B4:之前 (B4: Before)

B4 is an abbreviation of "Before".

B4是“ Before”的缩写

It is an expression, which is commonly used in messaging or chatting on social media networking sites like Facebook, Yahoo Messenger, and Gmail, etc. Whenever a person wants to say that something has done previously or it could have already been done previously and the word Before comes there, they use the slang B4 instead of Before to keep it short. It is easy to understand as well and quite common in the social media platform.

它是一种表达方式,通常用于在Facebook,Yahoo Messenger和Gmail等社交媒体网站上进行消息收发或聊天时。无论何时有人想说某事以前已经做过或可能已经在以前做过, 在此之前 ,他们使用the语B4而不是Before来使它简短。 它也很容易理解,并且在社交媒体平台中非常普遍。

Let us take an example of an assignment. The teacher has given the assignment to the students to complete and bring from home. Now students are discussing the assignment on social media. This is the conversation among them.

让我们以分配为例。 老师已将作业分配给学生,以完成任务并带回家。 现在,学生们正在社交媒体上讨论作业。 这是他们之间的对话。

Example of online conversation:


    1. Student1: Hey, have you done the assignment yet?
2.  Student2: Yes, I have already done it Day B4 Yesterday.
3.  Student1: Ok Bro, I’ll also complete it by today.

2nd Example


    1.  Student1: Hey, will you provide the assignment to me B4 sir comes in class.
2.  Student2: Ok, But please modify, and don’t copy it totally.
3.  Student1: For sure bro.

This kind of circumstance normally arises in conversations of social media online chatting or messaging. Now, these days, the demands of acronyms are very high on social media online chatting or messaging, so the users usually use B4 as a replacement for Before.
While this slang is very common in gaming and chatting platform, still many are unaware of this slang.

这种情况通常出现在社交媒体在线聊天或消息传递的对话中。 现在,这些天来,对社交媒体在线聊天或消息传递的首字母缩写词要求很高,因此用户通常使用B4代替Before

In the corporate industry too, these slangs are common and used in a very large manner. The industry itself likes those employees who are smart enough and stay updated with such digital languages which are familiar, easy and are good at time management.

在公司行业中,这些语也很常见,并且使用量很大。 该行业本身喜欢那些足够聪明的员工,并使用熟悉,易用且擅长时间管理的数字语言保持最新状态。

So, from now whenever you have chosen the word Before in your any sentence and are on the social media platform, you can use its abbreviation B4.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/b4-full-form.aspx


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