超好用的纯C语言矩阵运算库 easyMatrix


int main() {//create matrix on stackfloat val1[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};float val2[] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};CREATE_MATRIX_ONSTACK(3,3,A,val1);CREATE_MATRIX_ONSTACK(3,3,B,val2);CREATE_MATRIX_ONSTACK(3,3,C,NULL);addMatrix(&A,&B,&C);dumpMatrix(&C);printf("det is:%f\n",detMatrix(&A));int x = A.rows;int y = A.cols;printf("element[1,1] is:%f\n",A.element[1*x+1]);//create matrix on heap and you need to delete the pointerCREATE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX_ONHEAP(x,y,D,val1);CREATE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX_ONHEAP(x,y,E,val2);CREATE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX_ONHEAP(x,y,F,NULL);multiMatrix(D,E,&C);multiMatrix(D,E,F);DELETE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX(D);DELETE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX(E);DELETE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX(F);


#define _MAGRIDE_PLANNING_EASYMATRIX_H_#include <stdlib.h>
typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef float DATA_TYPE;#define CREATE_MATRIX_ONSTACK(x,y,matrix,initval) \
struct easyMatrix matrix;\
DATA_TYPE val##x##N##y##N##matrix[x*y];\matrix.rows = x;\matrix.cols = y;\matrix.element = val##x##N##y##N##matrix;\if(initval!=NULL) setMatrix(initval, &(matrix))#define CREATE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX_ONHEAP(x,y,matrix,initval) \
struct easyMatrix *matrix = (struct easyMatrix*)malloc(sizeof(struct easyMatrix));\
matrix->rows = x;\
matrix->cols = y;\
matrix->element = (DATA_TYPE*) malloc(sizeof(DATA_TYPE)*(x)*(y));\
if(initval!=NULL) setMatrix(initval, (matrix))#define DELETE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX(matrix) \free((matrix)->element);\free(matrix)struct easyMatrix {\uint8 rows,cols;\DATA_TYPE* element;
};\struct easyMatrix* setMatrix(DATA_TYPE* const a,struct easyMatrix* c);
struct easyMatrix* copyMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const a,struct easyMatrix* c);
struct easyMatrix* transMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const a,struct easyMatrix* c);DATA_TYPE detMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const a);DATA_TYPE invMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const a, struct easyMatrix*b);struct easyMatrix* scaleMatrix(DATA_TYPE, struct easyMatrix* const a, struct easyMatrix*);struct easyMatrix* addMatrix(const struct easyMatrix* const a, const struct easyMatrix *const  b, struct easyMatrix * c);struct easyMatrix* leftMatrix(uint8, uint8, struct easyMatrix* const a, struct easyMatrix* b);struct easyMatrix* subMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const a, struct easyMatrix* const  b, struct easyMatrix* c);struct easyMatrix* multiMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const a, struct easyMatrix* const b, struct easyMatrix* c);struct easyMatrix* zerosMatrix(struct easyMatrix* e);struct easyMatrix* eyesMatrix(struct easyMatrix* e);void dumpMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const e);struct easyMatrix* adjMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const a,struct easyMatrix* c);struct easyMatrix* getLUMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const A, struct easyMatrix* L,struct easyMatrix* U) ;struct easyMatrix* invLMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const L, struct easyMatrix* L_inv) ;
struct easyMatrix* invUMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const U, struct easyMatrix* U_inv) ;struct easyMatrix* solveEquationMatrix(const struct easyMatrix* const A,const struct easyMatrix* const Y, struct easyMatrix* X) ;DATA_TYPE fastDetMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const in) ;


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "easyMatrix.h"int isFiniteNumber(double d) {return (d<=DBL_MAX&&d>=-DBL_MAX);
struct easyMatrix* setMatrix(DATA_TYPE * const a,struct easyMatrix* c) {uint8 x = c->rows;uint8 y = c->cols;int t = x*y;for(int i=0;i<t;++i) {c->element[i] = a[i];}return c;
