
It’s been eight years since a few Stanford professors decided to offer their courses online for free. These courses are now commonly known as as MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses.

距斯坦福大学的几位教授决定免费在线提供课程已经八年了。 这些课程现在通常被称为MOOC或大规模在线公开课程 。

And since then, over 900 universities have launched 13,500 online courses. These courses have been taken by 110 million learners.

自那时以来,超过900所大学已开设了13,500项在线课程 。 这些课程已被1.1亿学习者所接受 。

Not all of these courses are free like they used to be. Some now charge for certifications or require you to pay to access the full course materials. But you can still audit them for free.

并非所有这些课程都是免费的。 现在有些人收取认证费用,或者要求您付费才能获得完整的课程资料。 但是您仍然可以免费对其进行审核 。

I’ve been keeping track of these courses the entire time over at Class Central - ever since free online courses rose to prominence. It's been 8 years since I founded Class Central, and have helped more than 20 million learners decide which online courses to take.

自从免费在线课程开始兴起以来,我一直在Class Central中一直跟踪这些课程。 自我创办Class Central至今已有8年,已经帮助超过2000万名学习者决定选择哪种在线课程。

方法论:我们如何确定2019年排名前100的免费课程 (Methodology: How we determined the Top 100 Free Courses of 2019)

First, we went through Class Central’s database and made a list of all the courses that were offered for the first time ever in 2019. We found that 450 universities around the world have now launched more than 2,500 courses.

首先,我们浏览了Class Central的数据库,并列出了2019年首次开设的所有课程。我们发现,全球450所大学现已开设了2500多门课程。

Then Suparn wrote scrapers to collect enrollment numbers from three different course providers: Coursera, edX, and Swayam. Each of these providers show how many students are enrolled on their course pages. These three providers alone registered around 5 million enrollments for courses launched in 2019.

然后, Suparn编写了scraper,以收集来自三个不同课程提供者的注册号:Coursera,edX和Swayam。 这些提供商中的每一个都在他们的课程页面上显示有多少学生报名。 仅这三个提供商,就为2019年启动的课程注册了约500万名学生。

Along with this, we also explored data from our users. Most importantly, how many times a course has been bookmarked on Class Central.

除此之外,我们还探索了来自用户的数据。 最重要的是,一门课程在Class Central上被添加了书签的次数。

Using the provider's enrollment data and our own bookmarks data, we came up with a list of 100 most popular courses of 2019 - a wide assortment from 68 universities.

使用提供商的注册数据和我们自己的书签数据,我们得出了2019年100项最受欢迎课程的列表-来自68所大学的各种课程 。

You can also find this list on Class Central which I built using Class Central’s Custom List feature. Not all the courses on this list might be available, but if you bookmark a course on Class Central, we will let you know when it is offered next.

您还可以在我使用Class Central的“自定义列表”功能构建的Class Central 上找到此列表 。 并非此列表中的所有课程都可用,但是如果您在Class Central上为课程添加书签,我们将在下一次提供该课程时通知您。

现在... 2019最受欢迎的在线课程 (And now... 2019's Most Popular Online Courses)

Here are the most popular free online university courses of 2019 (not ordered by popularity).


  • Understanding Multiple Sclerosis (MS) from University of Tasmania ★★★★★(246)

    了解 塔斯马尼亚大学的 多发性硬化症(MS) ★★★★★(246)

  • Differential Equations for Engineers from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ★★★★★(32)

    香港科技大学 工程师微分方程 ★★★★★(32)

  • Teaching English: How to Plan a Great Lesson from British Council ★★★★★(125)

    教授英语:如何计划 英国文化协会的精彩教学 ★★★★★(125)

  • Understanding IELTS: Speaking from British Council ★★★★★(26)

    了解雅思:来自英国文化协会的 演讲 ★★★★★(26)

  • The Art of Structural Engineering: Vaults from Princeton University ★★★★★(17)

    结构工程的艺术: 普林斯顿大学的金库★★★★★(17)

  • Improving Your Study Techniques from University of Groningen ★★★★★(20)

    格罗宁根大学为 您改进学习技巧 ★★★★★(20)

  • Mathematical Economics from Doon University, Dehradun ★★★★★(75)

