提示:本文内容来源于UCB CS61A课程,详情请点击CS 61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs


  • 前言
  • Phase2 Commentary
    • Problem 06
    • Problem 07


本文收录在文章CS61A 课程 Project1 The Game of Hog


Phase2 Commentary


"22 points! That's the biggest gain yet for Player 1."





def say_scores(score0, score1):"""A commentary function that announces the score for each player."""print("Player 0 now has", score0, "and Player 1 now has", score1)return say_scores


def announce_lead_changes(last_leader=None):"""Return a commentary function that announces lead changes.>>> f0 = announce_lead_changes()>>> f1 = f0(5, 0)Player 0 takes the lead by 5>>> f2 = f1(5, 12)Player 1 takes the lead by 7>>> f3 = f2(8, 12)>>> f4 = f3(8, 13)>>> f5 = f4(15, 13)Player 0 takes the lead by 2"""def say(score0, score1):if score0 > score1:leader = 0elif score1 > score0:leader = 1else:leader = Noneif leader != None and leader != last_leader:print('Player', leader, 'takes the lead by', abs(score0 - score1))return announce



def both(f, g):"""Return a commentary function that says what f says, then what g says.>>> h0 = both(say_scores, announce_lead_changes())>>> h1 = h0(10, 0)Player 0 now has 10 and Player 1 now has 0Player 0 takes the lead by 10>>> h2 = h1(10, 6)Player 0 now has 10 and Player 1 now has 6>>> h3 = h2(6, 17)Player 0 now has 6 and Player 1 now has 17Player 1 takes the lead by 11    NOTE: the following game is not possible under the rules, it's justan example for the sake of the doctest"""def say(score0, score1):return both(f(score0, score1), g(score0, score1))return say

关于嵌套含数的调用请参照1.2.5 Evaluating Nested Expressions的内容

Problem 06



$ python3 ok -q 06 -u --local
Assignment: Project 1: Hog
OK, version v1.18.1
Unlocking testsAt each "? ", type what you would expect the output to be.
Type exit() to quit---------------------------------------------------------------------
Question 6 > Suite 1 > Case 1
(cases remaining: 7)Q: What does a commentary function return?
Choose the number of the correct choice:
0) An integer representing the score.
1) None.
2) Another commentary function.
? 2
-- OK! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Question 6 > Suite 2 > Case 1
(cases remaining: 6)>>> from hog import play, always_roll
>>> from dice import make_test_dice
>>> #
>>> def echo(s0, s1):
...     print(s0, s1)
...     return echo
>>> s0, s1 = play(always_roll(1), always_roll(1), dice=make_test_dice(3), goal=5, say=echo)
(line 1)? 3 0
(line 2)? 3 3
(line 3)? 9 3
-- OK! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Question 6 > Suite 2 > Case 2
(cases remaining: 5)>>> from hog import play, always_roll
>>> from dice import make_test_dice
>>> #
>>> def count(n):
...     def say(s0, s1):
...         print(n, s0)
...         return count(n + 1)
...     return say
>>> s0, s1 = play(always_roll(1), always_roll(1), dice=make_test_dice(3), goal=10, say=count(1))
(line 1)? 1 3
(line 2)? 2 3
(line 3)? 3 9
(line 4)? 4 9
(line 5)? 5 15
-- OK! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Question 6 > Suite 2 > Case 3
(cases remaining: 4)>>> from hog import play, always_roll
>>> from dice import make_test_dice
>>> #
>>> def echo(s0, s1):
...     print(s0, s1)
...     return echo
>>> strat0 = lambda score, opponent: 1 - opponent // 10
>>> strat1 = always_roll(3)
>>> s0, s1 = play(strat0, strat1, dice=make_test_dice(4, 2, 6), goal=15, say=echo)
(line 1)? 4 0
(line 2)? 4 12
(line 3)? 12 13
(line 4)? 12 25
-- OK! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Question 6 > Suite 2 > Case 4
(cases remaining: 3)>>> from hog import play, always_roll
>>> from dice import make_test_dice
>>> #
>>> # Ensure that say is properly updated within the body of play.
>>> def total(s0, s1):
...     print(s0 + s1)
...     return echo
>>> def echo(s0, s1):
...     print(s0, s1)
...     return total
>>> s0, s1 = play(always_roll(1), always_roll(1), dice=make_test_dice(2, 3), goal=15, say=echo)
(line 1)? 2 0
(line 2)? 5
(line 3)? 4 3
(line 4)? 13
(line 5)? 6 9
(line 6)? 21
-- OK! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Question 6 > Suite 3 > Case 1
(cases remaining: 2)>>> from hog import play, always_roll, both, announce_lead_changes, say_scores
>>> from dice import make_test_dice
>>> #
>>> def echo_0(s0, s1):
...     print('*', s0)
...     return echo_0
>>> def echo_1(s0, s1):
...     print('**', s1)
...     return echo_1
>>> s0, s1 = play(always_roll(1), always_roll(1), dice=make_test_dice(2), goal=3, say=both(echo_0, echo_1))
(line 1)? * 2
(line 2)? ** 0
(line 3)? * 2
(line 4)? ** 2
(line 5)? * 4
(line 6)? ** 2
-- OK! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Question 6 > Suite 3 > Case 2
(cases remaining: 1)-- Already unlocked -----------------------------------------------------------------------
OK! All cases for Question 6 unlocked.


