
Plastic SCM is a full version control stack integrated with Unity. It enhances Unity’s project creation with asset versioning, diff and merging capabilities, and repo management among other features.

Plastic SCM是与Unity集成的完整版本控制堆栈。 它通过资产版本控制,差异和合并功能以及回购管理等功能增强了Unity的项目创建。

Plastic’s Unity plug-in is bundled into Unity’s executable, you access it through through the Edit menu > Project Settings > Editor and then select Plastic SCM from the dropdown version control menu.

Plastic的Unity插件捆绑在Unity的可执行文件中,您可以通过“编辑”菜单>“项目设置”>“编辑器”对其进行访问,然后从下拉版本控制菜单中选择“ Plastic SCM”。

Plastic SCM is developed by Codice, a partner of the Unity Asset Store, and it is all about collaboration. It’s a tool to allow remote teams of developers and artists to get the best results most efficiently, one task at a time. Plastic’s flexibility allows for teams to work distributed or centralized. On premises, cloud and hybrid setups are also available. With Plastic, management of all objects suitable for version control can be done right from within the editor. As an example, in your Inspector, all team members can visualize and change the different instances of each Game Object across all scenes.

Plastic SCM由Unity Asset Store的合作伙伴Codice开发,而这完全是关于协作的。 它是一种工具,它允许开发人员和艺术家的远程团队一次最多地获得最有效的最佳结果。 Plastic的灵活性允许团队进行分布式或集中式工作。 在本地,也可以使用云和混合设置。 使用Plastic,可以直接在编辑器中完成所有适合版本控制的对象的管理。 例如,在您的检查器中,所有团队成员都可以在所有场景中可视化并更改每个游戏对象的不同实例。

Check-in description is easily done from the version control pane in Unity.


Plastic SCM also provides a point and click GUI for artists called Gluon. Gluon will allow them to version on a file per file basis, checkout, lock files, and benefit from the goodies of version control while avoiding its complexities. Artists and developers can seamlessly work with code and graphics in the same repository with Gluon.

Plastic SCM还为名为Gluon的艺术家提供了指向和单击的GUI。 Gluon将允许他们在每个文件的基础上进行版本控制,检出,锁定文件,并受益于版本控制的优点,同时避免了其复杂性。 艺术家和开发人员可以使用Gluon在同一存储库中无缝处理代码和图形。

Plastic SCM将开发人员和艺术家聚集在一起,进行Magic Leap合作 (Plastic SCM brings devs and artists together for a Magic Leap collaboration)

The challenge was to render real-time, volumetric video on top of a person. To make matters even more challenging, this was to be built in only six weeks by a full-remote team of videographers, programmers and spatial computing specialists.

面临的挑战是在人身上渲染实时的体积视频。 使事情变得更具挑战性的是,这将由全职的摄像师,程序员和空间计算专家在仅六个星期的时间内完成。

As a spatial computing device, Magic Leap One lets in natural light waves together with softly layered synthetic lightfields. Our brain then interprets the combination of light rays as one single scene, creating highly realistic experiences. Virtual Voyagers and Volograms, have created a real-time volumetric video project for Magic Leap One, Unity’s partner. Only a pipeline of integrated tools that talk to each other seamlessly would allow for all these professionals to blend their work into one coherent experience in due time. Since Plastic SCM is built for devs and artists to collaborate, the choice for them was clear.

作为一种空间计算设备,Magic Leap One可以让自然光波与柔软的分层合成光场一起进入。 然后,我们的大脑将光线的组合解释为一个场景,从而创造出高度逼真的体验。 Virtual Voyagers和Volograms为Unity的合作伙伴Magic Leap One创建了一个实时体积视频项目。 只有相互无缝对话的集成工具管道才能使所有这些专业人员在适当的时候将他们的工作融合到一个连贯的经验中。 由于Plastic SCM是为开发人员和艺术家进行协作而构建的,因此他们的选择很明确。

Rendering results in crunch time: performance with binaries and non-binaries


An example of volumetric video managed with Plastic SCM’s version control.

