Author: 水如烟




Namespace  Businness.PinYin
     Public   Class  SpellInformation
         Private  gTone  As   String
         Private  gSpellInput  As   String
         Private  gSpellExpress  As   String

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 声调
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   Property  Tone()  As   String
                 Return  gTone
             End   Get
             Set ( ByVal  value  As   String )
                gTone  =  value.Trim
             End   Set
         End Property

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 拼音输入码
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   Property  SpellInput()  As   String
                 Return  gSpellInput
             End   Get
             Set ( ByVal  value  As   String )
                gSpellInput  =  value.Trim
             End   Set
         End Property

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 拼音
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   Property  SpellExpress()  As   String
                 Return  gSpellExpress
             End   Get
             Set ( ByVal  value  As   String )
                gSpellExpress  =  value.Trim
             End   Set
         End Property

Sub   New ()
         End Sub

' '' <param name="tone">声调</param>
         ' '' <param name="spellinput">拼音输入码</param>
         ' '' <param name="spellexpress">拼音</param>
         Sub   New ( ByVal  tone  As   String ,  ByVal  spellinput  As   String ,  ByVal  spellexpress  As   String )
             Me .Tone  =  tone
             Me .SpellInput  =  spellinput
             Me .SpellExpress  =  spellexpress
         End Sub

' '' <param name="spellexpress">拼音</param>
         Public   Overrides   Function  Equals( ByVal  spellexpress  As   Object )  As   Boolean
             Return   Me .SpellExpress.Equals(spellexpress)
         End Function

Public   Overrides   Function  ToString()  As   String
             Return   String .Format( " 拼音码 {0,-6} 声调 {1} 拼音 {2} " ,  Me .SpellInput,  Me .Tone,  Me .SpellExpress)
         End Function
     End Class

End Namespace

Namespace  Businness.PinYin
     Public   Class  Word
         Private  gValue  As   String

' '' <param name="word">单个汉字</param>
         Sub   New ( ByVal  word  As   String )
             Me .gValue  =  word
         End Sub

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 汉字
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   ReadOnly   Property  Value()  As   String
                 Return  gValue
             End   Get
         End Property

Public   ReadOnly   Property  Code()  As   String
                 Return  Common.Code(gValue)
             End   Get
         End Property

Private  gSpellList  As   New  Dictionary( Of   String , SpellInformation)

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 拼音集
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   ReadOnly   Property  Spells()  As  SpellInformation()
                 Dim  tmp(gSpellList.Count  -   1 )  As  SpellInformation
                gSpellList.Values.CopyTo(tmp,  0 )
                 Return  tmp
             End   Get
         End Property

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 是否多音字
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   ReadOnly   Property  IsMutiSpell()  As   Boolean
                 Return  gSpellList.Count  >   1
             End   Get
         End Property

Public   Sub  AddSpell( ByVal  spell  As  SpellInformation)
             If   String .IsNullOrEmpty(spell.SpellExpress)  Then   Exit Sub

If   Me .gSpellList.ContainsKey(spell.SpellExpress)  Then   Exit Sub

Me .gSpellList.Add(spell.SpellExpress, spell)
         End Sub

Public   Sub  AddSpell( ByVal  tone  As   String ,  ByVal  spellinput  As   String ,  ByVal  spellexpress  As   String )
             Dim  tmp  As   New  SpellInformation(tone, spellinput, spellexpress)

         End Sub

Public   ReadOnly   Property  DefaultSpell()  As  SpellInformation
                 If   Me .gSpellList.Count  =   0   Then   Return   Nothing
                 Return   Me .Spells( 0 )
             End   Get
         End Property

Public   ReadOnly   Property  DefaultSpellExpress()  As   String
                 If  DefaultSpell  Is   Nothing   Then   Return   Nothing
                 Return   Me .DefaultSpell.SpellExpress
             End   Get
         End Property

Public   ReadOnly   Property  DefaultSpellInput()  As   String
                 If  DefaultSpell  Is   Nothing   Then   Return   Nothing
                 Return   Me .DefaultSpell.SpellInput
             End   Get
         End Property

Public   ReadOnly   Property  DefaultTone()  As   String
                 If  DefaultSpell  Is   Nothing   Then   Return   Nothing
                 Return   Me .DefaultSpell.Tone
             End   Get
         End Property

Public   ReadOnly   Property  AllSpellExpress()  As   String
                 If   Me .gSpellList.Count  =   0   Then   Return   Nothing

If   Not   Me .IsMutiSpell  Then   Return   Me .DefaultSpellExpress

Dim  tmp(gSpellList.Count  -   1 )  As   String
                 For  i  As   Integer   =   0   To  gSpellList.Count  -   1
                    tmp(i)  =   Me .Spells(i).SpellExpress

