
# This is the main configuration file for the application.
# ~~~~~# Secret key
# ~~~~~
# The secret key is used to secure cryptographics functions.
# This must be changed for production, but we recommend not changing it in this file.
# See http://www.playframework.com/documentation/latest/ApplicationSecret for more details.
play.crypto.secret = "xxx" #必须改不能用changeme
#play.crypto.secret = ${?WHZ_SECRET}# The application languages
# ~~~~~
play.i18n.langs = [ "en" ]# Play http parser settings
# Increase default buffer size to handle large post request
play.http.parser.maxMemoryBuffer = 10MB# Router
# ~~~~~
# Define the Router object to use for this application.
# This router will be looked up first when the application is starting up,
# so make sure this is the entry point.
# Furthermore, it's assumed your route file is named properly.
# So for an application router like `my.application.Router`,
# you may need to define a router file `conf/my.application.routes`.
# Default to Routes in the root package (and conf/routes)
# play.http.router = my.application.Routes# Database configuration
# ~~~~~
# You can declare as many datasources as you want.
# By convention, the default datasource is named `default`
# db.default.driver=org.h2.Driver
# db.default.url="jdbc:h2:mem:play"
# db.default.username=sa
# db.default.password=""# Evolutions
# ~~~~~
# You can disable evolutions if needed
# play.evolutions.enabled=false# You can disable evolutions for a specific datasource if necessary
# play.evolutions.db.default.enabled=falseapp.version = "1"datasets.tree.name = "/var/tmp/wherehows/resource/dataset.json"
#datasets.tree.name = ${?DATASETS_TREE_NAME}
flows.tree.name = "/var/tmp/wherehows/resource/flow.json"
#flows.tree.name = ${?FLOWS_TREE_NAME}database.opensource.username = "wherehows"
database.opensource.password = "wherehows"
database.opensource.url = "jdbc:mysql://"search.engine = "elasticsearch"
#search.engine = ${?YOUR_SEARCH_ENGINE}
elasticsearch.dataset.url = ""
elasticsearch.metric.url = ""
elasticsearch.flow.url = ""
#elasticsearch.dataset.url = ""
#elasticsearch.flow.url = ""authentication.ldap.context_factory_class = "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"
authentication.ldap.url = "ldap://"
authentication.principal.domain = "@baidu.cn"
authentication.ldap.search.base = "dc=baidu,dc=cn"dataset.hdfs_browser.link = ""
#dataset.hdfs_browser.link = ${?YOUR_HDFS_BROWSER_LINK}lineage.look.back.time = 60
#lineage.look.back.time = ${?LINEAGE_LOOK_BACK_TIME}tracking.piwik.siteid = "0000"
tracking.piwik.url = ""


# This is the main configuration file for the application.
# ~~~~~# Secret key
# ~~~~~
# The secret key is used to secure cryptographics functions.
# This must be changed for production, but we recommend not changing it in this file.
# See http://www.playframework.com/documentation/latest/ApplicationSecret for more details.
play.crypto.secret = "xxx"#必须改不能用changeme
#play.crypto.secret = ${?WHZ_SECRET}# The application languages
# ~~~~~
play.i18n.langs = [ "en" ]# Play http parser settings
# Increase default buffer size to handle large post request
play.http.parser.maxMemoryBuffer = 10MB# Global object class
# ~~~~~
# Define the Global object class for this application.
# Default to Global in the root package.
application.global=shared.Global# Router
# ~~~~~
# Define the Router object to use for this application.
# This router will be looked up first when the application is starting up,
# so make sure this is the entry point.
# Furthermore, it's assumed your route file is named properly.
# So for an application router like `my.application.Router`,
# you may need to define a router file `conf/my.application.routes`.
# Default to Routes in the root package (and conf/routes)
# play.http.router = my.application.Routes# Database configuration
# ~~~~~
# You can declare as many datasources as you want.
# By convention, the default datasource is named `default`
# connection to wherehows mysql database
db.wherehows.driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
#db.wherehows.driver = ${?WHZ_DB_DRIVER}
db.wherehows.url = "jdbc:mysql://"
db.wherehows.username = "wherehows"
db.wherehows.password = "wherehows"# You can expose this datasource via JNDI if needed (Useful for JPA)
# db.default.jndiName=DefaultDS# Evolutions
# ~~~~~
# You can disable evolutions if needed
# play.evolutions.enabled=false# You can disable evolutions for a specific datasource if necessary
# play.evolutions.db.default.enabled=false# if does not have this variable, every job will run
# if have this varialbe, only the id in this list will be scheduled
scheduler.check.interval = 5
#scheduler.check.interval=${?WHZ_SCHEDULER_CHECK_INTERVAL}etl.jobs.dir = "/var/tmp/jobs"
etl.temp.dir = "/var/tmp/wherehows"
etl.max.concurrent.jobs = 2



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