
In one of my favorite television shows, “Futurama,” there is a running gag that in the future, the word “ask” has been replaced by the more colloquial “aks” (pronounced axe). It might be a long time before the accepted spellings and pronunciations of common words like “ask” change, but the joke highlights a very real aspect of language: it evolves. The English language has changed a lot over the past 150 years, for example, in both spelling, pronunciation, and addition and subtraction of words.

在我最喜欢的电视节目之一《 Futurama》中,有一则流言g语 ,将来,“问”一词已被口语化的“ aks”(发音为ax )所代替。 公认的“问”等普通单词的拼写和发音可能需要很长时间才能改变,但是这个笑话凸显了语言的一个非常真实的方面:它在不断发展。 在过去的150年中,英语在拼写,发音以及单词的加减方面都发生了很大的变化。

For logophiles — those who have a love of words — the following list of web sites presents a selection of places around the web where you can keep tabs on how the English language is evolving through the addition of new words and neologisms. Careful, though, these sites are very fascinating and can be addicting to browse through.

对于喜欢单词的徽标爱好者来说,以下网站列表列出了网络上的一些位置,您可以在其中通过添加新单词和新词来掌握英语的发展趋势。 但是,请小心,这些站点非常引人入胜,并且可能会让人上瘾。

上瘾的 (Addictionary)

Addictionary is a community of neologists who submit new words and vote on the submissions of others. The site has a lot of fun, interactive features, such as the “Wordoff,” in which two new words are pitted against each other, and “There Oughta Be a Word,” where users suggest a definition and others come up with the new word.

Addictionary是一个由新词专家组成的社区,他们提出新词并就他人的提议进行投票。 该网站具有许多有趣的交互式功能,例如“ Wordoff”(其中两个新单词相互对接)和“ There Oughta Be a Word”(用户提出定义,其他人提出新的定义)字。

Sample: friendvy, noun, Envy over how many friends someone has on Facebook.

样本: friendvy名词 ,羡慕某人在Facebook上拥有多少朋友。

细语 (Wordspy)

Wordspy is a blog that tracks neologisms. They only post about new words that have been used in more than one credible source (such as newspapers, magazines, or popular blogs). That sets it apart from the other sites on this list. Words found at Wordspy might be closer to actually entering the English vernacular because they’re apparently in semi-common use at respected publications.

Wordspy是一个追踪新词的博客。 他们只发布有关在多个可靠来源(例如报纸,杂志或流行博客)中使用过的新词的信息。 这使它与该列表中的其他站点区分开。 在Wordspy中找到的单词可能更接近实际进入英语,因为它们在受尊敬的出版物中显然是半普遍使用的。

Sample: tweetup, noun, A real world meeting between two or more people who know each other through the online Twitter service.

示例: tweetup名词 ,两个或多个通过在线Twitter服务彼此认识的人之间的现实世界会议。

Unword字典 (The Unword Dictionary)

The Unword Dictionary is another user generated site full of new and emerging English words. The site is well organized, and founder Steve Kiehl put a book out last year based on the site’s 1,000 best words.

Unword词典是另一个由用户生成的站点,里面充满了新出现的英语单词。 该网站井井有条,创始人史蒂夫·基尔(Steve Kiehl)去年根据该网站的1,000个最佳词汇发布了一本书 。

Sample: gank, verb, To take for one’s self; to steal a part of a song from another song and pretend it’s one’s own.

样本: gank动词 ,为自己着想 ; 从另一首歌曲中窃取一首歌曲的一部分并假装是自己的。 ( is a large user generated new word site, but it’s honestly not as well organized or as well moderated as Addictionary or the Unword site. Still, it offers a very large collection of words to search through.

Pseudodictionary.com是一个由大型用户生成的新词网站,但老实说,它的组织或管理程度不如Addictionary或Unword站点。 尽管如此,它仍然提供了大量单词供您搜索。

Sample: cankle, noun, The fatty deposit between one’s calf and one’s foot.

样品: 脚踝名词 ,小腿和脚之间的脂肪堆积。

城市词典 (Urban Dictionary)

Urban Dictionary is a huge site documenting English slang. Online for 9 years, it’s amassed over 3.4 million definitions for words that don’t exist outside of casual speech. Be careful: this site has a much higher tendency than others to serve up NSFW content (being a slang dictionary, a lot of the entries deal with content of a sexual nature).

城市词典是一个庞大的网站,记录着英语语。 在线上已有9年的时间,它收集了超过340万种不经意的语音以外不存在的单词的定义。 请注意:该网站提供NSFW内容的趋势比其他网站高得多(作为a语词典,很多条目都涉及色情内容)。

Sample: bleep, noun, A substitute for a profane word.

样本: bleep名词 ,亵渎单词的替代物。

赖斯大学新词数据库 (Rice University Neologisms Database)

Over 5,500 words are collected at Rice’s actively maintained database, making it a great place to keep tabs on what’s new in the English language. Because it is a University-backed project, you can expect high quality and very complete definitions, including sourcing and etymology.

在Rice积极维护的数据库中,收集了5500多个单词,因此它是监视英语新功能的好地方。 由于这是一个大学支持的项目,因此可以期望获得高质量和非常完整的定义,包括来源和词源。

Sample: digerati, noun, Those people who are the literati of the tech world. The savvy and knowledgeable users of computers and the internet.

样本: digerati名词 ,那些是科技界人士的人。 精通计算机和互联网的知识渊博的用户。

国际新词词典 (The International Dictionary of Neologisms)

A well maintained list of neologisms that actually comes from the University of Minnesota. You’ll find some gems among the over 2,600 entries, but the definition quality varies widely on the site depending on the source of the word. Some entries in the database go back over 20 years.

维护良好的新词表,实际上来自明尼苏达大学。 您会在2600多个条目中找到一些宝石,但是根据单词的来源,网站上的定义质量差异很大。 数据库中的某些条目可以追溯到20年前。

Sample: loguum, noun, A vacuum in the language; a not yet named concept or object, or a not yet adequately named concept or object — i.e., a place in the language which clamors for a neologism.

样本: loguum名词 ,语言中的真空; 一个尚未命名的概念或对象,或者一个尚未充分命名的概念或对象,即在语言中为新词而lam嘘的地方。

双舌字典 (The Double-Tongued Dictionary)

There are people who love language, and then there is Grant Barrett. Barrett is a lexicographer who hosts a weekly radio show about words, and is the editor of The Official Dictionary of Unofficial English. His site, the Double-Tongued Dictionary, is a great compendium of “undocumented or underdocumented” words in the English language. Only well-sourced words make the cut.

有些人喜欢语言,然后有格randint·巴雷特(Grant Barrett)。 巴雷特(Barrett)是一名词典学家, 每周主持一次有关单词的广播节目 ,并且是《 非官方英语官方词典》的编辑。 他的网站Double-Tongued词典是英文中“未记录或记录不足”字词的绝佳汇编。 只有精明的措辞才是切入点。

Sample: schmoopiness, noun, Behavior that is excessively cutesy, precious, or adoring.

示例: schmoopiness名词 ,过于可爱 ,珍贵或崇拜的行为。




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