scope hosting

Ask most website owners about hosting and they’ll happily explain what shared, dedicated and cloud hosting is. But when it comes to virtual private servers, lots of them aren’t 100% sure what VPS are or what they’re best suited for. Some don’t even know that there is a VPS hosting option. So, to put everyone clearly in the picture, this article will give you a full introduction to VPS.

向大多数网站所有者询问托管事宜,他们会很乐意解释什么是共享,专用和云托管。 但是,当涉及到虚拟专用服务器时,其中许多服务器并不能100%地确定什么是VPS或它们最适合什么。 有些人甚至不知道有VPS托管选项。 因此,为使大家清楚地了解情况,本文将为您提供VPS的完整介绍。

什么是虚拟专用服务器? (What is a Virtual Private Server?)

A virtual private server, usually referred to as a VPS, is a hosting solution that falls midway between shared hosting and a dedicated server. A VPS is created by using virtualisation software to divide a physical server into several smaller, virtual ones, each with its own operating system and dedicated storage, RAM and CPU resources.

虚拟专用服务器(通常称为VPS)是一种托管解决方案,介于共享托管和专用服务器之间。 通过使用虚拟化软件将物理服务器划分为几个较小的虚拟服务器来创建VPS,每个虚拟服务器都有自己的操作系统以及专用的存储,RAM和CPU资源。

VPS与共享和专用服务器托管有何不同? (How is a VPS different to shared and dedicated server hosting?)

Shared hosting is a bit like communal living; essentially, you lease part of the server and share the resources: CPU (processors), memory and disk space, bandwidth, etc. with the other users. This works well for most smaller websites as the speed, storage, bandwidth and reliability you need usually function without a problem. However, for businesses with bigger requirements, the resources available can be too limited.

共享托管有点像公共生活。 本质上,您租用了一部分服务器并与其他用户共享资源:CPU(处理器),内存和磁盘空间,带宽等。 这对于大多数较小的网站非常有效,因为您通常需要的速度,存储,带宽和可靠性正常运行而不会出现问题。 但是,对于要求更高的企业,可用资源可能太有限。

There are some potential issues with shared hosting: if some of the other websites sharing the server hog resources it can impact on your site’s performance and if they leave themselves vulnerable to infections or hacks, this may compromise your own security.


If shared hosting can be likened to lots of people sharing a big house, VPS is the equivalent of dividing the big house into a number of smaller flats. Each VPS is a separate computing environment, isolated from the others, with its own dedicated resources. Being a separate entity with its own operating system means your data won’t be compromised by other customers’ vulnerabilities. It also means you can run any custom apps.

如果可以将共享托管比作共享一栋大房子的许多人,则VPS相当于将一栋大房子分成许多较小的公寓。 每个VPS是一个独立的计算环境,彼此独立,并具有自己的专用资源。 作为具有自己操作系统的独立实体,这意味着您的数据不会受到其他客户漏洞的破坏。 这也意味着您可以运行任何自定义应用程序。

Continuing with the house analogy, having a dedicated server is the equivalent of owning the entire house. You have all the disk space and computing resources at your disposal and control over which operating system and hardware you want to use, however, this does make it the most expensive choice and is best suited for businesses that have larger processing and storage needs.

继续以房屋为类比,拥有专用服务器相当于拥有整个房屋。 您拥有所有磁盘空间和计算资源,可以控制要使用的操作系统和硬件,但是,这确实使其成为最昂贵的选择,并且最适合具有较大处理和存储需求的企业。

VPS托管有什么好处? (What are the benefits of VPS hosting?)

Essentially, VPS hosting gives website owners the opportunity to have many of the features of a dedicated server but at a price that is much nearer the cost of shared hosting. For example, at eUKhost, you can have a VPS server for £12.99 (ex VAT)* per month. That’s only a few pounds more than our top spec, shared hosting solution but significantly less than our lowest priced dedicated server at £69.99 (ex VAT)* per month. (* Prices at time of publication.)

本质上,VPS托管使网站所有者有机会拥有专用服务器的许多功能,但价格却比共享托管的成本低得多。 例如,在eUKhost,您可以以每月12.99英镑(不含增值税)*的价格购买VPS服务器。 这仅比我们的顶级规格共享托管解决方案高出几磅,但大大低于我们最低价的专用服务器(每月69.99英镑)(不含增值税)*。 (*发布时的价格。)

VPS also gives you the option for fully managed hosting, full administrative access, remote server access, and the ability to run custom software apps. In addition, you have much greater CPU, bandwidth, RAM and storage at your disposal than with shared hosting.

VPS还为您提供了完全托管的主机,完全管理访问,远程服务器访问以及运行自定义软件应用程序的功能。 此外,与共享主机相比,您拥有更大的CPU,带宽,RAM和存储空间。

谁应该考虑使用VPS? (Who should consider using VPS?)

