八、SRv6 TE Flow Group测试

8.1 测试拓扑

8.2 测试说明

  • PE1配置2条SRv6 TE Policy,命名为policy10(color10)、policy11(color11)
  • PE4 vpn1配置测试loopback100、loopback101,用于ping测试
  • PE4发布vpn路由172.30.0.0/16
  • PE1配置Mapping policy,用于DSCP引流
  • PE1接收EVPN路由172.30.0.0/16时对此路由进行染色,通过DSCP引流的方式,将业务流量引入动态创建的SRv6 TE Flow Group
  • 由于目前模拟路由器不支持DSCP标记,在CE1 ping 测试时,设置相应DSCP(支持linux ping)
  • CE1 ping相同网段(的不同地址,PE1根据DSCP,选择不同的SRv6 TE Policy进行传输

8.3 测试步骤

8.3.1 配置SRv6 TE Policy


segment-routing ipv6

segment-list list10

index 5 sid ipv6 3001:2::10:0

index 10 sid ipv6 3001:4::10:0

segment-list list11

index 5 sid ipv6 3001:3::10:0

index 10 sid ipv6 3001:4::10:0

srv6-te policy policy10 endpoint 2001:4::1 color 10

binding-sid 3001:1::90:0

candidate-path preference 100

segment-list list10

srv6-te policy policy11 endpoint 2001:4::1 color 11

binding-sid 3001:1::91:0

candidate-path preference 100

segment-list list11


8.3.2 查看SRv6 TE Policy信息

[PE1]dis srv6-te policy
PolicyName : policy10
Color                   : 10                             Endpoint             : 2001:4::1
TunnelId                : 1                              Binding SID          : 3001:1::90:0(Insert)
TunnelType              : SRv6-TE Policy                 DelayTimerRemain     : -
Policy State            : Up                             State Change Time    : 2023-09-27 04:56:39
Admin State             : Up                             Traffic Statistics   : Disable
Backup Hot-Standby      : Disable                        BFD                  : Disable
Interface Index         : -                              Interface Name       : -
Interface State         : -                              Encapsulation Mode   : Insert
Candidate-path Count    : 1                             Candidate-path Preference : 100Path State             : Active                         Path Type            : PrimaryProtocol-Origin        : Configuration(30)              Originator           : 0,          : 100                            Binding SID          : 3001:1::90:0GroupId                : 1                              Policy Name          : policy10Template ID            : 0                              Path Verification    : EnableDelayTimerRemain       : -                              Network Slice ID     : -Segment-List Count     : 1Segment-List          : list10Segment-List ID      : 1                              XcIndex              : 2  List State           : Up                             DelayTimerRemain     : -Verification State   : Up                             SuppressTimeRemain   : -PMTU                 : 9600                           Active PMTU          : 9600Weight               : 1                              BFD State            : -Network Slice ID     : -                             Binding SID          : -Reverse Binding SID  : -                             SID :3001:2::10:0                              3001:4::10:0                              PolicyName : policy11
Color                   : 11                             Endpoint             : 2001:4::1
TunnelId                : 2                              Binding SID          : 3001:1::91:0(Insert)
TunnelType              : SRv6-TE Policy                 DelayTimerRemain     : -
Policy State            : Up                             State Change Time    : 2023-09-27 04:54:41
Admin State             : Up                             Traffic Statistics   : Disable
Backup Hot-Standby      : Disable                        BFD                  : Disable
Interface Index         : -                              Interface Name       : -
Interface State         : -                              Encapsulation Mode   : Insert
Candidate-path Count    : 1                             Candidate-path Preference : 100Path State             : Active                         Path Type            : PrimaryProtocol-Origin        : Configuration(30)              Originator           : 0,          : 100                            Binding SID          : 3001:1::91:0GroupId                : 2                              Policy Name          : policy11Template ID            : 0                              Path Verification    : EnableDelayTimerRemain       : -                              Network Slice ID     : -Segment-List Count     : 1Segment-List          : list11Segment-List ID      : 2                              XcIndex              : 1  List State           : Up                             DelayTimerRemain     : -Verification State   : Up                             SuppressTimeRemain   : -PMTU                 : 9600                           Active PMTU          : 9600Weight               : 1                              BFD State            : -Network Slice ID     : -                             Binding SID          : -Reverse Binding SID  : -                             SID :3001:3::10:0                              3001:4::10:0   

