
(This discussion refers to Outlook 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh)

(此讨论指的是Outlook 2007 Beta 2技术更新)

I'm really not sure how I feel about this.


There was a big discussion about if the feed:// protocol was needed. Personally I've always said I think it IS needed while the RSS Team at Microsoft disagrees.

关于是否需要feed://协议进行了大量讨论。 就我个人而言,我一直说我认为这是必要的,而Microsoft的RSS团队则不同意。

However, I just noticed that not only does Outlook store it's RSS in the PST (and syncs with the Common Feed Store, which we already knew), but it also registers two new "Protocol Handlers" explicitly for handling RSS feeds - they are OUTLOOKFEED:// and OUTLOOKFEEDS:// with the latter including an "S" for secure feeds.

但是,我只是注意到,Outlook不仅将其RSS存储在PST中(并与我们已经知道的Common Feed Store同步),而且还显式注册了两个用于处理RSS feed的新“协议处理程序”-它们是OUTLOOKFEED ://和OUTLOOKFEEDS://,后者包含用于安全提要的“ S”。

This doesn't seem exactly fair or consistent. I understand that an enterprise, especially one using SharePoint would want to have folks subscribe to a feed directly into Outlook. However, not only is Outlook creating these new pseudo-protocols that are Outlook-specific, it's also taking over FEED:// as well. We'll see if there's changes in the next RC.

这似乎并不完全公平或一致。 我了解到,一家企业,尤其是使用SharePoint的企业,希望人们直接在Outlook中订阅源。 但是,Outlook不仅会创建这些特定于Outlook的新伪协议,而且还将接管FEED://。 我们将查看下一个RC中是否有更改。

That doesn't seem fair. What if RssBandit started using RSSBANDITFEED://? Of course, any of these aggregators can try to take over OUTLOOKFEED://, although Outlook will likely bork. However, it's the very existence of this custom psuedoprotocol that I find offensive, it doesn't matter it can probably be disabled.

那似乎不公平。 如果RssBandit开始使用RSSBANDITFEED://,该怎么办? 当然,尽管Outlook可能会陷入困境,但所有这些聚合器都可以尝试接管OUTLOOKFEED://。 但是,正是这种自定义伪协议的存在使我感到反感,没关系,可以禁用它。

ASIDE: For some reason FeedDemon always warns me that it isn't the default feed reader (i.e. it's not associated with the feed:// protocol, and even though I want it to be the default aggregator, it keeps prompting. This might be a Vista-specific administrative thing, but I suspect Outlook is taking over feed:// also.


You can test these various protocols on your machine by trying each of the following links:


  • My feed using FEED://


  • My feed using OUTLOOKFEED://


  • My feed using OUTLOOKFEEDS:// (won't work, I'm not secure)


  • My feed using HTTP://


Also, right now, if you click an RSS Feed while running FeedDemon (just using FeedDemon as an example application that eats RSS but also hosts IE7) then IE7 tries to subscribe using the RSS Platform and the Common Feed Store, when really FeedDemon should be getting the subscription request. I know that Nick @ FeedDemon will eventually fix this with some cleverness, but should he really have to?

此外,现在,如果您在运行FeedDemon时单击RSS Feed(仅使用FeedDemon作为示例应用程序,它既可以吃RSS,又可以托管IE7),则IE7会尝试使用RSS平台和Common Feed Store进行订阅,而实际应使用FeedDemon获取订阅请求。 我知道尼克@ FeedDemon最终将以某种聪明的方式解决此问题,但他真的必须这样做吗?

I'm just unclear on the usefulness thus far of the Common Feed Store. I like the API (inside msfeeds.dll and a few other places that you'll get quietly when you get IE7), even though it's COM-based, and I like that it handles the retrieval and the parsing/canonicalization of the various feed formats. However, it's unclear how I am to administer it effectively. IE7's interface is a little week if you have 400 feeds. There's no shift-select-delete support in either IE or in Outlook 2007 so I can't remove the hundreds of duplicate feeds that have appeared in the last few weeks. I've found the sync'ing solution from NewsGator to be a decent start - as an idea - but the implementation is NOT working well as it's incredibly slow and 10% of my feeds just don't sync.

到目前为止,我对Common Feed Store的用处尚不清楚。 我喜欢这个API (在msfeeds.dll和其他一些地方,当您获得IE7时您会悄悄获得) ,即使它是基于COM的,我也喜欢它处理各种提要的检索和解析/规范化格式。 但是,尚不清楚我如何有效地对其进行管理。 如果您有400个供稿,则IE7的界面需要花一周的时间。 IE或Outlook 2007中都没有shift-select-delete支持,因此我无法删除过去几周出现的数百个重复feed。 我发现NewsGator的同步解决方案是一个不错的开始-作为一个想法-但实施效果不佳,因为它的运行速度非常慢,而且我的Feed中有10%只是不同步。

Rather than blaming NewsGator or Microsoft, I'm forced to ask, is it really this hard to keep my Feeds and Read Status sync'ed between a few computers and a few applications? Apparently it's wicked hard...this leads me to wonder if ONLINE feed reading is where its at.

我不是要责怪NewsGator或Microsoft,而是要让我的Feed和读取状态在几台计算机和一些应用程序之间保持同步真的难吗? 显然,这很糟糕……这使我想知道在线提要的读数是否正确。

Apparently my readership thinks so. At least half of you are using online aggregators (or NewsGator sync'ed aggregators which includes NewsGator proper as well as FeedDemon when you're sync'ing feeds).

显然,我的读者是这样认为的。 至少有一半的人正在使用在线聚合器(或NewsGator同步的聚合器,其中包括NewsGator固有的聚合器,以及同步Feed时的FeedDemon)。

What do you think? Do you read your feeds online?

你怎么看? 您在线阅读提要吗?

Do you like the one-click convenience of FEED://, or do you prefer either using FireFox's clever Feed Reader Chooser, or are you a Right Click|Copy URL|Alt-Tab|Subscribe|Paste|OK type?

您是喜欢FEED://的一键式便利,还是喜欢使用FireFox的聪明的Feed阅读器选择器,还是右键单击|复制URL | Alt-Tab |订阅|粘贴| OK类型?

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/outlook-2007-beta-introduces-its-own-feed-url-protocol-ew


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