say = say(score0, score1)


$ python3 ok -q 06 --local
Assignment: Project 1: Hog
OK, version v1.18.1
Running tests---------------------------------------------------------------------
Test summary7 test cases passed! No cases failed.

Problem 07


例如,announce_highest(1) 及其返回值完全忽略玩家0,只打印有关玩家1的信息。




$ python3 ok -q 07 -u
Assignment: Project 1: Hog
OK, version v1.18.1
Unlocking testsAt each "? ", type what you would expect the output to be.
Type exit() to quit---------------------------------------------------------------------
Question 7 > Suite 1 > Case 1
(cases remaining: 5)Q: What does announce_highest return?
Choose the number of the correct choice:
0) A string containing the largest point increase for thecurrent player.
1) The current largest point increase between bothplayers.
2) A commentary function that prints information about thebiggest point increase for the current player.
? 2
-- OK! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Question 7 > Suite 1 > Case 2
(cases remaining: 4)Q: When does the commentary function returned by announce_highest
print something out?
Choose the number of the correct choice:
0) After each turn.
1) When the current player, given by the parameter `who`,earns the biggest point increase yet between bothplayers in the game.
2) When the current player, given by the parameter `who`,earns their biggest point increase yet in the game.
? 2
-- OK! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Question 7 > Suite 1 > Case 3
(cases remaining: 3)Q: What does the parameter last_score represent?
Choose the number of the correct choice:
0) The current player's score before this turn.
1) The opponent's score before this turn.
2) The last highest gain for the current player.
? 0
-- OK! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
OK! All cases for Question 7 unlocked.


def announce_highest(who, last_score=0, running_high=0):"""Return a commentary function that announces when WHO's scoreincreases by more than ever before in the game.NOTE: the following game is not possible under the rules, it's justan example for the sake of the doctest>>> f0 = announce_highest(1) # Only announce Player 1 score gains>>> f1 = f0(12, 0)>>> f2 = f1(12, 11)11 point(s)! That's the biggest gain yet for Player 1>>> f3 = f2(20, 11)>>> f4 = f3(13, 20)>>> f5 = f4(20, 35)15 point(s)! That's the biggest gain yet for Player 1>>> f6 = f5(20, 47) # Player 1 gets 12 points; not enough for a new high>>> f7 = f6(21, 47)>>> f8 = f7(21, 77)30 point(s)! That's the biggest gain yet for Player 1>>> f9 = f8(77, 22) # Swap!>>> f10 = f9(33, 77) # Swap!55 point(s)! That's the biggest gain yet for Player 1"""assert who == 0 or who == 1, 'The who argument should indicate a player.'# BEGIN PROBLEM 7"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"def track_highest(score0, score1, highest=running_high):if who == 0:this_score = score0else:this_score = score1gain = this_score - last_scoreif gain > highest:print(gain, "point(s)! That's the biggest gain yet for Player", who)highest = gainreturn announce_highest(who, this_score, highest)return track_highest# END PROBLEM 7


$ python3 ok -q 07 --local
Assignment: Project 1: Hog
OK, version v1.18.1
Running tests---------------------------------------------------------------------
Test summary5 test cases passed! No cases failed.

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