
HTML is HyperText Markup Language, created by Tim Berners-Lee as a subset of the far larger and more complex SGML. In turn, XHTML and HTML5 are successors to this standard. To break down the HTML acronym:

HTML是超文本标记语言,由Tim Berners-Lee创建,它是更大更复杂的SGML的子集。 反过来, XHTML和HTML5是该标准的后继者。 分解HTML的首字母缩写:

HyperText 超文本
jump from one document to another via links. 从一个文档跳到另一个文档的能力。
Markup 标记
specifies what things are: a paragraph, a heading, a quotation, etc. The 指定了什么 :段落,标题,引号等。内容的 appearance of content is provided by 外观CSS). CSS提供。
Language 语言
A misnomer: HTML is not a language in the classical sense of programming languages, because it cannot create executable programs on its own. Do not put HTML on your resume under “Programming Languages” – any employer who knows his code will be able to tell that you are, at best, uninformed.
误称:HTML不是传统意义上的编程语言,因为它无法自行创建可执行程序。 不要将HTML放在简历中的“编程语言”下,任何知道他的代码的雇主最多只能告诉您没有消息。

HTML was made for scientists, not artists. HTML是为科学家而非艺术家制作的。

HTML is the lingua franca of the web, the means by which most documents on the web are encoded. It has become so popular that most programs now output HTML, even for documents that were never intended to be viewed on the web (Microsoft Word, for example (which encodes HTML terribly).

HTML是网络上的通用语言 ,是对网络上大多数文档进行编码的手段。 它变得如此流行,以至于大多数程序现在都输出HTML,即使对于从未打算在网络上查看的文档(例如Microsoft Word(对HTML进行严格编码))也是如此。

However, there is a problem with HTML, one that lies in the heart of its creation. Tim Berners-Lee, the developer of HTML, was working at CERN when he developed HTML as a method to present simple scientific documents on a heterogeneous network. (You can still find the original release announcement for the Web on Usenet). The first version of HTML didn’t even have the ability to display graphics. HTML was developed for scientists, not for artists. The original focus of HTML was on features that could be used in scientific papers: tables, lists, headings, and the like, and HTML never entirely left this inheritance behind.

但是,HTML存在一个问题,这是其创建的核心。 HTML的开发者Tim Berners-Lee在欧洲核子研究组织(CERN )工作时,他开发了HTML作为一种在异构网络上呈现简单科学文档的方法。 (您仍然可以在Usenet上找到Web的原始发行说明)。 HTML的第一个版本甚至没有显示图形的能力。 HTML是为科学家而不是艺术家开发的。 HTML最初的重点是可以在科学论文中使用的功能:表格,列表,标题等,而HTML从未完全遗忘了这种继承。

Tim Berners-Lee, lead developer of HTML and the the World Wide Web
Tim Berners-Lee,HTML和万维网的首席开发人员

As the web grew, artists wanted to jump on the bandwagon. Lacking any other means to do so, they took the functionality developed by Tim Berners-Lee and tried to push it towards design and appearance. HTML was never intended for this, and it coped badly. Designers jumped through all kinds of hoops – cutting up graphics and nesting tables inside tables inside tables, for example – to try to get the visual effects they were after.

随着网络的发展,艺术家们想加入潮流。 他们没有其他方法可以使用Tim Berners-Lee开发的功能,并试图将其推向设计和外观。 HTML从未打算这样做,并且处理得很差。 设计师经历了各种各样的麻烦–例如,在表内的表中切割图形并将表嵌套在表中–试图获得他们想要的视觉效果。

The browser wars of the mid-to-late 90’s caused HTML to suffer further. Dissatisfied with the slow, academic advancement of HTML and driven to dominate the market, Netscape and Microsoft began to introduce their own proprietary code. This code looked like HTML, but it was only recognized in the particular browser made by that company (Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, respectively). Both Netscape and Microsoft pushed these “advancements” to web developers, who were forced to code for one particular browser if they wanted to use this new feature. At its worst point this war threatened to Balkanize the web, making web pages that could be seen in only one browser and not in the rest.

90年代中后期的浏览器大战使HTML遭受更大的打击。 对HTML的缓慢,学术上的进步感到不满意,并主导了市场,Netscape和Microsoft开始引入自己的专有代码。 该代码看起来像HTML,但是只能在该公司生产的特定浏览器(分别为Netscape Navigator和Internet Explorer)中识别。 Netscape和Microsoft都将这些“进步”推向了Web开发人员,如果他们想使用此新功能,则他们被迫为一种特定的浏览器编写代码。 在最坏的时候,这场战争威胁到了网络的巴尔干化,使得网页只能在一个浏览器中看到,而在其他浏览器中看不到。

Thankfully, sanity slowly prevailed. The development of HTML was passed to an organization known as the W3C. New features such as CSS were advanced to support designers, returning the separation of appearance and content. While there are still some inconsistencies in how different browsers support these open, standardized features, the situation is continuing to improve.

值得庆幸的是,理智慢慢盛行。 HTML的开发已传递给称为W3C的组织。 诸如CSS之类的新功能已得到改进,以支持设计人员,返回了外观和内容的分离。 尽管不同的浏览器在支持这些开放的标准化功能方面仍然存在一些不一致之处,但这种情况正在继续改善。

HTML has been standardized as HTML5 as a way of documenting data. CSS has been standardized as a means of presenting that data. And ECMAScript ( more popularly, known as JavaScript) has been standardized as a way of controlling interactive behavior of that data.

HTML已被标准化为HTML5,作为记录数据的一种方式。 CSS已被标准化为表示该数据的一种方式。 ECMAScript(更普遍地称为JavaScript)已被标准化为一种控制数据交互行为的方式。

XHTML was the immediate successor to HTML, and shares many qualities with it – you might want to think of XHTML as “strict” HTML, cleared of the accumulated cruft of <font> tags and the other presentation elements that crept in over 10 years. For many, this new standard was overly draconian and too limited in scope; HTML5 was the result.

XHTML是HTML的直接继承者,并且具有许多特性–您可能想将XHTML视为“严格的” HTML,消除了<font>标记的累积残缺和10多年来逐渐流行的其他表示元素。 对于许多人来说,这个新标准过于严苛,范围也太有限。 结果就是HTML5。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/151/What-Is-HTML



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