8.3.3 配置测试Loopback地址




interface LoopBack100

ip binding vpn-instance vpn1

ip address


interface LoopBack101

ip binding vpn-instance vpn1

ip address


8.3.4 发布VPN路由

PE4上,bgp ipv4 vpn实例vpn1在引入直连路由时,不引入loopback100/loopback101直连路由,通过引入静态路由方式,引入172.30.0.0/16,并发给PE1,这样做的目的是:PE1的vpn1都通过172.30.0.0/16访问172.30.1.1和172.30.2.1,并通过dscp对应不同的小color,迭代到不同的policy转发路径。



bgp 100


ipv4-family vpn-instance vpn1

import-route direct route-policy p1

import-route static


route-policy p1 permit node 10

if-match interface Ethernet3/0/0 (只允许局域端口的直连路由)


ip route-static vpn-instance vpn1 NULL0


执行完以上步骤后,在PE1用以下命令查看,未染色之前,走SRv6 BE路径:

[PE1]dis ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1

8.3.5 配置SRv6 Mapping Policy 功能说明

通过配置SRv6 Mapping Policy,设备利用业务路由(即VPN路由或私网路由)Color属性去匹配相同Color的SRv6 Mapping Policy,如果SRv6 Mapping Policy存在,则设备动态生成一个SRv6 TE Flow Group,供业务转发使用。该SRv6 TE Flow Group里存在多个Color属性不同,但EndPoint相同的SRv6 TE Policy。 DSCP说明
源IP地址 目的IP地址 模拟数据流 DSCP设置 Color 数据流1 AF31(DSCP:26,011010) 10 数据流2 AF21(DSCP:18,010010) 11 配置Mapping policy



segment-routing ipv6

mapping-policy p1 color 1000

match-type dscp

index 100 dscp ipv4 26 match srv6-te-policy color 10

index 200 dscp ipv4 18 match srv6-te-policy color 11


8.3.6 配置DSCP引流


route-policy p1 permit node 10

if-match ip-prefix 1

apply extcommunity color 0:101


route-policy p1 permit node 20

if-match ip-prefix 2

apply extcommunity color 0:1000


route-policy p1 permit node 30


ip ip-prefix 1 index 10 permit 24

ip ip-prefix 2 index 10 permit 16



tunnel-policy tnl-1

tunnel select-seq ipv6 srv6-te-policy load-balance-number 1


tunnel-policy tnl-2

tunnel select-seq ipv6 srv6-te-flow-group srv6-te-policy load-balance-number 1 unmix



ip vpn-instance vpn1


tnl-policy tnl-2 evpn


8.3.7 查看SRv6 TE Flow Group信息

[PE1]dis srv6-te flow-groupSRv6-TE Flow Group Information
Group Name            :
Color                 : 1000                          Endpoint            : 2001:4::1
Group Tunnel ID       : 4                             Group Tunnel Type   : SRv6-TE Flow Group
Group Tunnel State    : Up                            State Change Time   : 2023-09-27 04:54:43
Interface Index       : -                             Interface Name      : -
Interface State       : -
Delay Timer Remain    : -                             UP/ALL Num          : 2/2Index                : 100                           AfType              : IPv4DSCP                 : 26Match Tunnel         : SRv6-TE Policy                State               : UpColor                : 10                            Tunnel Id           : 1Index                : 200                           AfType              : IPv4DSCP                 : 18Match Tunnel         : SRv6-TE Policy                State               : UpColor                : 11                            Tunnel Id           : 2