    德拉敦Doon大学 数学经济学 ★★★★★(75)

  • Constitutional Interpretation from Princeton University ★★★★★(16)

    普林斯顿大学的 宪法解释 ★★★★★(16)

  • Happier Employees and Return-On-Investment Course from The University of Texas at Austin ★★★★★(10)

    得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 更快乐的员工和投资回报课程 ★★★★★(10)

  • Gender and Sexuality: Applications in Society from The University of British Columbia ★★★★★(48)

    性别与性: 不列颠哥伦比亚大学的 社会应用 ★★★★★(48)

  • The IB Extended Essay: Managing your Research Project from University of Leeds ★★★★★(32)

    IB扩展论文:管理来自利兹大学的 研究项目 ★★★★★(32)

  • Agile Leadership Principles from University System of Maryland ★★★★★(124)

    马里兰大学系统的 敏捷领导原则 ★★★★★(124)

  • ANIMATIONs from Banaras Hindu University ★★★★☆(61)

    Banaras印度大学的 动画 ★★★★☆(61)

  • Python and Statistics for Financial Analysis from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ★★★★☆(58)

    香港科技大学的 财务分析Python和统计学 ★★★★☆(58)

  • Unlocking Information Security: Part Ⅰ from Tel Aviv University ★★★★★(2)

    解锁信息安全: 特拉维夫大学的 第一部分 ★★★★★(2)

  • Digital Security and Human Rights from Amnesty International ★★★★★(1)

    大赦国际的 数字安全与人权 ★★★★★(1)

  • Fundamentals of Statistics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology ★★★★★(1)

    麻省理工学院 的统计基础 ★★★★★(1)

  • Herbal Medicine from University of Minnesota ★★★★★(1)

    明尼苏达大学的 草药 ★★★★★(1)

  • Ideas for a Better World: Leading Change Through Policymaking from British Council ★★★★★(1)

    创造更美好世界的想法: 英国文化协会 ★★★★★ 通过政策制定引领变革 (1)

  • Ethical Hacking from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur ★★★★★(1)

    来自印度 哈拉格布尔 印度理工学院的 道德黑客行为 ★★★★★(1)

  • Data Analysis: A Practical Introduction for Absolute Beginners from Microsoft ★★★★☆(1)

    数据分析: Microsoft 绝对入门者的实用入门 ★★★★☆(1)

  • The Tudors from University of Roehampton ★★★★☆(1)

    罗汉普顿大学 的都铎王朝 ★★★★☆(1)

  • C for Everyone: Programming Fundamentals from University of California, Santa Cruz ★★★★☆(1)

    适用于所有人的C: 加利福尼亚大学圣克鲁斯分校的 编程基础知识 ★★★★☆(1)

  • Hacking Exercise For Health. The surprising new science of fitness. from McMaster University ★★★★☆(2)

    黑客锻炼有益健康。 令人惊讶的健身新科学。 来自麦克马斯特大学 ★★★★☆(2)

  • Python for Data Science and AI from IBM ★★★☆☆(1)

    IBM ★★★☆☆ 用于数据科学和AI的Python (1)

  • Critical thinking: reasoned decision making from Tecnológico de Monterrey ★★☆☆☆(1)

    批判性思维: Tecnológicode Monterrey的 合理决策 ★★☆☆☆(1)

  • Brand Identity and Strategy from IE Business School

    IE商学院的 品牌识别和策略

  • Weight Management: Beyond Balancing Calories from Emory University

    体重管理:超越 Emory大学的 卡路里平衡

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) from IBM

    IBM的 人工智能(AI)简介

  • Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning from deeplearning.ai

    来自deeplearning.ai的 TensorFlow人工智能,机器学习和深度学习 简介

  • Applying Data Analytics in Marketing from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    伊利诺伊大学香槟分校的 市场营销中的数据分析应用

