
在ARMv8-A中,TLB flush/invalidate(通常ARM/x86处理器手册中称为invalidate,linux系统中称为flush,以下的讨论统称为flush)的指令为:

TLBI {IS} {, }
其中,"level"为1到3,对应ARMv8的三个exception level,即EL1,EL2,EL3,通常EL1运行linux等操作系统,EL2在虚拟化模式下运行hypervisor。

"type"相当于一个filter,指按照什么规则去选择被flush的item,包括VA(Virtual Address),IPA(Intermediate Physical Address),ASID(Adress Space Identifier),VMID(Virtual Mechine Identifier)等。在虚拟化模式下,IPA即EL1层的物理地址,它需要经过EL2层的转化才能成为最终的物理地址。ASID是区别有相同虚拟地址的不同进程的,VMID是区别有相同虚拟地址的不同虚拟机的。

"Xt"是可选参数,表示通用寄存器X0到X30。例如 “TLBI VAE1, X0”,表示将flush虚拟地址(type为VA)等于X0寄存器值的这个TLB entry。当然也可以使用“TLBI ALLELn”将TLB中的所有entries全部flush。

“IS”(Inner Shareable)也是可选参数。Inner和Outer是描述cache属性的,通常一个CPU独有的(比如L1 cache)和一个cluster下的CPU共享的(比如L2 cache)被定义为inner,不同cluster的CPU共享的(比如L3 cache)被定义为outer。

TLB也是一种cache,但不管是L1 data/instuction TLB,还是L2 LTB,都是每个CPU单独一份,所以都是inner的。Shareable是描述内存属性的,表示该内存区域是否可被多核共享。

对于多核共享的内存,当其中的某个核,比如,对共享内存中的某个page做了访问限制,它需要通过发出IPI(Inter Processor Interrupt)的方式,来通知其他核flush各自的TLB,这种方式被称为TLB击落(shootdown),在ARM指令上的体现就是TLBI IS。

和ARM使用一条指令配合不同参数来处理不同的TLB flush操作有所不同,作为CISC(复杂指令集)的典型代表,x86采用的是提供多条指令的方式:

INVLPG m - flush地址m所在的page对应的TLB entry,相当于ARM中的VA。
INVEPT - EPT是x86虚拟化中hypervisor(运行于ring0 - root级别)使用的页表,相当于ARM中的IPA。
好像没有像ARM的"TLBI ALLELn"那样的可以flush整个TLB的指令?其实上文提到过,只要写CR3寄存器就可以达到这一目的,可是它毕竟是和进程切换绑定的啊,我如果只是单纯想flush整个TLB呢?额,只要往CR3写入的物理地址与CR3现有的值相同就可以了。



flush_tlb_all() , flush整个TLB,其调用的指令是TLBI VMALLE1IS

dsb(ishst); // ensure write has completed
__tlbi(vmalle1is); // invalidate all TLB entries
dsb(ish); // ensure completion of TLB invalidation
isb(); // synchronize context and ensure that no instructions are fetched using the old translation
flush_tlb_mm(struct mm_struct *mm),flush属于某个进程/address space的TLB,其调用的指令是TLBI ASIDE1IS

unsigned long asid = __TLBI_VADDR(0, ASID(mm));

__tlbi(aside1is, asid);
__tlbi_user(aside1is, asid);


ARM Cortex-A Series Programmer’s Guide for ARMv8-A

/** Based on arch/arm/include/asm/tlbflush.h** Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Russell King* Copyright (C) 2012 ARM Ltd.** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as* published by the Free Software Foundation.** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the* GNU General Public License for more details.** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.*/
#ifndef __ASM_TLBFLUSH_H
#define __ASM_TLBFLUSH_H#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <asm/cputype.h>/** Raw TLBI operations.** Where necessary, use the __tlbi() macro to avoid asm()* boilerplate. Drivers and most kernel code should use the TLB* management routines in preference to the macro below.** The macro can be used as __tlbi(op) or __tlbi(op, arg), depending* on whether a particular TLBI operation takes an argument or* not. The macros handles invoking the asm with or without the* register argument as appropriate.*/
#define __TLBI_0(op, arg)       asm ("tlbi " #op)
#define __TLBI_1(op, arg)       asm ("tlbi " #op ", %0" : : "r" (arg))
#define __TLBI_N(op, arg, n, ...)   __TLBI_##n(op, arg)#define __tlbi(op, ...)      __TLBI_N(op, ##__VA_ARGS__, 1, 0)/**    TLB Management* ==============**  The TLB specific code is expected to perform whatever tests it needs*   to determine if it should invalidate the TLB for each call.  Start* addresses are inclusive and end addresses are exclusive; it is safe to* round these addresses down.**   flush_tlb_all()**       Invalidate the entire TLB.**    flush_tlb_mm(mm)**      Invalidate all TLB entries in a particular address space.*      - mm    - mm_struct describing address space**  flush_tlb_range(mm,start,end)**     Invalidate a range of TLB entries in the specified address*     space.*     - mm    - mm_struct describing address space*       - start - start address (may not be aligned)*       - end   - end address (exclusive, may not be aligned)** flush_tlb_page(vaddr,vma)**     Invalidate the specified page in the specified address range.*      - vaddr - virtual address (may not be aligned)*     - vma   - vma_struct describing address range** flush_kern_tlb_page(kaddr)**        Invalidate the TLB entry for the specified page.  The address*      will be in the kernels virtual memory space.  Current uses*     only require the D-TLB to be invalidated.*      - kaddr - Kernel virtual memory address*/
static inline void local_flush_tlb_all(void)
}static inline void flush_tlb_all(void)
}static inline void flush_tlb_mm(struct mm_struct *mm)
{unsigned long asid = ASID(mm) << 48;dsb(ishst);__tlbi(aside1is, asid);dsb(ish);
}static inline void flush_tlb_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma,unsigned long uaddr)
{unsigned long addr = uaddr >> 12 | (ASID(vma->vm_mm) << 48);dsb(ishst);__tlbi(vale1is, addr);dsb(ish);
}/** This is meant to avoid soft lock-ups on large TLB flushing ranges and not* necessarily a performance improvement.*/
#define MAX_TLB_RANGE   (1024UL << PAGE_SHIFT)static inline void __flush_tlb_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma,unsigned long start, unsigned long end,bool last_level)
{unsigned long asid = ASID(vma->vm_mm) << 48;unsigned long addr;if ((end - start) > MAX_TLB_RANGE) {flush_tlb_mm(vma->vm_mm);return;}start = asid | (start >> 12);end = asid | (end >> 12);dsb(ishst);for (addr = start; addr < end; addr += 1 << (PAGE_SHIFT - 12)) {if (last_level)__tlbi(vale1is, addr);else__tlbi(vae1is, addr);}dsb(ish);
}static inline void flush_tlb_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma,unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
{__flush_tlb_range(vma, start, end, false);
}static inline void flush_tlb_kernel_range(unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
{unsigned long addr;if ((end - start) > MAX_TLB_RANGE) {flush_tlb_all();return;}start >>= 12;end >>= 12;dsb(ishst);for (addr = start; addr < end; addr += 1 << (PAGE_SHIFT - 12))__tlbi(vaae1is, addr);dsb(ish);isb();
}/** Used to invalidate the TLB (walk caches) corresponding to intermediate page* table levels (pgd/pud/pmd).*/
static inline void __flush_tlb_pgtable(struct mm_struct *mm,unsigned long uaddr)
{unsigned long addr = uaddr >> 12 | (ASID(mm) << 48);__tlbi(vae1is, addr);dsb(ish);


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