
It’s not every day a new browser is released. The market has not seen a new entrant for some time but Vivaldi v1.0 is now available to download and install on Windows, Mac and Linux.

并非每天都有新的浏览器发布。 市场已经有一段时间没有新进入者了,但是Vivaldi v1.0现在可以下载并安装在Windows,Mac和Linux上。

我们需要一个新的浏览器吗? (Do We Need a New Browser?)

Browsers have been gradually converging since Chrome appeared in 2008. Vendors strive for simplicity with minimal interfaces and easy user experiences. There’s nothing wrong with that approach, but the applications have become interchangeable. Few users would notice if you swapped Chrome for Edge or Opera for Firefox—the launch icon is the primary difference.

自Chrome于2008年问世以来,浏览器一直在逐渐融合。供应商力求通过最少的界面和便捷的用户体验来简化操作。 这种方法没有错,但是应用程序已经可以互换。 很少有用户会注意到,如果您将Chrome换成Edge或将Opera换成Firefox,启动图标是主要区别。

A few years ago, technical users could rely on Opera or Firefox plus extensions for a highly customizable browsing experience. In 2013, Opera abandoned its own Presto engine, adopted Blink and simplified the UI. Mozilla continues to remove less popular features—a recent casualty was tab groups. A gap in the market has opened for those who want more power.

几年前,技术用户可以依靠Opera或Firefox plus扩展来获得高度可定制的浏览体验。 2013年,Opera放弃了自己的Presto引擎,采用了Blink并简化了UI。 Mozilla继续删除不太受欢迎的功能-最近的受害者是标签组。 对于那些想要更多动力的人来说,市场的鸿沟已经打开。

Vivaldi was created by a team of ex-Opera developers led by Jón S. von Tetzchner. (Read my interview with Jón about Vivaldi 1.0.) The philosophy: to create “A Browser for our Friends”—something they wanted to use. The result is a browser which sets itself apart from the competition.

Vivaldi由由JónS. von Tetzchner领导的前歌剧开发人员团队创建。 (请阅读我对Jón的关于Vivaldi 1.0的采访。 )理念:创建“我们的朋友的浏览器” —他们想要使用的东西。 结果是浏览器在竞争中脱颖而出。

We’ve previewed Vivaldi once or twice before but here’s what to expect if you’ve been waiting for version 1.0 …

我们之前曾经预览过Vivaldi 一 两次 ,但是如果您一直在等待1.0版,这就是您的期望……

技术 (Technology)

Like Chrome and Opera, Vivaldi is based on the Blink rendering engine. It’s a dependable choice that offers good web standards support, extensions and developer tools. Unusually, Vivaldi’s interface is also implemented using HTML5 technologies, which allows rapid cross-platform development, great customization and some interesting future options.

与Chrome和Opera一样,Vivaldi也基于Blink渲染引擎。 这是一个可靠的选择,可提供良好的Web标准支持,扩展和开发人员工具。 不寻常的是,Vivaldi的界面也使用HTML5技术实现,该技术允许快速跨平台开发,出色的自定义和一些有趣的未来选择。

建立 (Setup)

Installation is fast, and presents an initial welcome screen to configure your color scheme, tab bar position and Speed Dial background:


Like Edge, a dark theme is provided—I hope other vendors will follow eventually. That said, Blink sometimes sneaks into view, such as on the History panel which is always black on white regardless of what color scheme you choose.

像Edge一样,提供了一个黑暗的主题-我希望其他供应商最终会效仿。 也就是说,Blink有时会潜入视线,例如在“历史记录”面板上,无论您选择哪种配色方案,该面板始终是黑白的。

You’re not prompted to import bookmarks or passwords, but the Bookmarks tab on the Speed Dial screen provides the option.

系统不会提示您导入书签或密码,但是“快速拨号”屏幕上的“ 书签”选项卡提供了该选项。

The Settings dialog (which can also open as a tab) offers a bewildering array of options:


Settings are logically arranged, well named and mostly obvious. I didn’t feel overwhelmed like I did in older editions of Opera.

设置是按逻辑排列的,具有良好的名称,并且大多是显而易见的。 我没有像旧版Opera中那样感到不知所措。

You can show the full URL including the query string. Opera and Safari take note—web developers usually need to see it!

