mame 删除游戏

This last week saw the release of MAME 0.100, the Multi-Arcade Machine Emulator. An amazing technological accomplishment is MAME and a nice milestone. At this rate it'll hit 1.0 in 2048. If you're using Windows, you'll find MAME32 more to your liking.

上周,发布了多街机机器模拟器MAME 0.100 。 MAME是一项了不起的技术成就,也是一个里程碑。 以这种速度,它将在2048年达到1.0。如果使用Windows,您会更喜欢MAME32 。

When I noticed this milestone it spurred me into action. I decided on the spot to write a MAME front-end for Media Center (hoping to put my fallow MCPC back to work). As with all good ideas, it's long ago been done - and in .NET to boot. GameEx is it's name and it's fabulous. It integrates nicely into Media Center and is totally worth the $15.

当我注意到这个里程碑时,它促使我采取行动。 我当场决定为Media Center编写一个MAME前端(希望让我的休闲MCPC恢复正常工作)。 与所有好主意一样,它很早以前就已经完成-并且可以在.NET中启动。 GameEx是它的名字,而且很棒。 它很好地集成到Media Center中,完全值得15美元。

I immediately visited XGaming who is currently selling a refurbished version of their amazing Two-Player Arcade Joystick for a cool $99.95. (It also works with XBox via Adapter) I ordered it and it was here in five days. Interestingly it came "broken" in that one of the primary buttons didn't work. I assumed it was misconfiguration or something I'd done, but I fired up KeyboardTest and confirmed it from a software POV. I opened it up and traced the wires one at a time and found one slightly disconnected. Once it was reconnected I was back in business.

我立即拜访了XGaming ,他目前正在以99.95美元的低价出售翻新版的其惊人的两人街机游戏杆。 (它也可以通过Adapter与XBox一起使用)我订购了它,它已经在五天内到了。 有趣的是,它的“中断”之处在于主要按钮之一不起作用。 我以为这是配置错误或已经完成的事情,但是我启动了KeyboardTest并从软件POV中对其进行了确认。 我打开它,一次跟踪了一根电线,发现一根电线稍微断开了。 重新连接后,我又恢复了业务。

There was a little trouble initially as I found myself remapping all the buttons manually. Then I realized that a product this good and the MAME32 team being as clever as they are, I must not be taking advantage of their wisdom. MAME32 includes a "Default Game Properties" option and the "Controllers" tab include an option for XArcade. Paydirt. Once this was selected, everything fell into place.

最初我遇到了一些麻烦,因为我发现自己手动重新映射了所有按钮。 然后,我意识到一个如此出色的产品以及MAME32团队非常聪明,我一定不能利用他们的智慧。 MAME32包含“默认游戏属性”选项,“控制器”选项卡包含XArcade的选项。 财源。 一旦选择了该选项,一切就准备就绪。

Now I can move seamlessly from the Media Center interface (using the Joystick) into the GameEx menu and into Mame32. Took about 4 hours (while the pregnant wife napped) on a Saturday. Very slick. Now I have to figure out how to explain to her how the infant will develop fine motor skills playing PacMan in his own Arcade.

现在,我可以从Media Center界面(使用操纵杆)无缝移动到GameEx菜单和Mame32中。 星期六大约花了4个小时(怀孕的妻子小睡了)。 很好吃现在,我必须弄清楚如何向她解释婴儿如何在自己的街机游戏中玩PacMan来发展精细的运动技能。



  • MAME32 - $0 - Arcade Emulator

    MAME32- $ 0-街机模拟器

  • GameEx - $15 - MediaCenter Front End for MAME (and other emulators)

    GameEx- $ 15-适用于MAME(和其他模拟器)的MediaCenter前端

  • XArcade - $99.95 (limited time) - Arcade Joystick

    XArcade -99.95美元(限时) -Arcade游戏杆

Next I'm looking at Arcade Cabinets and Games on Craig's List, and I think I'll build an Arcade System for the home, powered by MCPC/GameEx/Mame32.

接下来,我在Craig的List上查看Arcade橱柜和游戏,我想我将为该住宅构建一个Arcade系统,该系统由MCPC / GameEx / Mame32支持。

For the children.



mame 删除游戏

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