Return   String .Join( "   " , tmp)
             End   Get
         End Property

Public   ReadOnly   Property  AllSpellInput()  As   String
                 If   Me .gSpellList.Count  =   0   Then   Return   Nothing

If   Not   Me .IsMutiSpell  Then   Return   Me .DefaultSpellInput

Dim  tmp(gSpellList.Count  -   1 )  As   String
                 For  i  As   Integer   =   0   To  gSpellList.Count  -   1
                    tmp(i)  =   Me .Spells(i).SpellInput

Return   String .Join( "   " , tmp)
             End   Get
         End Property

Public   ReadOnly   Property  AllTone()  As   String
                 If   Me .gSpellList.Count  =   0   Then   Return   Nothing

If   Not   Me .IsMutiSpell  Then   Return   Me .DefaultTone

Dim  tmp(gSpellList.Count  -   1 )  As   String
                 For  i  As   Integer   =   0   To  gSpellList.Count  -   1
                    tmp(i)  =   Me .Spells(i).Tone

Return   String .Join( "   " , tmp)
             End   Get
         End Property

Public   Overrides   Function  ToString()  As   String
             Dim  mBuilder  As   New  System.Text.StringBuilder
             For   Each  spell  As  SpellInformation  In   Me .Spells
                mBuilder.AppendLine( String .Concat( Me .Value,  "   " , spell.ToString))
             Return  mBuilder.ToString
         End Function
     End Class

End Namespace

Imports  System.IO
Imports  System.Text.RegularExpressions

Namespace  Businness.PinYin
     Public   Class  PYService
         Private  gDataSet  As  dsPinYin

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 汉字表
         ' '' </summary>
         Public   ReadOnly   Property  PinYinTable()  As  dsPinYin.PinYinDataTable
                 Return  gDataSet.PinYin
             End   Get
         End Property

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 单个汉字信息
         ' '' </summary>
         ' '' <param name="word">单个汉字</param>
         Public   Function  GetWord( ByVal  word  As   String )  As  Word
             Dim  mRow  As  dsPinYin.PinYinRow  =   Me .gDataSet.PinYin.FindBy代码(GetCode(word))

Return  RowConverter(mRow)
         End Function

Private   Function  RowConverter( ByVal  row  As  dsPinYin.PinYinRow)  As  Word
             If  row  Is   Nothing   Then   Return   Nothing

Dim  mWord  As   New  Word(row.汉字)

Dim  mSpellExpressArray()  As   String   =  row.拼音.Split( "   " c)
             Dim  mToneArray()  As   String   =  row.声调.Split( "   " c)
             Dim  mSpellInputArray()  As   String   =  row.拼音码.Split( "   " c)

For  i  As   Integer   =   0   To  mSpellExpressArray.Length  -   1
                mWord.AddSpell(mToneArray(i), mSpellInputArray(i), mSpellExpressArray(i))

Return  mWord
         End Function

Private   Sub  RowUpdate( ByVal  word  As  Word)
             Dim  mWord  As  Word  =  GetWord(word.Value)
             If  mWord  Is   Nothing   Then
                 Dim  tmpRow  As  dsPinYin.PinYinRow  =   Me .gDataSet.PinYin.AddPinYinRow(word.Value, word.Code,  "" ,  "" ,  "" ,  True )
                mWord  =  RowConverter(tmpRow)
             End   If

For   Each  spell  As  SpellInformation  In  word.Spells

Dim  mRow  As  dsPinYin.PinYinRow  =   Me .gDataSet.PinYin.FindBy代码(mWord.Code)
             With  mRow
                .拼音码  =  mWord.AllSpellInput
                .拼音  =  mWord.AllSpellExpress
                .声调  =  mWord.AllTone
                .单音  =   Not  mWord.IsMutiSpell
             End   With

End Sub

Public   Sub  Load()
         End Sub

' 文件存放的格式是:汉字,拼音,音调,拼音码
         Private   Sub  UpdateFromTxt()
             Me .gDataSet  =   New  dsPinYin

LzmTW.uSystem.uCollections.CommonServices.MoveNext( Of   String )(My.Resources.pinyin.Split( CChar (vbCrLf)),  AddressOf  Action)

Me .gDataSet.AcceptChanges()
         End Sub

' 文件存放的格式是:汉字,拼音,音调,拼音码
         Private   Sub  Action( ByVal  line  As   String )

Dim  mArray  As   String ()
            mArray  =  line.Split( " , " c)

If  mArray.Length  <>   4   Then   Exit Sub

Dim  mWord  As   String   =  mArray( 0 ).Trim
             Dim  mSpellExpress  As   String   =  mArray( 1 ).Trim
             Dim  mTone  As   String   =  mArray( 2 ).Trim
             Dim  mSpellInput  As   String   =  mArray( 3 ).Trim

