

Day57variety [və'raɪəti] n.变化;多样化;种类,品种例:If things go well, the company can get a variety of benefits from the new project.如果事情进展顺利,这家公司可以从这个新的项目中获得各种好处。商:product variety 产品种类;产品多样性搭:a variety of 各种各样的;种种/variety show 综艺节目/variety store 杂货店receive [rɪ'si:v] v.收到,得到;接收;接待例:The important customer was received as the honoured guest at our company.这位重要的客户在我们公司受到贵宾级的接待。搭:receive information/payment 收到信息/付款派:received adj.被承认的,被一致认可的(例:received pronunciation 标准发音)on business 出差;业务方面例:It is not easy for you to meet him in the office, because he is frequently on business.你很难在办公室碰到他,因为他经常出差。dull [dʌl] adj.乏味的;不景气的;(天气等)阴沉的;愚钝的;不锋利的例:Companies have begun to cut jobs and slash marketing budgets, since the market has been dull recently.由于最近市场不景气,各个公司都开始裁员并大幅缩减营销预算。搭:dull pupil 愚笨的学生/dull weather 沉闷的天气派:dully adv.乏味地,单调地/dullness n.乏味,单调reject [rɪ'dʒekt] vt.拒绝;驳回;摒弃;拒纳,退回例:The proposal on the marketing campaign was rejected on the grounds of budget.由于预算原因,关于营销活动的建议没有被采纳派:rejection n.抛弃;拒绝;被抛弃的东西(例:rejection letter 拒绝信)request [rɪ'kwest] n./vt. 请求,要求例:Our company requested every employee not to disclose any information about our latest product before it was available on the market.我们公司要求每位员工在我们的最新产品面试之前不得透漏其任何消息搭:at the request of sb./at one's request 在某人的要求下regain [rɪ'geɪn] vt.恢复;重新获得;收回 vi.上涨例:We will do everything we can to regain the market share that we have lost.我们会不惜一切代价收回我们丢掉的市场份额。搭:regain consiousness 恢复知觉track [træk] n.轨道;足迹,踪迹;小道 v.追踪例:The enterprise was back on track through government support and through strengthening capital management.通过政府扶持及加强资金管理,这家企业重新走上了正轨。商:track record(多年的)成就或业绩记录搭:back on track 步入正轨;恢复正常/keep/lose track of 与...保持/失去联系/track...down 搜索到;跟踪找到派:tracker n.跟踪者/trackless adj.无踪迹的monitor ['mɒnɒtə(r)] vt.监控;监测 n.监视器,检测器;(计算机)显示器例:They conduct a market investigation to monitor the progress of the work.他们通过做市场调查来监控工作的进展。搭:monitor screen 监视屏,监控画面/monitor performance/standards 监控业绩/标准invincible [ɪn'vɪnsəbl] adj.无敌的,不能征服的例:Innovation is the most powerful weapon to make an enterprise invincible.创新是使一个企业立于不败之地的最强有力的武器。派:invincibility n.无敌,不可战胜Day58surplus ['sɜːpləs] n.过剩,剩余;盈余;贸易顺差 adj.过剩的,多余的例:China's trade surplus began to decline because of surging import volumes and a deteriorating trade environment.由于进口量飙升和贸易环境恶化,中国的贸易顺差有所下降商:budget surplus 预算盈余/surplus cash/funds 剩余的现金/资金 搭:in surplus 剩余;盈余 vuluerable ['vʌlnərəbl] adj.脆弱的;易受伤害的;易感染的搭:vulnerable group 弱势群体/be vulnerable to 易受...伤害(或影响)派:vulnerability n.弱点;易损性(例:financial vulnerability 金融脆弱性)写作小站:The import ans export industry is quite a sensitive industry and is vulnerable to international relations and political volatility.进出口业是一个非常敏感的行业,它容易受到国际关系和政治波动的影响。canvass ['kænvəs] vi.游说,拉选票 vt.到处游说;拉选票;调查(民意),征求(意见) n.游说;讨论例:The government has been canvassing opinions on the issues of environmental problems.政府一直在征求民众在环境问题上的意见商:canvass for subscription 招徕订货搭:canvass support 努力赢得支持/canvass sb. for sth. 为某事向某人游说/carry out a canvass 拉选票 派:canvasser n.游说者;推销员overall [,əʊvər'ɔːl] adj.全部的;一切在内的 adv.全部地;总的说来 ['əʊvərɔːl] n.工装裤;罩衫例:The project will cost $1.5 million overall.这个项目总计要花费1500万美金。商:overall cost 总成本/the overall rise in unemployment rate 失业率的总体上升搭:overall majority 绝大多数accepting bank 承兑银行例:The accepting bank honours the L/C and transfers requested funds to our company.承兑引港承兑信用证并将资金汇给我们公司。delegate ['delɪgət] n.会议代表,委员会委员;议员 ['delɪgeɪt] vt.委派(或选举)...为代表;授(权),把...委托给例:Econnomists have now been delegated to work on a draft settlement on deflation.现已委派经济学家起草解决通货紧缩的草案。搭:delegates of industry and commerce 工商界代表派:delegation n.代表团(例:delegation of enterprises 企业代表团)Day58The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.