With advances in virtualization and cloud computing, it looks increasingly likely that shared hosting is becoming yesterday’s entry level solution. For new companies starting up today, going straight for VPS is the much better option. For website owners that are still using shared hosting, there are signs you should look for that can tell you if it might be time to upgrade to VPS, these are:

随着虚拟化和云计算的进步,共享托管越来越有可能成为昨天的入门级解决方案。 对于今天成立的新公司来说,直接使用VPS是更好的选择。 对于仍在使用共享主机的网站所有者,您应该寻找一些迹象,这些迹象可以告诉您是否应该升级到VPS,这些迹象是:

  • A slow running website – an indication that you’re hitting your shared hosting resource limits.网站运行缓慢–表明您正在达到共享主机资源限制。
  • Your website has started to have much greater traffic or has significant peaks that it struggles to cope with.您的网站已开始拥有更多的流量,或者出现了很多高峰,难以应对。
  • You store sensitive data and need to protect your customers’ information and comply with the Data Protection Act, etc.您存储敏感数据,并且需要保护客户的信息并遵守《数据保护法》等。
  • You run an e-commerce site that stores card details or processes payments and needs to comply with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS).您运行一个电子商务网站,该网站存储卡详细信息或处理付款,并且需要遵守付款卡行业数据安全标准(PCI DSS)。
  • Your company needs to run custom apps in order to operate its business.您的公司需要运行自定义应用程序才能运营其业务。

选择VPS托管软件包时要寻找什么 (What to look for when choosing a VPS hosting package)

Not all VPS hosting is the same and some hosts offer far better services and value for money than others. Below is a list of things you should look out for:

并非所有的VPS托管都是相同的,并且某些主机提供的服务和性价比要比其他主机好得多。 以下是您应注意的事项列表:

完全托管的托管 (Fully managed hosting)

Many businesses that use shared hosting don’t have the in-house technical expertise to manage a server and if this applies to you, you should look for a host that provides a fully managed service that maintains hardware, installs and updates your operating system, and monitors your server for problems so that it continues to operate at optimum levels.


24/7客户支持 (24/7 Customer Support)

If you have a problem on Friday night you don’t want to wait until Monday morning before you can speak to your hosting provider, for this reason, it is absolutely essential that your VPS host offers full 24/7 support, including technical support. A good host should have various channels through which you can communicate: phone, email, live chat, etc.

如果您在星期五晚上遇到问题,您不想等到星期一早晨才可以与托管服务提供商进行对话,因此,绝对重要的是,VPS主机必须提供完整的24/7支持,包括技术支持。 好的主持人应具有多种沟通渠道:电话,电子邮件,实时聊天等。

You should also check that your support can give advice on security and application performance.


可用性 (Availability)

You need a host that can guarantee your website will be online and won’t be hampered by reliability issues. Ideally, your host should offer uptime at 99.5% and above: if they can back this up with a service level agreement, even better.

您需要一个可以确保您的网站在线并且不会受到可靠性问题影响的主机。 理想情况下,您的主机应提供99.5%或更高的正常运行时间:如果他们可以通过服务水平协议进行支持,那就更好了。

高性能硬件 (High-performance hardware)

Underpinning your entire operations is the hardware your VPS is hosted on. If you want a VPS that delivers enterprise-class performance, you need to ensure that your web host is investing in up-to-date technology such as super-fast SSD drives and, the latest Intel Xeon processors, high-speed DDR4 memory and high-performance RAID controllers.

VPS托管的硬件是整个操作的基础。 如果您想要提供企业级性能的VPS,则需要确保您的Web主机正在投资于最新技术,例如超高速SSD驱动器,最新的Intel Xeon处理器,高速DDR4内存和高性能RAID控制器。

价钱 (Price)

Whilst price is important when choosing a VPS hosting packaging, it should not be the determining factor. It’s far more important to consider the value for money that you get for the package you choose. For this reason, it is best to compare the different services on offer carefully and to make sure that you get everything you need not just for now but or your future needs.

虽然价格在选择VPS托管包装时很重要,但它不应成为决定因素。 考虑您选择的包裹所获得的金钱价值更为重要。 因此,最好仔细比较所提供的不同服务,并确保您不仅获得目前所需的一切,而且还获得未来的需求。

结论 (Conclusion)

Hopefully, this article will have given you a much clearer understanding of virtual private servers. You should now know:

希望本文将使您对虚拟专用服务器有更清晰的了解。 您现在应该知道:

  • what a VPS is and how one is created什么是VPS以及如何创建
  • the differences between shared, VPS and dedicated hosting共享,VPS和专用托管之间的区别
  • the benefits of VPS hostingVPS托管的好处
  • why and when you should consider switching to VPS为什么以及何时应该考虑切换到VPS
  • what to look for when choosing a VPS hosting package选择VPS托管软件包时要寻找什么

If you are considering switching to VPS, check out our highly affordable, fully managed VPS packages. Our VPS offer blisteringly fast, enterprise-class SSD storage, high-speed DDR4 memory and the latest Intel Xeon processors – all backed up by our highly regarded 24/7 technical support.

如果您正在考虑切换到VPS,请查看我们价格合理,完全托管的VPS软件包 。 我们的VPS提供了极快的企业级SSD存储,高速DDR4内存和最新的Intel Xeon处理器-所有这些都得到了我们备受推崇的24/7技术支持。


scope hosting

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