
文章来源| 大耳朵英语

Spending quality time together with another person doesn’t need to cost that much, after all love doesn’t cost anything. Sometimes the most fun you’ll ever experience costs little to nothing. If you’re low on money or just tired of the same kind of dates over and over again, then try these ideas for a fun inexpensive change of pace.


1.Stargaze while laying on a blanket outside.


Grab a blanket and go outside in your yard, snuggle up together with some hot chocolate and watch for shooting stars. This is an especially great idea whenever there’s a meteor shower to watch.


2.Grab some water guns at your local dollar store and have a water gun fight.


Or you could always opt for water balloons and pelt each other with them. This is a fun outdoor activity in which you can play hide and seek, run around like kids.


3.Picnic at a local park.


Pack a lunch for the two of you and be sure to bring some bread to feed the ducks if there’s a pond. Enjoy a nice day outside walking around the park and pick a spot to sit down and share lunch.


4.Do something together outdoors like walking, running, hiking, biking, or swimming.


Get outside and get some sunshine and fresh air together. Exercising together can help both of you.


5.Watch the sunrise and/or sunset (even better from the beach). Pack a blanket and some snacks to share.


Pack a picnic breakfast, dinner, or snack, and cuddle with your partner while watching the sunrise or sunset.


6.Take a free class and learn something together.


Take a free class, either locally or online. Learn something new together, maybe a new language, a new skill, cook something new together or read a book together.


7.Watch airplanes take off and land.


Go to your local airport. Make sure you’re in a good area that you’re allowed to be in and watch the planes take off and land.


8.Watch a local sporting event (football, baseball, basketball).


Take in a local football game on a Friday night.


9.Dance together.


You can slow dance or learn how to do a specific kind of dance with your partner. Put on a slow song and get romantic.


10.Go to a local museum that’s free or cheap. Science and art museums are awesome choices.


Museums give you a chance to get out, walk around, learn some new things, and enjoy spending time together.



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