Dim  mWordInformation  As   New  Word(mWord)
            mWordInformation.AddSpell(mTone, mSpellInput, mSpellExpress)


End Sub

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 将字符串转为拼音
         ' '' </summary>
         ' '' <param name="line">字符串</param>
         ' '' <param name="isgetfirst">如是多音字,取第一个拼音</param>
         ' '' <param name="forInput">是则查拼音码,否则查拼音</param>
         Public   Function  ToPinyin( ByVal  line  As   String ,  ByVal  isgetfirst  As   Boolean ,  ByVal  forInput  As   Boolean )  As   String
             Dim  mBuilder  As   New  Text.StringBuilder

For   Each  s  As   Char   In  line.ToCharArray
                 If  Common.IsSingleWord(s)  Then
                    mBuilder.Append(GetPinyin(s, isgetfirst, forInput))
                 End   If

Return  mBuilder.ToString
         End Function

Private   Function  GetPinyin( ByVal  word  As   String ,  ByVal  isgetfirst  As   Boolean ,  ByVal  forInput  As   Boolean )  As   String
             Dim  mResult  As   String

Dim  mWord  As  Word  =  GetWord(word)

If  isgetfirst  Or   Not  mWord.IsMutiSpell  Then
                 If  forInput  Then
                    mResult  =  mWord.DefaultSpellInput
                    mResult  =  mWord.DefaultSpellExpress
                 End   If

                 If  forInput  Then

Dim  tmpList( - 1 )  As   String

For   Each  spell  As  SpellInformation  In  mWord.Spells
                         If  Array.IndexOf(tmpList, spell.SpellInput)  =   - 1   Then
                            LzmTW.uSystem.uCollections.CommonServices.Append(tmpList, spell.SpellInput)
                         End   If

If  tmpList.Length  =   1   Then
                        mResult  =  mWord.DefaultSpellInput
                        mResult  =   String .Format( " ({0}) " ,  String .Join( "   " , tmpList))
                     End   If
                    mResult  =   String .Format( " ({0}) " , mWord.AllSpellExpress)
                 End   If

End   If

Return  mResult
         End Function

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 按拼音查字
         ' '' </summary>
         ' '' <param name="pinyin">拼音</param>
         Public   Function  WordArray( ByVal  pinyin  As   String )  As   String ()
             Dim  mRows  As  dsPinYin.PinYinRow()  =   CType ( Me .gDataSet.PinYin.Select( String .Format( " 拼音码 LIKE '%{0}%' " , pinyin)), dsPinYin.PinYinRow())
             Dim  mResult( - 1 )  As   String
             For  i  As   Integer   =   0   To  mRows.Length  -   1
                 If  Array.IndexOf(mRows(i).拼音码.Split( "   " c), pinyin)  <>   - 1   Then
                    LzmTW.uSystem.uCollections.CommonServices.Append(mResult, mRows(i).汉字)
                 End   If
             Return  mResult
         End Function

' '' <summary>
         ' '' 按拼音查字
         ' '' </summary>
         ' '' <param name="pinyin">拼音</param>
         Public   Function  Words( ByVal  pinyin  As   String )  As   String
             Return   String .Concat(WordArray(pinyin))
         End Function

Public   Function  GetCode( ByVal  word  As   String )  As   String
             Return  Common.Code(word)
         End Function

End Class
End Namespace


Public   Class  Form1
     Dim  gPinyinService  As   New  LzmTW.Businness.PinYin.PYService

Private   Sub  ButtonLoad_Click( ByVal  sender  As  System.Object,  ByVal  e  As  System.EventArgs)  Handles  ButtonLoad.Click
         Me .DataGridView1.DataSource  =  gPinyinService.PinYinTable
     End Sub

Private   Sub  ButtonTran_Click( ByVal  sender  As  System.Object,  ByVal  e  As  System.EventArgs)  Handles  ButtonTran.Click
         Me .RichTextBox2.Text  =  gPinyinService.ToPinyin( Me .RichTextBox1.Text,  Me .CheckBox1.Checked,  Me .CheckBox2.Checked)
     End Sub

Private   Sub  ButtonWord_Click( ByVal  sender  As  System.Object,  ByVal  e  As  System.EventArgs)  Handles  ButtonWord.Click
         Me .RichTextBox3.Text  =  gPinyinService.Words( Me .TextBoxPinyin.Text)
     End Sub

Private   Sub  Button1_Click( ByVal  sender  As  System.Object,  ByVal  e  As  System.EventArgs)  Handles  Button1.Click
         Me .RichTextBox3.Text  =  gPinyinService.GetWord( Me .TextBox1.Text).ToString
     End Sub
End Class




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