8.3.8 查看VPN实例vpn1的路由

查看VPN实例IPv4路由表信息,可以看到私网路由已经成功迭代到SRv6 TE Flow Group。

[PE1]dis ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1
Route Flags: R - relay, D - download to fib, T - to vpn-instance, B - black hole route
Routing Table : vpn1Destinations : 7        Routes : 7         Destination/Mask    Proto   Pre  Cost        Flags NextHop                                  Interface127.0.0.0/8   Direct  0    0             D                                InLoopBack0172.10.1.0/24  Direct  0    0             D                               Ethernet3/0/2172.10.1.1/32  Direct  0    0             D                                Ethernet3/0/2172.10.1.255/32  Direct  0    0             D                                Ethernet3/0/2172.20.1.0/24  IBGP    255  0             RD  2001:4::1                                policy1172.30.0.0/16  IBGP    255  0             RD  2001:4::1                                SRv6-TE Flow Group  Direct  0    0             D                                InLoopBack0

8.3.9 Ping测试 测试说明

由于目前ENSP Pro的NE路由器版本不支持QoS,所以在PC侧设置DSCP值。
ping -Q 104 (设置DSCP为26,即AF31)
ping -Q 72 (设置DSCP为18(010010),即AF21, 计算方式:IP ToS为1个字节,共8个bit, 7到2bit位为:010010,补充1-0bit位:00,01001000换算10进制为72) 查看DSCP是否正确设置

CE1 ping测试时,在PE1-Eth3/0/2抓包,查看DSCP是否正确设置。
ping -Q 104 (设置DSCP为26(AF31)),抓包结果符合预期:

Frame 1: 98 bytes on wire (784 bits), 98 bytes captured (784 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: b2:e0:61:ae:0e:be (b2:e0:61:ae:0e:be), Dst: 38:03:00:11:03:02 (38:03:00:11:03:02)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: .... = Version: 4.... 0101 = Header Length: 20 bytes (5)Differentiated Services Field: 0x68 (DSCP: AF31, ECN: Not-ECT)0110 10.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Assured Forwarding 31 (26).... ..00 = Explicit Congestion Notification: Not ECN-Capable Transport (0)Total Length: 84Identification: 0xe123 (57635)010. .... = Flags: 0x2, Don't fragment...0 0000 0000 0000 = Fragment Offset: 0Time to Live: 64Protocol: ICMP (1)Header Checksum: 0xfee9 [validation disabled][Header checksum status: Unverified]Source Address: Address:
Internet Control Message Protocol

ping -Q 72 (设置DSCP为18(AF21)),抓包结果符合预期:

Frame 1: 98 bytes on wire (784 bits), 98 bytes captured (784 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: b2:e0:61:ae:0e:be (b2:e0:61:ae:0e:be), Dst: 38:03:00:11:03:02 (38:03:00:11:03:02)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: .... = Version: 4.... 0101 = Header Length: 20 bytes (5)Differentiated Services Field: 0x48 (DSCP: AF21, ECN: Not-ECT)0100 10.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Assured Forwarding 21 (18).... ..00 = Explicit Congestion Notification: Not ECN-Capable Transport (0)Total Length: 84Identification: 0x21f7 (8695)010. .... = Flags: 0x2, Don't fragment...0 0000 0000 0000 = Fragment Offset: 0Time to Live: 64Protocol: ICMP (1)Header Checksum: 0xbd36 [validation disabled][Header checksum status: Unverified]Source Address: Address:
Internet Control Message Protocol CE1 ping -Q 104

在PE1-3/0/0和3/0/1同时抓包,结果能正常ping通,3/0/0能抓到发出的包,3/0/1没有抓到发出的包。经过抓包分析,此数据流通过SRv6 TE Policy policy10传输,符合预期:

Frame 2: 194 bytes on wire (1552 bits), 194 bytes captured (1552 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: 38:03:00:11:03:00 (38:03:00:11:03:00), Dst: 38:06:00:11:03:01 (38:06:00:11:03:01)
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: ::, Dst: 3001:2::10:00110 .... = Version: 6.... 1111 1111 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic Class: 0xff (DSCP: Unknown, ECN: CE).... 1111 11.. .... .... .... .... .... = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Unknown (63).... .... ..11 .... .... .... .... .... = Explicit Congestion Notification: Congestion Experienced (3).... 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 = Flow Label: 0x00001Payload Length: 140Next Header: Routing Header for IPv6 (43)Hop Limit: 63Source Address: ::Destination Address: 3001:2::10:0Routing Header for IPv6 (Segment Routing)Next Header: IPIP (4)Length: 6[Length: 56 bytes]Type: Segment Routing (4)Segments Left: 2Last Entry: 2Flags: 0x00Tag: 0000Address[0]: 3001:4::4001:0Address[1]: 3001:4::10:0Address[2]: 3001:2::10:0
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: .... = Version: 4.... 0101 = Header Length: 20 bytes (5)Differentiated Services Field: 0x68 (DSCP: AF31, ECN: Not-ECT)0110 10.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Assured Forwarding 31 (26).... ..00 = Explicit Congestion Notification: Not ECN-Capable Transport (0)Total Length: 84Identification: 0xac39 (44089)010. .... = Flags: 0x2, Don't fragment...0 0000 0000 0000 = Fragment Offset: 0Time to Live: 63Protocol: ICMP (1)Header Checksum: 0x34d4 [validation disabled][Header checksum status: Unverified]Source Address: Address:
Internet Control Message Protocol CE1 ping -Q 72

在PE1-3/0/0和3/0/1同时抓包,结果能正常ping通,3/0/1能抓到发出的包,3/0/0没有抓到发出的包。经过抓包分析,此数据流通过SRv6 TE Policy policy11传输,符合预期:

Frame 2: 194 bytes on wire (1552 bits), 194 bytes captured (1552 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: 38:03:00:11:03:01 (38:03:00:11:03:01), Dst: 38:02:00:11:03:01 (38:02:00:11:03:01)Destination: 38:02:00:11:03:01 (38:02:00:11:03:01)Source: 38:03:00:11:03:01 (38:03:00:11:03:01)Type: IPv6 (0x86dd)
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: ::, Dst: 3001:3::10:00110 .... = Version: 6.... 1111 1111 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic Class: 0xff (DSCP: Unknown, ECN: CE).... 1111 11.. .... .... .... .... .... = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Unknown (63).... .... ..11 .... .... .... .... .... = Explicit Congestion Notification: Congestion Experienced (3).... 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 = Flow Label: 0x00001Payload Length: 140Next Header: Routing Header for IPv6 (43)Hop Limit: 63Source Address: ::Destination Address: 3001:3::10:0Routing Header for IPv6 (Segment Routing)Next Header: IPIP (4)Length: 6[Length: 56 bytes]Type: Segment Routing (4)Segments Left: 2Last Entry: 2Flags: 0x00Tag: 0000Address[0]: 3001:4::4001:0Address[1]: 3001:4::10:0Address[2]: 3001:3::10:0
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: .... = Version: 4.... 0101 = Header Length: 20 bytes (5)Differentiated Services Field: 0x48 (DSCP: AF21, ECN: Not-ECT)0100 10.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Assured Forwarding 21 (18).... ..00 = Explicit Congestion Notification: Not ECN-Capable Transport (0)Total Length: 84Identification: 0x3819 (14361)010. .... = Flags: 0x2, Don't fragment...0 0000 0000 0000 = Fragment Offset: 0Time to Live: 63Protocol: ICMP (1)Header Checksum: 0xa814 [validation disabled][Header checksum status: Unverified]Source Address: Address:
Internet Control Message Protocol

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