您可以显示完整的URL,包括查询字符串。 Opera和Safari需要注意-Web 开发人员通常需要查看它!

接口 (Interface)

It’s subjective, but Vivaldi is the most attractive browser available—not that there’s much competition! The interface is clean and configurable; tabs and panels can be moved wherever you desire.

它具有主观性,但Vivaldi是目前最吸引人的浏览器- 竞争并不激烈! 界面干净且可配置; 标签和面板可以移动到您想要的任何位置。

The active tab and address bar background use the dominant color of the current web page. It sounds gimmicky—a little like the Ambilight backlight offered on some Philips televisions—but it works remarkably well.

活动选项卡和地址栏背景使用当前网页的主要颜色。 这听起来有点花哨,有点像飞利浦电视上提供的流光溢彩背光,但效果非常好。

Power users can access the Quick Command bar with F2. It offers a command-search-and-launch system similar to those found in Sublime Text and Atom. Combined with the configurable keyboard shortcuts, you may never need to use a mouse again:

超级用户可以使用F2访问“快速命令”栏。 它提供了与Sublime Text和Atom中类似的命令搜索和启动系统。 结合可配置的键盘快捷键,您可能再也不需要使用鼠标了:

If you’re happy to use the keyboard or mouse gestures alone, the whole user interface can be disabled to provide a distraction-free experience.


标签管理 (Tab Management)

Tab handling is excellent. Tabs can be:

标签处理非常好。 标签可以是:

  • previewed on cursor hover在光标悬停时预览
  • shown as thumbnails by dragging the tab bar separator通过拖动标签栏分隔符显示为缩略图
  • pinned to the tab bar固定到标签栏
  • rearranged by dragging拖动重新排列
  • stacked and combined by dragging one tab on top of another通过将一个选项卡拖到另一个选项卡上来堆叠和组合

A group of stacked tabs (or multiple tabs selected with Ctrl + click) can be tiled into a single view using the status bar icon:

可以使用状态栏图标将一组堆叠的选项卡(或使用Ctrl +单击选择的多个选项卡)平铺到单个视图中:

The only issue I encountered is that fine mouse control is required to stack tabs. Unstacking is less elegantly handled using a right-click menu rather than more obvious dragging.

我遇到的唯一问题是堆栈选项卡需要良好的鼠标控制。 使用右键菜单对堆垛的处理不太优雅,而不是明显地拖动。

会话管理 (Session Management)

By default, Vivaldi opens your previous browsing session tabs. Tabs can be set to load on activation, which makes startup faster (Firefox has had that for a while, Opera has just received it, but Chrome and Edge continue to load everything).

默认情况下,Vivaldi将打开您以前的浏览会话标签。 可以将选项卡设置为在激活时加载,这样可以加快启动速度(Firefox已有一段时间了,Opera刚刚收到了它,但是Chrome和Edge继续加载所有内容)。

Your active tabs can be saved as a session (File > Save Open Tabs as Session) then reloaded later (File > Open Saved Session). It’s a useful feature which offers many of the benefits of tab grouping without keeping tabs active. The interface could be improved, and I’m not sure why tabs are restored in reverse order to how you had them positioned?

您可以将活动选项卡另存为会话(“ 文件” >“ 将打开的选项卡另存为会话” ),然后稍后重新加载(“ 文件” >“ 打开已保存的会话” )。 这是一项有用的功能,可提供选项卡分组的许多好处,而无需保持选项卡处于活动状态。 可以改进界面,但我不确定为什么以与您的定位顺序相反的顺序还原选项卡?

面板 (Panels)

The side panel is one of the core features Opera users loved. Version 1.0 provides panels for bookmark management, downloads and notes. Notes can be stored about a web page by highlighting text and choosing Add Selection as New Note from the right-click menu.

侧面板是Opera用户喜爱的核心功能之一。 1.0版提供了用于书签管理,下载和注释的面板。 通过突出显示文本并从右键单击菜单中选择“ 选择添加为新笔记” ,可以在网页上存储笔记。

Notes aren’t as sophisticated as those found in Edge, but they are handy and easy to use.