  • Getting Started with AWS Machine Learning from Amazon Web Services

    Amazon Web Services 进行AWS机器学习入门

  • The Language of Design: Form and Meaning from California Institute of the Arts

    设计语言: 加州艺术学院的 形式与意义

  • Developing a Systems Mindset from University of Colorado Boulder

    科罗拉多博尔德大学 开发系统思想

  • Introduction to Android graphics from Imperial College London

    伦敦帝国学院的 Android图形简介

  • The Neuromarketing Toolbox from Copenhagen Business School

    哥本哈根商学院 的神经营销工具箱

  • Empowering Yourself in a Post-Truth World from State University of New York

    纽约州立大学 赋予后真理世界的权力

  • Introduction to Self-Determination Theory: An approach to motivation, development and wellness from University of Rochester

    自我决定理论导论: 罗切斯特大学的 动机,发展和健康方法

  • Counseling Practice and Research from Seoul National University

    首尔国立大学的 咨询实践与研究

  • China’s Political and Intellectual Foundations: From Sage Kings to Confucius from Harvard University

    中国的政治和知识基础:从贤者之王到 哈佛大学的 Kong子

  • Blockchain and FinTech: Basics, Applications, and Limitations from The University of Hong Kong

    区块链和金融科技: 香港大学的 基础知识,应用和局限性

  • English@Work: Basic Job Interview Skills from Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    英语@工作: 香港理工大学的 基本面试技巧

  • Child Protection: Children’s Rights in Theory and Practice from Harvard University

    儿童保护: 哈佛大学的 儿童权利理论与实践

  • Freedom of Expression and Information in the Time of Globalization: Foundational Course from Columbia University

    全球化时代的表达自由和信息自由: 哥伦比亚大学 基础课程

  • CS50 for Lawyers from Harvard University

    哈佛大学 律师CS50

  • Women Making History: Ten Objects, Many Stories from Harvard University

    女性创造历史:十个对象, 哈佛大学的 许多故事

  • Advanced Android with Kotlin from Google

    带有 Google Kotlin的高级Android

  • The New World of Arnold Schönberg’s Piano Music from Stanford University

    斯坦福大学 阿诺德·朔恩伯格的钢琴音乐新世界

  • Exploring GraphQL: A Query Language for APIs from Linux Foundation

    探索GraphQL:来自Linux Foundation的 API查询语言

  • Rhetoric: The Art of Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking from Harvard University

    修辞学: 哈佛大学 的说服力写作和公共演讲艺术

  • The Future of Work: Preparing for Disruption from The World Bank

    工作的未来:为 世界银行的 破产做准备

  • Research and Development in Discrete Industries


  • Backyard Meteorology: The Science of Weather from Harvard University

    后院气象学: 哈佛大学 的天气科学

  • Academic writing for clarity and meaning from University of the Witwatersrand

    来自威特沃特斯兰德大学的 学术著作,以提高清晰度和含义

  • The Health Effects of Climate Change from Harvard University

    哈佛大学 气候变化对健康的影响

  • Mindfulness and Resilience to Stress at Work from University of California, Berkeley

    加州大学伯克利分校的 正念和应变能力

  • Machine Learning with Python: from Linear Models to Deep Learning from Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    使用Python进行机器学习:从线性模型到 麻省理工学院的 深度学习

  • Inclusive Education: Essential Knowledge for Success from Queensland University of Technology

    融合教育: 昆士兰科技大学 成功的基本知识

  • Data Analysis for Decision Making from University System of Maryland

    来自马里兰大学系统的 决策数据分析

  • Introduction to Encryption and Cryptography from Raspberry Pi Foundation

    Raspberry Pi Foundation的 加密和密码学简介

  • Introduction to Self-Driving Cars from University of Toronto

    多伦多大学 无人驾驶汽车简介

  • Cannabis, Mental Health, and Brain Disorders from University of Colorado Boulder

    科罗拉多大学博尔德分校的 大麻,心理健康和脑部疾病

  • Managing ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, and Concussion in School from University of Colorado System

    科罗拉多大学系统管理 学校的ADHD,自闭症,学习障碍和脑震荡

  • Applying Data Analytics in Finance from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    伊利诺伊大学香槟分校的 金融学中的数据分析应用

  • Introduction to Applied Machine Learning from Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute

