español, aquí)

( Enespañol aquí )

翻译自: https://medium.com/enrique-dans/the-climate-emergency-isnt-going-away-until-we-implement-root-and-branch-reform-d1648f6aa78a




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