Additional panel options will appear in later releases. Your own panels can be added by navigating to a web page and clicking the + icon in the bar:

其他面板选项将出现在更高版本中。 您可以通过导航到网页并单击栏中的+图标来添加自己的面板:

This works well for sites and tools such as Twitter, which provide a narrow responsive view. Other systems may be less effective.

这对于提供狭窄响应视图的站点和工具(例如Twitter)非常有效。 其他系统可能效果较差。

搜索 (Search)

Vivaldi retains separate search and address fields, although it’s possible to search from the address too. Additional engines can be added by right-clicking a search box on any web page and selecting Add as a search engine:

Vivaldi保留了单独的搜索和地址字段,尽管也可以从地址中搜索。 可以通过右键单击任意网页上的搜索框并选择添加为搜索引擎添加其他引擎

杂项功能 (Miscellaneous Features)

Other highlights from Vivaldi’s numerous set of features include:


  • The page weight and number of assets is displayed in the address bar as a page loads. You can finally shame obese websites, although the figures disappear once loading completes (an option to retain them would be useful).页面加载时,页面权重和资产数量显示在地址栏中。 您最终可以羞辱肥胖的网站,尽管加载完成后这些数字就会消失(保留它们的选项将很有用)。
  • The Fast Forward and Rewind buttons allow you to quickly navigate through the history or search results.快进和快退按钮使您可以快速浏览历史记录或搜索结果。
  • The Status Bar provides a zoom slider, image toggle and page actions to apply useful (and less useful) effects to the active content.状态栏提供了缩放滑块,图像切换和页面操作,可将有用(和较不有用)的效果应用于活动内容。
  • Use any folder as your bookmark bar.使用任何文件夹作为书签栏。
  • Mouse gesture support.鼠标手势支持。

Despite the number of features offered, Vivaldi is fast. The application launches slightly quicker than Opera and significantly faster than Chrome or Firefox on Windows. Only Edge has … a slight edge on startup speed.

尽管提供了许多功能,但Vivaldi速度很快。 该应用程序的启动速度比Opera快,并且比Windows上的Chrome或Firefox快得多。 只有Edge在启动速度上有一点优势。

Web page rendering is almost identical to the other Blink-based browsers. However, Vivaldi appears to use fewer processes and a little less memory than Chrome or Opera.

网页渲染与其他基于Blink的浏览器几乎相同。 但是,与Chrome或Opera相比,Vivaldi似乎使用的进程更少,内存也更少。

Stability has improved and I’m yet to experience any issues.


您的新默认浏览器? (Your New Default Browser?)

Vivaldi 1.0 smooths the rough edges found in previous betas. It looks great and feels complete, cohesive and stable.

Vivaldi 1.0平滑了先前Beta中发现的粗糙边缘。 它看起来很棒,并且感觉完整,凝聚力和稳定。

A few features are promised but not yet available:


  • synchronization of bookmarks, passwords, notes, tabs and settings书签,密码,注释,标签和设置的同步
  • reading view and turbo mode-like features阅读视图和类似Turbo模式的功能
  • additional side panel options.其他侧面板选项。

Several user groups will be immediately attracted to Vivaldi:


  • web developers网站开发人员
  • power users frustrated by the lack of options in other browsers高级用户对其他浏览器缺少选项感到沮丧
  • those hanging on to Opera 12 and below (0.32% of the market)那些依赖Opera 12及以下版本的用户(占市场0.32%)
  • anyone concerned by Chrome’s increasing bloat and privacy issues.任何人都担心Chrome浏览器的膨胀和隐私问题日益严重。

Vivaldi may not have the commercial clout to attract mainstream appeal, but it’s a refreshing change in a listless browser market. The company promises to listen to users; features will be added on demand, and they won’t remove those used by a minority.

Vivaldi可能不具有吸引主流吸引力的商业影响力,但是在无精打采的浏览器市场中,这是一个令人耳目一新的变化。 公司承诺会倾听用户的意见; 功能将按需添加,并且不会删除少数用户使用的功能。

Try Vivaldi—you’ll like it.


You might also enjoy my interview with Vivaldi CEO Jón S. von Tetzchner.

您可能还会喜欢我对维瓦尔第公司首席执行官JónS. von Tetzchner的采访 。



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