    艾伯塔省机器智能研究所的 应用机器学习简介

  • Introduction to Climate Change and Health from Yale University

    耶鲁大学 气候变化与健康概论

  • Python and Machine Learning for Asset Management from EDHEC Business School

    EDHEC商学院 用于资产管理的Python和机器学习

  • Negotiation skills: Negotiate and resolve conflict from Macquarie University

    谈判技巧:谈判并解决 麦格理大学的 冲突

  • Foundational Skills for Communicating About Health from University of Michigan

    密歇根大学的 健康沟通基础技能

  • Hypothesis-Driven Development from University of Virginia

    弗吉尼亚大学的 假设驱动的发展

  • Exploring Renewable Energy Schemes from University of Pennsylvania

    探索 宾夕法尼亚大学的 可再生能源计划

  • Improving Your Statistical Questions from Eindhoven University of Technology

    改善 埃因霍温科技大学的 统计问题

  • Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB from MathWorks

    MathWorks的 MATLAB探索性数据分析

  • Machine Learning from The University of Texas at Austin

    来自德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的 机器学习

  • Personal growth basics (for people with limited health abilities) from Ural Federal University

    乌拉尔联邦大学的 个人成长基础(针对健康能力有限的人)

  • Financial Development and Financial Inclusion from International Monetary Fund

    国际货币基金组织的 金融发展与金融包容性

  • Steps in Japanese for Beginners1 Part1 from Waseda University

    早稻田大学 针对初学者的日语步骤1(第1部分)

  • GMBA824 Know your customers from Macquarie University

    GMBA824认识 麦格理大学 的客户

  • Nutrition: Eating to Live Well from Tapei Medical University

    营养: Tapei医科大学的 饮食要 过上好日子

  • Food and Mood: Improving Mental Health Through Diet and Nutrition from Deakin University

    饮食: 迪肯大学 通过饮食和营养改善心理健康

  • An Introduction to Programming through C++ from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

    印度孟买理工学院 C ++编程简介

  • Artificial Intelligence Search Methods For Problem Solving from Indian Institute of Technology Madras

    印度理工学院Madras 解决问题的人工智能搜索方法

  • Programming in Java from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

    Kharagpur印度理工学院的 Java编程

  • Joy of computing using Python from Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar

    Ropar印度理工学院 使用Python进行计算的 乐趣

  • Introduction to Machine Learning (IITM) from Indian Institute of Technology Madras

    印度技术学院Madras的 机器学习(IITM)简介

  • Programming, Data Structures And Algorithms Using Python from Chennai Mathematical Institute

    钦奈数学学院的 Python编程,数据结构和算法

  • Python for Data Science from Indian Institute of Technology Madras

    来自印度理工学院Madras的 Python for Data Science

  • Developing Soft Skills and Personality from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

    来自印度坎普尔技术学院的 软技能和人格发展

  • Caring for Children Moving Alone: Protecting Unaccompanied and Separated Children from University of Strathclyde

    照顾独处的儿童:保护 斯特拉斯克莱德大学的 无人陪伴和失散儿童

  • Managing People: Understanding Individual Differences from University of Reading

    管理人员:了解 雷丁大学的 个人差异

  • Digital Transformation in the Classroom from Norwegian University of Science and Technology

    挪威科技大学 课堂上的数字化转型

  • From data base to big data from Université Côte d’Azur

    从数据库到 蔚蓝海岸大学的 大数据

  • Diplomacy in the 21st Century from The Open University

    开放大学 的21世纪外交

  • Understanding Gender Inequality from University of Exeter

    埃克塞特大学 了解性别不平等

  • Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills from University of Michigan

    成功的谈判: 密歇根大学的 基本策略和技巧

  • Science Communication and Public Engagement from EIT Food

    EIT Food的 科学传播与公众参与

  • English Pronunciation in a Global World from University of Amsterdam

    阿姆斯特丹大学 全球英语发音

  • America’s Opioid Epidemic: From Evidence to Impact from Johns Hopkins University

    美国的阿片类药物流行:从证据到 约翰霍普金斯大学的 影响

  • Understanding ADHD: Current Research and Practice from King’s College London

    了解多动症: 伦敦国王学院的 最新研究与实践

  • End of Life Care: Challenges and Innovation from University of Glasgow

    生命终结护理: 格拉斯哥大学的 挑战与创新

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/100-popular-free-online-courses-2019/



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