8. String to Integer (atoi)

class Solution:def myAtoi(self, s: str) -> int:return max(min(int(*re.findall('^[\+\-]?\d+', s.lstrip())), 2**31 - 1), -2**31)
class Solution:def myAtoi(self, s:str) -> int:return max(min(int(*re.findall('^[\+\-]?\d+', s.lstrip())), 2**31-1), -2**31)

Rotate List


class Solution {
public:ListNode *rotateRight(ListNode *head, int k) {if (!head || k<=0){return head;}//find the length of Listint len=1;ListNode *p=head;while( p->next != NULL ){p = p->next;len++;}//connect the tail to headp->next = head;//find the left place (take care the case - k > len)k = len - k % len;//find the placefor(int i=0; i<k; i++){p = p->next;}//break the listhead = p->next;p->next = NULL;return head;}
class Solution{
public:ListNode *rotateRight(ListNode *head, int k){if (!head || k<=0){return head;}int len =1;ListNode *p = head;while( p -> next != NULL){p = p-> next;len++}//connect the tail to headp -> next =head;//find the left place(take care the case -k >len)k = len - k%len;//find the placefor (int i=0; I<k;i++){p = p-> next;}//break the listhead = p-> next;p -> next =NULL;return head;}

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