Background App

  • Example Usage
  • Description
  • Support
    • Appium Server
    • Appium Clients
  • HTTP API Specifications
    • Endpoint
    • URL Parameters
    • JSON Parameters
    • Response

Send the currently running app for this session to the background //将此会话当前正在运行的应用程序发送到后台

Example Usage
Java driver.runAppInBackground(Duration.ofSeconds(10));
Python self.driver.background_app(10)
Javascript // example
// wd example
await driver.backgroundApp(10);
Ruby # ruby_lib example
# ruby_lib_core example
C# driver.BackgroundApp(10)
PHP $driver->backgroundApp(10);

Send the currently active app to the background, and either return after a certain amount of time, or leave the app deactivated. There are 3 types of parameters which may be passed to this method: //将当前活动的应用程序发送到后台,并在一定时间后返回,或使应用程序处于停用状态。有3种类型的参数可以传递给此方法:

  • 1.An object that looks like {"seconds": secs}, where secs is an integer designating how long, in seconds, to background the app for. -1 means to deactivate the app entirely.

  • 2.null, which means to deactivate the app entirely.

  • 3.Deprecated An integer: how long, in seconds, to background the app for. -1 means to deactivate the app entirely.
    iOS tests with XCUITest can also use the mobile: terminateAppmethod to terminate the current app (see detailed documentation), and the mobile: activateApp to activate an existing application on the device under test and moves it to the foreground (see detailed documentation).

Appium Server


Appium Clients


HTTP API Specifications

POST /session/:session_id/appium/app/background

URL Parameters
name description
session_id ID of the session to route the command to
JSON Parameters
name type description
seconds number How long to run app in background.


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