使用Plastic SCM版本控制管理 体积视频 示例

Virtual Voyagers’ and Volograms’ programmers worked on Plastic’s native GUI, most of their designers managed their assets inside Unity’s interface, while one illustrator utilized Gluon. This workflow allowed for minimum friction and loss of focus — binaries over 1 TB big where shared through Plastic SCM with low latency. Graphic assets, physics, and animations lived in the same repo as the source code to have a consistent and manageable build pipeline that they could monitor through the branch explorer.

Virtual Voyagers和Volograms的程序员在Plastic的本机GUI上工作,他们的大多数设计师在Unity界面中管理资产,而一位插画家则使用Gluon。 该工作流程可最大程度地减少摩擦和丢失焦点-二进制文件超过1 TB,可通过Plastic SCM以低延迟共享。 图形资产,物理和动画与源代码位于相同的存储库中,以具有一致且可管理的构建管道,可以通过分支资源管理器对其进行监视。

Switching branches or workspaces is seamless in Plastic SCM.

在Plastic SCM中,切换分支或工作空间是无缝的。

The complete toolkit in action.


体积视频,多边形和动画结合在一起! (Volumetric video, polygons, and animations united!)

The volumetric video assets consist of a series of temporally coherent 3D textured 3D meshes played sequentially. Two main factors determine the performance of the sequence: the polygon resolution of every mesh, and the resolution of their texture atlases. Magic Leap One is perfectly capable of running 50k polygon meshes at 30 fps with 2K textures, and Plastic SCM helps to exchange them between team members.

体积视频资产由一系列顺序播放的时间相干3D纹理3D网格组成。 两个主要因素决定了序列的性能:每个网格的多边形分辨率及其纹理图集的分辨率。 Magic Leap One能够以30 fps的速度运行具有2K纹理的50k多边形网格,而Plastic SCM有助于在团队成员之间交换它们。

In this project, 12 cameras were used to record the actor’s movement.


Magic Leap’s spatial mapping was used to position this hologram coherently within context.  Using this method allowed the team to use a raycast that interacts with both the real objects and artificial content in a virtual space. The project then creates the virtual content via an occlusion plane set to where the raycast indicates that produces the optimal scene.

Magic Leap的空间映射用于将该全息图在上下文中连贯地定位。 使用此方法,团队可以使用与虚拟空间中的真实对象和人造内容交互的光线投射。 然后,该项目将通过遮挡平面创建虚拟内容,该遮挡平面设置为光线投射指示产生最佳场景的位置。

Raycasting visualization in Unity to produce the optimal scene.


Plastic SCM, as well as Unity and Lumen OS, perform well with such load. Powered by Jet, Plastic’s own built-in repo storage system outperforms all commercial version control in the market. Read Plastic’s performance and scalability benchmark report here.

Plastic SCM以及Unity和Lumen OS在这种负载下表现良好。 在Jet的支持下,Plastic自己的内置回购存储系统的性能优于市场上的所有商业版本控制。 在此处阅读Plastic的性能和可伸缩性基准报告。

运输项目,一次完成一项任务 (Shipping projects, one task at a time)

The end result is a hologram immersed in your visual field with which you can interact. You can see the end result of Virtual Voyagers’ and Volograms’ project recorded directly from Magic Leap One.

最终结果是将全息图浸入您可以与之交互的视野中。 您可以直接从Magic Leap On e上看到Virtual Voyagers和Volograms项目的最终结果。

Plastic SCM is a versatile, resilient and powerful source code manager to handle your code base and connect your remote teams. It is the perfect tool to make the best out of spatial computing. The combined forces of Unity’s SDK, Magic Leap One and Plastic SCM allowed Virtual Voyagers and Volograms to present a groundbreaking project that is absolutely breathtaking.

Plastic SCM是一个多功能,灵活且功能强大的源代码管理器,用于处理您的代码库并连接远程团队。 它是充分利用空间计算的理想工具。 Unity的SDK,Magic Leap One和Plastic SCM的共同力量使Virtual Voyagers和Volograms能够提出一个开创性的项目,这绝对是惊人的。

If you want to learn more about Plastic SCM’s capabilities and use cases in game development with Unity please visit the website.

如果您想了解更多关于Plastic SCM的功能和Unity开发游戏中的用例的信息,请访问该网站 。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/02/10/unity-integrated-full-version-control-stack-plastic-scm/


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