
  • latex使用bibliography
    • 1. 如何使用参考文献
    • 2. .bib文件中的常见类型
    • 3. 如何在.tex文件中使用
    • 4. 如何编译
    • 参考内容



1. 如何使用参考文献


  1. 使用\bibliographystyle确定参考文献的风格。
  2. 将参考文献写入.bib文件中,例如reference.bib
  3. .tex文件中使用\bibliography命令导入参考文献,例如\bibliography{reference}

2. .bib文件中的常见类型

  1. @article:期刊杂志的论文

    必要域: author, title, journal, year.

    可选域: volume, number, pages, month, note.

  2. @book:公开出版的图书

    必要域: author/editor, title, publisher, year.

    可选域: volume/number, series, address, edition, month, note.

  3. @booklet:无出版商或作者的图书

    必要域: title.

    可选域: author, howpublished, address, month, year, note.

  4. @inbook:书籍的一部分章节

    必要域: author/editor, title, chapter and/or pages, publisher, year.

    可选域: volume/number, series, type, address, edition, month, note.

  5. @incollection:书籍中带独立标题的章节

    必要域: author, title, booktitle, publisher, year.

    可选域: editor, volume/number, series, type, chapter, pages, address, edition, month, note.

  6. @conference :会议论文,等价于 inproceedings

    必要域: author, title, booktitle, year.

    可选域: editor, volume/number, series, pages, address, month, organization, publisher, note.

  7. @inproceedings:会议论文集中的一篇

    必要域: author, title, booktitle, year.

    可选域: editor, volume/number, series, pages, address, month, organization, publisher, note.

  8. @manual:技术文档

    必要域: title.

    可选域: author, organization, address, edition, month, year, note.

  9. @mastersthesis:硕士论文

    必要域: author, title, school, year.

    可选域: type, address, month, note.

  10. @misc:其他

    必要域: none

    可选域: author, title, howpublished, month, year, note.

  11. @phdthesis:博士论文

    必要域: author, title, year, school.

    可选域: address, month, keywords, note.

  12. @proceedings:会议论文集

    必要域: title, year.

    可选域: editor, volume/number, series, address, month, organization, publisher, note.

  13. @techreport:教育,商业机构的技术报告

    必要域: author, title, institution, year.

    可选域: type, number, address, month, note.

  14. @unpublished:未出版的论文,图书

    必要域: author, title, note.

    可选域: month, year.


3. 如何在.tex文件中使用


@article{finnilaQuantumAnnealingNew1994,title = {Quantum annealing: {A} new method for minimizing multidimensional functions},volume = {219},issn = {0009-2614},shorttitle = {Quantum annealing},url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0009261494001170},doi = {10.1016/0009-2614(94)00117-0},abstract = {Quantum annealing is a new method for finding extrema of multidimensional functions. Based on an extension of classical, simulated annealing, this approach appears robust with respect to avoiding local minima. Further, unlike some of its predecessors, it does not require an approximation to a wavefunction. We apply the technique to the problem of finding the lowest energy configurations of Lennard-Jones clusters of up to 19 particles (roughly 105 local minima). This early success suggests that this method may complement the widely implemented technique of simulated annealing.},language = {en},number = {5},urldate = {2021-01-09},journal = {Chemical Physics Letters},author = {Finnila, A. B. and Gomez, M. A. and Sebenik, C. and Stenson, C. and Doll, J. D.},month = mar,year = {1994},pages = {343--348},file = {ScienceDirect Snapshot:/home/sheffieldwang/paper/storage/LBJEN2QA/0009261494001170.html:text/html},




4. 如何编译


xelatex test.tex
bib text.aux
xelatex test.tex
xelatex test.tex





  1. 关于Latex 引用参考文献时,bibliography{}以及bibliographystyle{}位置的问题

    模板的话一般都是在期刊上下载好的latex模板(如IEEE trans系列的)成功的步骤都是以下四步: (F6, F8, F6, F8) (0)前提先做好bib文件,具体参考> https:// ...

  2. [LaTeX] 将参考文献的引用格式从编号改为 “作者,年份” 及可能出现的问题(Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible...)解决

    文章目录 前言 1 步骤 2 可能出现的问题:! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year 3 小结 参考文 ...

  3. LaTeX/Bibliography Management latex 参考文献管理 bib

    LaTeX/Bibliography Management https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Bibliography_Management

  4. 【转载】解决latex里面的:Bibliography not compatible with author-year citation

    转载自:https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2044952-1055483.html Latex中利用.bib文件添加参考 出现如下问题: Package natbib E ...

  5. latex: Change ieetran.bst bibliography style lastname before firstname

    参考:Change ieetr bibliography style to last name first 问题:在bibtex中IEEEtran样式的文献引用的姓在名的后面,如张三: s zhang ...

  6. LaTeX修改书目(bibliography)/引用(references)/摘要(abstract)标题

    在生成各部分标题的指令之前使用 \renewcommand{\abstractname}{你的ABSTRACT} \renewcommand{\refname}{你的REFERENCES} \rene ...

  7. 修改latex参考文件名字bibliography为reference

    一句命令: \renewcommand{\bibname}{Reference}

  8. bst latex 最大作者数_latex bst文件怎么用

    {document}%源文件的结束 源文件的结束 (2)英文 LaTeX2e 模板 ) \\documentclass[11pt]{article}%文件类说明 文件类说明 %还可以选择的类是 boo ...

  9. latex中的各种文件

    latex中的相关文件有很多,所以当你下载一个模板拿来用的时候,发现有很多后缀名的文件. 例如: 简要的介绍如下: .tex  最常见的latex文件,也是平时编写文章的文件 .cls  是latex ...


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