

用法:tf.sin(x, name=None) or tf.math.sin(x, name=None)






# Importing the Tensorflow library

import tensorflow as tf

# A constant vector of size 6

a = tf.constant([1.0, -0.5, 3.4, -2.1, 0.0, -6.5], dtype = tf.float32)

# Applying the sin function and

# storing the result in 'b'

b = tf.sin(a, name ='sin')

# Initiating a Tensorflow session

with tf.Session() as sess:

print('Input type:', a)

print('Input:', sess.run(a))

print('Return type:', b)

print('Output:', sess.run(b))


Input type:Tensor("Const_1:0", shape=(6, ), dtype=float32)

Input:[ 1. -0.5 3.4000001 -2.0999999 0. -6.5 ]

Return type:Tensor("sin_0:0", shape=(6, ), dtype=float32)

Output:[ 0.84147096 -0.47942555 -0.25554121 -0.86320943 0. -0.21511999]


# Importing the Tensorflow library

import tensorflow as tf

# Importing the NumPy library

import numpy as np

# Importing the matplotlib.pylot function

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# A vector of size 15 with values from -5 to 5

a = np.linspace(-5, 5, 15)

# Applying the sigmoid function and

# storing the result in 'b'

b = tf.sin(a, name ='sin')

# Initiating a Tensorflow session

with tf.Session() as sess:

print('Input:', a)

print('Output:', sess.run(b))

plt.plot(a, sess.run(b), color = 'red', marker = "o")






Input:[-5. -4.28571429 -3.57142857 -2.85714286 -2.14285714 -1.42857143

-0.71428571 0. 0.71428571 1.42857143 2.14285714 2.85714286

3.57142857 4.28571429 5. ]

Output:[ 0.95892427 0.91034694 0.41672165 -0.2806294 -0.84078711 -0.98990308

-0.6550779 0. 0.6550779 0.98990308 0.84078711 0.2806294

-0.41672165 -0.91034694 -0.95892427]

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