}struct easyMatrix* copyMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const a,struct easyMatrix* c) {if(a->rows != c->rows) return NULL;if(a->cols != c->cols) return NULL;int t = a->rows*a->cols;for(int i=0;i<t;++i) {c->element[i] = a->element[i];}return c;
}struct easyMatrix* transMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const a,struct easyMatrix* c) {if(a->rows != c->cols) return NULL;if(a->cols != c->rows) return NULL;int index = 0;int index_src = 0;for(uint8 ii=0;ii<a->cols;++ii) {index_src=ii;for(uint8 jj=0;jj<a->rows;++jj) {//c->element[index] = a->element[jj*a->cols+ii];c->element[index] = a->element[index_src];index++;index_src+=a->cols;}}return c;
}struct easyMatrix* leftMatrix(uint8 x_i,uint8 y_i, struct easyMatrix* const in, struct easyMatrix* out) {if(in->rows != in->cols) return NULL;if(out->rows != out->cols) return NULL;if(in->rows != (out->rows+1)) return NULL;int index = 0;int index_src = 0;uint8 x =in->rows;uint8 y =in->cols;for(uint8 kk=0;kk<x;++kk) {for(uint8 ww=0;ww<y;++ww) {if(!(kk==x_i||ww==y_i)) {//out->element[index] = in->element[kk*y+ww];out->element[index] = in->element[index_src];index++;}index_src++;}}return out;
struct easyMatrix* adjMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const in, struct easyMatrix* out) {if(in->rows != out->cols) return NULL;if(in->cols != out->rows) return NULL;int index = 0;uint8 x = in->rows;uint8 y = in->cols;CREATE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX_ONHEAP(x-1,y-1,ret,NULL);signed char sign1 = 1;signed char sign2 = 1;for(uint8 ii=0;ii<x;++ii) {sign2 = sign1;index = ii;for(uint8 jj=0;jj<y;++jj) {leftMatrix(ii,jj,in,ret);//out->element[jj*y+ii] = sign2*detMatrix(ret);out->element[index] = sign2*detMatrix(ret);sign2 = - sign2;    index+=y;}sign1 = - sign1;}DELETE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX(ret);return out;
}DATA_TYPE invMatrix(struct easyMatrix *const in , struct easyMatrix * out) {if(in->cols!=in->rows) return 0;if(in->rows != out->cols) return 0;if(in->cols != out->rows) return 0;uint8 N = in->cols;CREATE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX_ONHEAP(N,N,L,NULL);CREATE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX_ONHEAP(N,N,LINV,NULL);CREATE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX_ONHEAP(N,N,U,NULL);CREATE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX_ONHEAP(N,N,UINV,NULL);getLUMatrix(in,L,U);invLMatrix(L,LINV);invUMatrix(U,UINV);multiMatrix(UINV,LINV,out);double s = 1;for(int i = 0;i<N;i++) s *= U->element[i*N+i];   /*adjMatrix(in,out);DATA_TYPE scale = detMatrix(in);if(scale<1e-5&&scale>-1e-5) return 0.0;scale = 1/scale;scaleMatrix(scale,out,out);
}struct easyMatrix* getLUMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const A, struct easyMatrix* L,struct easyMatrix* U) {int row=0;DATA_TYPE s = 0;uint8 N = A->cols;int t = N*N;for(int i =0;i<t;i++) {L->element[i] = 1e-20;U->element[i] = 1e-20;}for(int i=0;i<N;i++) {L->element[i*N+i] = 1.0;}for(int i=0;i<N;i++) {for(int j=i;j<N;j++) {s = 0.0;for(int k=0;k<i;++k) {s+=L->element[i*N+k]*U->element[k*N+j];}U->element[i*N+j]= A->element[i*N+j] - s; }for (int j = i + 1;j < N;j++) {s = 0.0;for (int k = 0; k < i; k++){s += L->element[j*N+k] * U->element[k*N+i];}L->element[j*N+i] = (A->element[j*N+i] - s) / U->element[i*N+i];      //按列计算l值}}return L;}struct easyMatrix* invLMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const L, struct easyMatrix* L_inv) { uint8 N = L->cols;DATA_TYPE s;int t = N*N;for(int i =0;i<t;i++) {L_inv->element[i] = 1e-13;}for (uint8 i = 0;i < N;i++)  {L_inv->element[i*N+i] = 1;}for (uint8 i= 1;i < N;i++) {for (uint8 j = 0;j < i;j++) {s = 0;for (uint8 k = 0;k < i;k++) {s += L->element[i*N+k] * L_inv->element[k*N+j];}L_inv->element[i*N+j] = -s;}}return L_inv;
