日历类set()方法 (Calendar Class set() method)



    public void set(int fi, int val);
public final void set(int yy, int mm, int dd);
public final void set(int yy, int mm, int dd, int hours, int min);
public final void set(int yy, int mm, int dd, int hours, int min, int sec);

  • set() method is available in java.util package.


  • set(int fi, int val) method is used to sets the specified calendar field(fi) with the specified value(val).

    set(int fi,int val)方法用于将指定的日历字段(fi)设置为指定的value(val)。

  • set(int yy, int mm, int dd) method is used to puts the values for the given calendar fields month(mm), year(yy) & date(dd).

    set(int yy,int mm,int dd)方法用于放置给定日历字段month(mm),year(yy)和date(dd)的值。

  • set(int yy, int mm, int dd, int hours, int min) method is used to puts the values for the given calendar fields year(yy), month(mm), date(dd), hours in a day(hours), & minutes(min).

    set(int yy,int mm,int dd,int hours,int min)方法用于放置给定日历字段的值year(yy),month(mm),date(dd),一天中的小时数(小时) )和分钟(分钟)。

  • set(int yy, int mm, int dd, int hours, int min, int sec) method is used to puts the value for the given calendar fields year(yy), month(mm), date(dd), hours in a day(hours), minutes(min), seconds(sec).

    set(int yy,int mm,int dd,int hours,int min,int sec)方法用于将给定日历字段的值year(yy),month(mm),date(dd),hours放入天(小时),分钟(分钟),秒(秒)。

  • These methods don't throw an exception at the time of setting the values of the specified fields.


  • These are non-static methods, so it is accessible with the class object and if we try to access these methods with the class name then we will get an error.




  • In the first case set(int fi, int val),

    在第一种情况下(int fi,int val)

    • int fi – represents the calendar field need to be changed.
    • int fi –表示需要更改日历字段。
    • int val – represents the value for the given calendar field(fi).
    • int val –表示给定日历字段(fi)的值。
  • In the second case, set(int yy, int mm, int dd),

    在第二种情况下, set(int yy,int mm,int dd)

    • int yy – represents the value for the calendar field year(yy).
    • int yy –表示日历字段year(yy)的值。
    • int mm – represents the value for the calendar field month(mm).
    • int mm –表示日历字段month(mm)的值。
    • int dd – represents the value for the calendar field date(dd).
    • int dd –表示日历字段date(dd)的值。
  • In the third case, set(int yy, int mm, int dd, int hours, int min),

    在第三种情况下, 设置(int yy,int mm,int dd,int hours,int min)

    • int yy – represents the value for the calendar field year(yy).
    • int yy –表示日历字段year(yy)的值。
    • int mm – represents the value for the calendar field month(mm).
    • int mm –表示日历字段month(mm)的值。
    • int dd – represents the value for the calendar field date(dd).
    • int dd –表示日历字段date(dd)的值。
    • int hours – represents the value for the calendar field hours(hours).
    • int hours –表示日历字段的小时数(小时)。
    • int min – represents the value for the calendar field minutes(min).
    • int min –表示日历字段的分钟数(min)的值。
  • In the fourth case, set(int yy, int mm, int dd, int hours, int min, int sec),

    在第四种情况下, 设置(int yy,int mm,int dd,int hours,int min,int sec)

    • int yy – represents the value for the calendar field year(yy).
    • int yy –表示日历字段year(yy)的值。
    • int mm – represents the value for the calendar field month(mm).
    • int mm –表示日历字段month(mm)的值。
    • int dd – represents the value for the calendar field date(dd).
    • int dd –表示日历字段date(dd)的值。
    • int hours – represents the value for the calendar field hours(hours).
    • int hours –表示日历字段的小时数(小时)。
    • int min – represents the value for the calendar field minutes(min).
    • int min –表示日历字段的分钟数(min)的值。
    • int sec – represents the value for the calendar field seconds(sec).
    • int sec –表示日历字段的秒(sec)的值。

Return value:


In all the cases , the return type of the method is void, it returns nothing.

在所有情况下,该方法的返回类型都是void ,它什么也不返回。



// Java Program to demonstrate the example of
// void set() method of Calendar
import java.util.*;
public class Set {public static void main(String args[]) {// Instantiating a Calendar object
Calendar ca = Calendar.getInstance();
// Display calendar
System.out.println("ca: " + ca.getTime());
// By using set(int fi, int val) is to set
// the month field to 6 of this calendar
ca.set(Calendar.MONTH, 6);
// Display calendar
System.out.println("ca.set(Calendar.MONTH, 6): " + ca.getTime());
// By using set(int yy, int mon,int date) is to set
// the year, month & date field of this calendar
ca.set(1998, 06, 12);
// Display calendar
System.out.println("ca.set(1998,06,12): " + ca.getTime());
// By using set(int yy, int mon,int date, int hour_of_day, int min)
// is to set the year, month , date , hours and minute
// field of this calendar
ca.set(1998, 06, 12, 06, 30);
// Display calendar
System.out.println("ca.set(1998,06,12,06,30): " + ca.getTime());
// By using set(int yy, int mon,int date, int hour_of_day, int min, int sec)
// is to set the year, month , date , hours and minute and seconds
// field of this calendar
ca.set(1998, 06, 12, 06, 30, 20);
// Display calendar
System.out.println("ca.set(1998,06,12,06,30,20): " + ca.getTime());



ca: Sat Feb 01 21:14:13 GMT 2020
ca.set(Calendar.MONTH, 6): Wed Jul 01 21:14:13 GMT 2020
ca.set(1998,06,12): Sun Jul 12 21:14:13 GMT 1998
ca.set(1998,06,12,06,30): Sun Jul 12 06:30:13 GMT 1998
ca.set(1998,06,12,06,30,20): Sun Jul 12 06:30:20 GMT 1998

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/java/calendar-set-method-with-example.aspx

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