你需要努力去超越的人,唯有昨天的自己。laser printer 激光打印机例:The laser printer has become the most popular printer in the market because of its good performance and high efficiency.由于性能好、效率高,激光打印机成为市场上最受欢迎的打印机concept ['kɒnsept] n.观念,概念例:Consumers began to accept the self-service concept of fast food popularised by McDonald's.消费者开始接受由麦当劳普及开来的快餐自助服务理念商:the concept of scientific development 科学发展观/consumption concept 消费理念/management concept 管理理念搭:stereotyped concept 传统观念派:conception n.概念;构思/conceptive adj.概念的;有想象力的prowess ['praʊəs] n.高超的技艺,非凡的才能搭:academic prowess 学术造诣/technical prowess 技术才能propagate ['prɒpəgeɪt] vt.传播;宣传;繁殖例:TV advertising is not allowed to be used to propagate anything concerning obscenity, violence, etc.电视广告不得用来传播淫秽、暴力等内容。派:propagation n.传播,宣传;增值;繁殖/propagator n.传播者;培植箱duty ['dju:ti] n.关税;值班;职务商:customs duty 关税/import duty 进口税/stamp duty 印花税/transfer duty 过户税,交易税搭:be on/off duty 在值班/下班price [praɪs] n.价格,价钱 vt.给...定价,标价商:competitive price 有竞争力的价格/retail price index 零售价格指数/price control 价格管制/price discrimination 价格歧视,价格差别/price range 价格幅度搭:at any price 不惜任何代价/at a price 花大钱/beyond price 无价的,极宝贵的/put a price on 为(贵重物品)开价听说小站:M: Our latest product targets middle-income consumers. So how should we price it?我们的最新产品面向中等收入人群。那么我们该如何定价呢?W: Considering the factors of costs and our target consumers, we expected to price it at about $500.考虑到成本和目标消费者的因素,我们预计将价格定在500美元左右。reputable ['repjətəbl] adj.值得信赖的;声誉好的商:reputable dealer/supplier 声誉良好的交易商/供应商派:disreputable adj.不值得信赖的;声誉不好的gearing ['gɪərɪŋ] n.联动比率;资本与负债比率例:It can be inferred from the gearing how much of the company's funds is provided by the debtee.可以从资本与负债比率中推算出企业的资金中有多少是由债权人提供的。商:increase/reduce gearing 增加/减少资本与负债比率optimise ['ɒptɪmaɪz] vt.使优化;充分利用例:In order to make use of the budget effectively, the company began to optimise the structure of expenditures.为了有效地使用预算,公司开始优化支出结构派:optimisation n.最佳化,最优化arbitration [,a:bɪ'treɪʃn] n.仲裁,公断;鉴定;检验商:foreign-related arbitration 涉外仲裁/arbitration clause 仲裁条款/arbitration pannel 仲裁小组搭:take sth. to arbitration 将...提交仲裁写作小站:In order to save both of our time and energy, we sincerely holp we can solve our disputes through arbitration rather than appealing them to the court.为了节省彼此的时间和精力,我方真诚地希望我们能通过仲裁解决争端,而不是向法院提起诉讼。Day59industry [ɪndəstri] n.工业,产业商:industry and commerce 工商业/heavy/light industry 重/轻工业/primary industry 初级产业/secondary industry 第二产业/sunrise industry 朝阳产业membership ['membəʃɪp] n.成员资格,会员身份;全体成员例:With membership you can enjoy a 10% discount at our hotel.在我们宾馆,会员可以享受10%的折扣。搭:apply for membership 申请入会/increase/lose membership 增加/失去会员vendor ['vendə(r)] n.卖方;小贩;自动售货机例:The vendor is obliged to make timely report to the purchaser about the progress of production.卖方有义务及时向买方汇报生产进度。商:vendor placing 卖主私募/street vendor 街头小贩blue chip 蓝筹股(稳健、风险小的股票),绩优股例:Blue chip issues rocketed, while the rest of the market sank slightly by the end of the day.蓝筹股一路飙升,但其他股票却在当天收盘时稍有走低。review [rɪ'vju:] n.复查;重新考虑;回顾;影评;阅兵式 vt.复查;重新考虑;写评论;检阅;复习 vi.