

   #define NRC_GOODRET     0x00     Good return - also returned when
ASYNCH request accepted
#define NRC_BUFLEN      0x01     Illegal buffer length
#define NRC_ILLCMD      0x03     Illegal command
#define NRC_CMDTMO      0x05     Command timed out
#define NRC_INCOMP      0x06     Message incomplete, issue another
#define NRC_BADDR       0x07     Illegal buffer address
#define NRC_SNUMOUT     0x08     Session number out of range
#define NRC_NORES       0x09     No resource available
#define NRC_SCLOSED     0x0a     Session closed
#define NRC_CMDCAN      0x0b     Command canceled
#define NRC_DUPNAME     0x0d     Duplicate name
#define NRC_NAMTFUL     0x0e     Name table full
#define NRC_ACTSES      0x0f     No deletions, name has active
#define NRC_LOCTFUL     0x11     Local session table full
#define NRC_REMTFUL     0x12     Remote session table full
#define NRC_ILLNN       0x13     Illegal name number
#define NRC_NOCALL      0x14     No callname
#define NRC_NOWILD      0x15     Cannot put * in NCB_NAME
#define NRC_INUSE       0x16     Name in use on remote adapter
#define NRC_NAMERR      0x17     Name deleted
#define NRC_SABORT      0x18     Session ended abnormally
#define NRC_NAMCONF     0x19     Name conflict detected
#define NRC_IFBUSY      0x21     Interface busy, IRET before retrying
#define NRC_TOOMANY     0x22     Too many commands outstanding, retry
#define NRC_BRIDGE      0x23     ncb_lana_num field invalid
#define NRC_CANOCCR     0x24     Command completed while cancel
#define NRC_CANCEL      0x26     Command not valid to cancel
#define NRC_DUPENV      0x30     Name defined by anther local process
#define NRC_ENVNOTDEF   0x34     Environment undefined. RESET required
#define NRC_OSRESNOTAV  0x35     Required OS resources exhausted
#define NRC_MAXAPPS     0x36     Max number of applications exceeded
#define NRC_NOSAPS      0x37     No saps available for NetBIOS
#define NRC_NORESOURCES 0x38     Requested resources are not available
#define NRC_INVADDRESS  0x39     Invalid NCB address or length >
#define NRC_INVDDID     0x3B     Invalid NCB DDID
#define NRC_LOCKFAIL    0x3C     Lock of user area failed
#define NRC_OPENERR     0x3f     NetBIOS not loaded
#define NRC_SYSTEM      0x40     System error
#define NRC_PENDING     0xff     Asynchronous command is not yet

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