struct easyMatrix* invUMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const U, struct easyMatrix* U_inv) { uint8 N = U->cols;DATA_TYPE s;int t = N*N;for(int i =0;i<t;i++) {U_inv->element[i] = 1e-13;}for (uint8 i = 0;i < N;i++)                    //按列序,列内按照从下到上,计算u的逆矩阵{U_inv->element[i*N+i] = 1 / U->element[i*N+i];}for (uint8 i = 1;i < N;i++) {for (int j = i - 1;j >=0;j--) {s = 0;for (uint8 k = j + 1;k <= i;k++) {s += U->element[j*N+k] * U_inv->element[k*N+i];}U_inv->element[j*N+i] = -s / U->element[j*N+j];}}return U_inv;
DATA_TYPE fastDetMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const in) {uint8 x = in->rows;uint8 y = in->cols;if(x!=y) return 0;if(x==0 ) return 0;if(x==1 ) return in->element[0];DATA_TYPE *a =in->element;if(x==2) return(a[0]*a[3]-a[1]*a[2]);int N = x;CREATE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX_ONHEAP(N,N,L,NULL);CREATE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX_ONHEAP(N,N,U,NULL);getLUMatrix(in,L,U);double s = 1;for(int i = 0;i<N;i++) s *= U->element[i*N+i];DELETE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX(L);DELETE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX(U);return s;
}DATA_TYPE detMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const in) {uint8 x = in->rows;uint8 y = in->cols;if(x!=y) return 0;if(x==0 ) return 0;if(x==1 ) return in->element[0];DATA_TYPE *a =in->element;if(x==2) return(a[0]*a[3]-a[1]*a[2]);DATA_TYPE result = 0;signed char sign = 1;CREATE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX_ONHEAP(x-1,y-1,ret,NULL);for(uint8 i=0;i<x;++i) {leftMatrix(0,i,in,ret);result += sign*a[i]*detMatrix(ret);sign = - sign;}DELETE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX(ret);return result;
}struct easyMatrix* addMatrix(const struct easyMatrix* const a,const struct easyMatrix* const b, struct easyMatrix* c) {if(a->cols != b->cols) return NULL;if(a->rows != b->rows) return NULL;struct easyMatrix* obj = (struct easyMatrix*)a;int t = obj->rows*obj->cols;for(int i=0;i<t;++i) {c->element[i] = obj->element[i]+b->element[i];}return c;
}struct easyMatrix* subMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const a, struct easyMatrix* const b, struct easyMatrix* c) {if(a->cols != b->cols) return NULL;if(a->rows != b->rows) return NULL;struct easyMatrix* obj = (struct easyMatrix*)a;int t = obj->rows*obj->cols;for(int i=0;i<t;++i) {c->element[i] = obj->element[i]-b->element[i];}return c;
}struct easyMatrix* scaleMatrix(DATA_TYPE scale, struct easyMatrix* const a, struct easyMatrix* b) {int t = a->cols*a->rows;for (int i = 0;i<t;++i) {b->element[i] = a->element[i]*scale;}return b;
}struct easyMatrix* multiMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const a,struct easyMatrix* const b, struct easyMatrix* c) {if(NULL==c) return NULL;if(c == a || c == b) return NULL;if(a->cols != b->rows) return NULL;int count = 0;int t_cnt = 0;int z_cnt = 0;uint8 x = a->rows;uint8 y = a->cols;uint8 z = b->cols;for(uint8 i = 0;i<x;++i) {for(uint8 k = 0;k<z;++k) {c->element[count] = 0;z_cnt = 0;for(uint8 j = 0;j<y;++j) {c->element[count] += a->element[t_cnt+j]*b->element[z_cnt+k];z_cnt += z;}count++;}t_cnt+=y;}return c;
}struct easyMatrix* zerosMatrix(struct easyMatrix* e) {int t = e->cols*e->rows;for(int i=0;i<t;++i) {e->element[i] = 0;}return e;
}struct easyMatrix* eyesMatrix(struct easyMatrix* e) {if(e->rows != e->cols) return NULL;zerosMatrix(e);int index = 0;for(uint8 i=0;i<e->rows;++i) {e->element[index] = 1.0;index+=(e->cols);++index;}return e;
}struct easyMatrix* solveEquationMatrix(const struct easyMatrix* const A,const struct easyMatrix* const Y, struct easyMatrix* X) { CREATE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX_ONHEAP(A->rows,A->cols,AINV,NULL);invMatrix(A,AINV);multiMatrix(AINV,Y,X);DELETE_DYNAMIC_MATRIX(AINV);return X;
void dumpMatrix(struct easyMatrix* const e) {int count = 0;int x = e->rows;int y = e->cols;printf("cols is:%d, rows is:%d\n",x,y);for(uint8 i = 0;i<x;++i) {for(uint8 j = 0;j<y;++j) {printf("%8f,",e->element[count]);++count;}printf("\n");}return;


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