
While Apple has made serious improvements to the HomeKit smarthome framework, there are still more than a few ghosts in the machine. Let’s look at how to banish the extremely frustrating “Address is not registered with iCloud” error to get your system back up and running.

尽管苹果已经对HomeKit智能家庭框架进行了重大改进,但该机器中仍然存在许多幽灵。 让我们看一下如何消除极为令人沮丧的“地址未向iCloud注册”错误,以使系统备份并运行。

该错误如何处理? (What’s the Deal With This Error?)

Errors are always a hassle. They’re arcane, you can’t understand what’s causing it, and you have to Google around until you find the answer. This particular error is even more frustrating, because it clearly spells out exactly why the error is occurring–except the reason it gives makes no sense. 

错误总是很麻烦。 它们是不可思议的,您无法理解是什么原因造成的,您必须在Google周围直到找到答案。 这个特定的错误更加令人沮丧,因为它清楚地阐明了错误发生的确切原因-除了给出错误的原因之外。

This error appears when you invite a person to share your HomeKit smarthome system. It rejects the invitation, claiming that they do not have a registered iCloud address even when you know you’re using their iCloud address. As seen in the header image above, you get the text “Invitation Failed: Could not invite “username@icloud.com” because the email address is not registered with iCloud.”

邀请他人共享HomeKit智能家居系统时,会出现此错误。 它拒绝邀请,声称他们没有注册的iCloud地址,即使您知道自己在使用他们的iCloud地址也是如此。 如上图所示,您收到文本“邀请失败:由于电子邮件地址未在iCloud中注册,因此无法邀请“ username@icloud.com”。”

Don’t worry: you aren’t crazy, and haven’t made a typo. Often, it’s a matter of the Home app getting stuck in a glitch wherein it rejects all iCloud addresses, regardless of whether or not they are valid.

别担心:您并不疯狂,也没有打错字。 通常,这是Home应用陷入困境的问题,在该应用中,它拒绝所有iCloud地址,无论它们是否有效。

While this problem will certainly be patched in future editions of iOS, for the moment it remains a very frustrating hiccup. Thankfully we’ve got a clear solution you can use to resolve it.

尽管此问题肯定会在将来的iOS版本中修复,但目前仍是一个令人沮丧的麻烦。 值得庆幸的是,我们有一个清晰的解决方案,可以用来解决它。

如何解决错误 (How to Fix the Error)

If you’re a HomeKit early adopter, you might be already braced for the go-to fallback when faced with inscrutable HomeKit problem: resetting your whole HomeKit system. Don’t worry though! We, like you, hate to reset our system just to fix a small (but very annoying) error and we looked at the problem from every angle to find a way you could avoid that hassle.

如果您是HomeKit的早期采用者,那么当您面对不可思议的HomeKit问题:重置整个HomeKit系统时,您可能已经准备好应对失败。 不过不要担心! 与您一样,我们讨厌重置我们的系统,只是为了解决一个很小(但非常烦人的错误)的问题,我们从各个角度研究了该问题,以找到避免这种麻烦的方法。

Rather than dump your entire setup and start over, you can banish this nonsensical error by simply repopulating your guest list. Open the Home app and access the settings menu by selecting the arrow icon in the upper left corner.

您可以通过重新填充来宾列表来消除这种无意义的错误,而不必丢弃整个设置并重新开始。 打开“主页”应用程序,然后选择左上角的箭头图标来访问设置菜单。

In the “People” section, located halfway down the screen, select each current guest member of your HomeKit household, one by one.


Inside each individual member screen, scroll down and select “Remove Person”. Repeat this process for all existing guest members including those with pending invitations they haven’t responded to yet. Scroll down to the very bottom of the guest entry until you see “Remove Person” then click it to remove them.

在每个成员屏幕内,向下滚动并选择“删除人”。 对所有现有来宾成员重复此过程,包括那些尚未回复的待处理邀请的成员。 向下滚动到访客条目的最底部,直到看到“ Remove Person”,然后单击将其删除。

After you’ve removed all the guest members in your HomeKit household, turn right back around and invite them back. Magically, the exact same iCloud users that were “invalid” should pass through the invitation process with no issue.

删除HomeKit家庭中的所有来宾成员后,请向右转并邀请他们回来。 神奇的是,“无效”的完全相同的iCloud用户应该顺利通过邀请过程。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/276908/how-to-fix-homekit-address-is-not-registered-with-icloud-errors/



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