写评论;例:The person responsible for the safety should review the factory and equipment regularly.安全责任人应该定期检查厂房和设备搭:under review 正在审查派:reviewer n.评论家shatter ['ʃætə(r)] v.打碎,破坏例:His business empire was shattered in this global economic downturn.他的商业帝国在这次全球性的经济下滑中受到重创。派:shattered adj.破碎的,毁坏的;极度疲劳的/shattering adj.令人极度不安的;令人震惊的reclaim [rɪ'kleɪm] vt.要求收回;利用,回收(废物);开垦;使悔改,挽救例:You are still ineligible to reclaim income tax.你目前还没有资格申请所得税退税。搭:reclaim sth. from sth. 要回;利用;挽救派:reclaimation n.开垦;收回;再利用(例:land reclaimation 土地开垦)extrovert ['ekstrəvɜːt] n.性格外向者例:His natural extrovert personality helps him a lot to become an excellent salesman.他天生的外向性格对他成为一名优秀的销售员很有帮助派:extroverted adj.性格外向的cashier [kæ'ʃɪə(r)] n.出纳员,司库 vt.解雇;抛弃例:Many officers have been cashiered because of taking bribes.许多官员因收受贿赂而被革职。商:bank cashier 银行出纳员falter ['fɔːltə(r)] vi.开始减弱;颤抖;蹒跚;结巴地说例:If the economy falters in one country, it is vulnerable to political unrest.如果一个国家经济发生衰退,那么该国很容易出现政治不稳定。派:faltering adj.衰退的;颤抖的;摇晃的(例:faltering economy 停滞不前的经济)Day60platform ['plætfɔːm] n.平台商:operation platform 操作平台搭:launch platform 发射台/multimedia platform 多媒体平台/platform game 平台游戏scheme [ski:m] n.计划,方案;阴谋;组合,配合 v.密谋,策划例:The company designed a training scheme to improve the staff's qualifications and working abilities.公司设计了一个培训方案来提高员工资质和工作能力搭:scheme for sth. 某事的方案/the scheme of things 事物的规律;计划之内/scheme to do sth. 策划做某事派:scheming adj.常搞阴谋的;诡计多端的/schemer n.搞阴谋的人capable ['keɪpəbl] adj.有能力的,能干的;有...可能性的搭:be capable of sth./doing sth. 有能力做某事派:capability n.能力,性能听说小站:M: I'm wondering whether we can receive our goods next week.我想知道我们下周能否收到货。W: Please don't worry. We are capable of delivering them on time.请不要担心,我们能按时交货。bubble ['bʌbl] n.气泡,泡沫 v.(使)冒泡;滔滔不绝地说例:The stock bubble and property bubble would be great hidden dangers for the healthy development of economic entities.股市泡沫和房地产泡沫是经济实体健康发展的极大隐患搭:bubble economy 泡沫经济(资产价值超越实体经济,极易丧失持续发展能力的宏观经济状态)cut-price adj.打折;廉价的商:cut-price goods/fare 减价商品/廉价票/cut-price store/supermarket 折价商店/超市elasticity [ɪ,læ'stɪsəti] n.弹性;弹力;灵活性例:Elasticity of demand refers to the responsiveness of change in quantity demanded of a commodity or service as a result of change in its prices.需求弹性指的是由于产品或服务价格的变化而引起的市场需求量变化的反应。strive [straɪv] vi.努力,奋斗;抗争搭:strive for/against 努力争取/反对 派:striving n.努力,奋斗 听说小站:On the strength of a flourishing economy and advanced technology, the country is striving to expand its global reach.凭借繁荣的经济和发达的科技,该国正努力扩大其全球影响力。switch [swɪtʃ] v.改变,转变,转换;用鞭子抽打 n.开关;转换,转变;鞭子例:The government provided subsidies to encourage companies to switch from coal to cleaner energies.政府通过提供补助来鼓励企业用更加清洁的能源来代替煤搭:switvh on/off 打开/关掉/switch over 换台;换频道warehouse-keeper n.仓库管理员商:warehouse-keeper's order 出仓许可证/warehouse-keeper's receipt 仓单;仓库收据liability [,laɪə'bɪləti] n.责任;不利条件;碍事的人(或物); [pl.]负债,债务商:liability insurance 责任保险/joint and several liability 连带责任/current liabilities 流动负债/pension/tax liabilities 养老金/税收方面的负债搭:liabilities and obligations 责任和义务


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