Argument常见逻辑错误及描述 【出国英语】

1、Loose generalizations 过于宽泛的概括


Drawing conclusions about groups of people on the basis of stereotypes.



Example: French people are more romantic.

2、Hasty generalizations 草率概括资料来源 :医 学 教 育网

Arriving at a conclusion without enough evidence.


Example: Asian-American students are better in math.

3、Circular Reasoning 循环论证

Restating in different words what has already been stated.


Example: Dieting is hard because it requires consuming fewer calories.

4、Single cause-effect 单调因果

Claiming that only one event caused another when there may be no real connection.


Example: When I sat down at the computer it stopped working, so I must have done something wrong.

5、Slippery Slope

Assumes a chain of cause-effect relationships with very suspect connections.


Example: Because I failed my exam, my parents were mad, I lost my wallet, my car wouldn't start, and I got fired.

6、Non Sequitur 没有推理

The first part of the idea does not relate to the other.


Example: I did well in school because I always wore nice clothes.

7、Either/Or 非此即彼

Suggesting only two alternatives when the issue may be much more complex.


Example: America--love it or leave it!

8、False Authority 错误的权威

Draws attention away from the evidence and leans on the popularity of someone who may have little knowledge of the issue or product.


Example: Kathie Lee Gifford, a popular TV celebrity, says that cruises are wonderful, so they must be.

9、Ad Hominem 从个人偏好出发

Attacking the person instead of the ideas.


Example: Don't vote for Jerry Brown; he's a left-wing fanatic, a throwback to the 60s who meditates and eats health foods.

10、Bandwagon Thinking

Claiming that most people agree so it must be right.


Example: I wouldn't have cheated on my income taxes, but everyone else does, so why shouldn't I?

11、Stacking the deck

Giving a slanted view of the issue by focusing only on one side.


Example: I deserve to get an A in the class because I like the teacher, work hard, and attend class.

12、Appeal to Emotion 诉诸情绪

Exploiting the audience's feeling in order to get them on your side.


Example: I believe I deserve a scholarship because I am an orphan who grew up in a dysfunctional foster family.

13、Ignoring the question 忽略问题

Changing the topic before it is really considered

Example: The criminal won't say where he was on the night of the crime, but he does remember being teased relentlessly as a child.

14、Trivial objections 琐碎的缺陷(微不足道的反驳理由)

Can be similar to ad hominem in that it focuses on things unimportant to the issue at hand.

当“从个人偏好出发”关注于对这个问题不重要的东西时,Trivial objections的这种逻辑错误和其相似

Example: I think Ross Perot would make a terrible president. His ears are huge.

非此即彼的逻辑错误_Argument常见逻辑错误及描述 【出国英语】相关推荐

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