offsetof 说明


 #ifdef  _WIN64
#define offsetof(s,m)   (size_t)( (ptrdiff_t)&reinterpret_cast<const volatile char&>((((s *)0)->m)) )
#define offsetof(s,m)   (size_t)&reinterpret_cast<const volatile char&>((((s *)0)->m))
#endif#else#ifdef  _WIN64
#define offsetof(s,m)   (size_t)( (ptrdiff_t)&(((s *)0)->m) )
#define offsetof(s,m)   (size_t)&(((s *)0)->m)


s: 结构体类型

m: 是结构体数据成员名称



#include <stdio.h>
struct A{int a1; int a2;
{struct A a, *pa;a.a1=22;a.a2=33;pa = &a; // Print the address of the data member of variable aprintf("By variable a &a(%p) &a.a1(%p) &a.a2(%p) \n", &a, &a.a1, &a.a2);// Print the address of the data member of the pointer pa. The pa point to the variable a.printf("By pointer pa &a(%p) &pa->a1(0x%lx) &pa->a2(0x%lx)\n", &a, (size_t)&pa->a1, (size_t)&pa->a2);struct A *s=(struct A*)0;// Print the address of the data member of the pointer s. The s point to 0.printf("By pointer s &s->a1(%ld) &s->a2(%ld)\n", (size_t)&s->a1, (size_t)&s->a2);// Change s point to 100.s = (struct A*)100;printf("By pointer s &s->a1(%ld) &s->a2(%ld)\n", (size_t)&s->a1, (size_t)&s->a2);// First deference the pointer s, then get the address of the data memeber. printf("By pointer s &(*s).a1(%ld) &(*s).a2(%ld)\n", (size_t)&(*s).a1, (size_t)&(*s).a2);// Dangerous? Deference the pointer s, the get value of the data member.// printf("By pointer s (*s).a1(%d) (*s).a2(%d)\n", (*s).a1, (*s).a2);


By variable a &a(0x7fff5e0bae60) &a.a1(0x7fff5e0bae60) &a.a2(0x7fff5e0bae64)

By pointer pa &a(0x7fff5e0bae60) &pa->a1(0x7fff5e0bae60) &pa->a2(0x7fff5e0bae64)

By pointer s &s->a1(0) &s->a2(4)

By pointer s &s->a1(100) &s->a2(104)

By pointer s &(*s).a1(100) &(*s).a2(104)



因为这只是地址运算,不会操作地址所指向的 内存。



我们将上面的例子简单修改一下,增加一个virtual 成员函数,看看效果:

#include <stdio.h>
struct A{virtual ~A(){}int a1; int a2;
{struct A a, *pa;a.a1=22;a.a2=33;pa = &a; // Print the address of the data member of variable aprintf("By variable a &a(%p) &a.a1(%p) &a.a2(%p) \n", &a, &a.a1, &a.a2);// Print the address of the data member of the pointer pa. The pa point to the variable a.printf("By pointer pa &a(%p) &pa->a1(0x%lx) &pa->a2(0x%lx)\n", &a, (size_t)&pa->a1, (size_t)&pa->a2);struct A *s=(struct A*)0;// Print the address of the data member of the pointer s. The s point to 0.printf("By pointer s &s->a1(%ld) &s->a2(%ld)\n", (size_t)&s->a1, (size_t)&s->a2);// Change s point to 100.s = (struct A*)100;printf("By pointer s &s->a1(%ld) &s->a2(%ld)\n", (size_t)&s->a1, (size_t)&s->a2);// First deference the pointer s, then get the address of the data memeber. printf("By pointer s &(*s).a1(%ld) &(*s).a2(%ld)\n", (size_t)&(*s).a1, (size_t)&(*s).a2);// Dangerous? Deference the pointer s, the get value of the data member.// printf("By pointer s (*s).a1(%d) (*s).a2(%d)\n", (*s).a1, (*s).a2);


By variable a &a(0x7fffd686f520) &a.a1(0x7fffd686f528) &a.a2(0x7fffd686f52c)

By pointer pa &a(0x7fffd686f520) &pa->a1(0x7fffd686f528) &pa->a2(0x7fffd686f52c)

By pointer s &s->a1(8) &s->a2(12)

By pointer s &s->a1(108) &s->a2(112)

By pointer s &(*s).a1(108) &(*s).a2(112)


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  5. Linux / offsetof 和 container_of

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