辐射3 囧句翻译(2)

1 Vance would kick my rather gorgeous ass  right out of here
2 We can't accomplish anything until we can get inside, but none of us are particularly capable fighters在里面我们不能面面俱到,但是我们都是可以独当一面的战士3 The Rock-It Launcher isn't the most accurate big gun, but as long as you've got junk lying around, you've got ammo.
Rock-It Launcher不是精度最高的大枪,但你随便在地上找点什么就可以拿来当作它的弹药
4 The fusion pulse charge must be rigged to the atomic bomb before it can be detonated。
5 If you can't be happy, at least look the  part.-----如果你不高兴,至少装成高兴的样子?
6  You're going to get me chewed out!你会让我挨骂的!
7 The world has lost one of its few remaining visionaries.-----我们又损失了为数不多的有远见的人
8 I'm a sniper with the Pride. Put any mutie bastard within one mile of me and my rifle and, well... pack it up troops.
9 It is complete with misleading tips about wasteland dangers, rambling notes about mutated creatures, and laughably naive  suggestions about rebuilding humanity.

10 The ants appear to be using this  to metabolize a food supply。 Ant secretions combined with the compost appear to be forming a potent chemical compound。
11 Yeah right, and the second I drop my guard you pounce. No thanks.耶,是的。在那一秒我对你的攻击丧失警惕的时候
12 Administering some low-grade stimulant could benefit the growth of this colony's pupae。
13 Hey, if we ain't going to look out for each other, what's the point? You think Colin gives a shit about us, Gob? Come on, sweetie, wake up.
14 That sort of thing might fly out in the Wastes, but here in the Citadel, it'll earn you a few broken teeth.
15 That sort of thing might fly out in the Wastes, but here in the Citadel, it'll earn you a few broken teeth.

16 That sort of thing might fly out in the Wastes, but here in the Citadel, it'll earn you a few broken teeth. 要是你妈妈知道我让他唯一的儿子成了(没用的人),他做鬼也不会放过我的
17 The last thing I need is you mother's ghost haunting me because her only child became a garbage burner.
18  Dusk? Oh, let me guess! Your real name's Dawn. Or is it Twilight?
19 "Give way your suspicions to the wisdom of thine Elder. Where he shows trust, so shall you,"
20 These guys won't buy me a round. Just one? Please?
21 Committees won't help. You need to simply ignore them, or exterminate them.
22 How amusing. You've mistaken my metaphor for a derogatory remark. I need a local, you see. Someone with verve.真搞笑!你误解了我的话,把标记弄错了。我须要知道位置的所在。
23 我们把东西平分总比让游民把Wastes弄得一片狼藉要好得多!你真是犯了一个低级错误。
24 I think not. I am no great fighter to begin with, and... I am not feeling well. I would only get in your way.
25 You're from the outside and I've lived too much of my life out there to trust every jackass nobody that wanders in from the Wasteland.
26 The bomb has been rigged to explode。 Once detonated, it will surely destroy the entire town of Megaton。
27 The bomb may be undetonated, but further examination reveals that it is still operational, and still quite dangerous。 Do you wish to disarm the atomic bomb, leave it unmodified, or insert the Fusion Pluse Charge?
28 Manipulate the power wattage on his razor, so he'll get an electric shock the next time he shaves。
29 A fellow Vault 101 resident is in possession of a Grognak the Barbarian comic book, issue number 1。
101避难所的一位居民手里有一本Grognak the Barbarian的漫画书,而且是创刊号
30 Humph... you don't gotta be such a jerk about it.
31 its focus on personal reliance and determination它对个人信心和决心的详细阐述
32 TNAM_4632
作者: Moira Brown
专业研究员: &PCName;
This sturdy guidebook contains a wealth of knowledge for wasteland survivors of any stripe.
The pages are filled with good advice about survival in the wasteland and working with others to form communities and  rebuild, and its usefulness is only slightly diminished by rambling notes on the minutia of wasteland species.
Despite these minor flaws, its focus on personal reliance and determination makes this is a very inspiring and useful book.

fallout3 辐射3 囧句翻译4

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