6.1 基于请求加载数据

6.1.1 追加HTML


<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>The Devil's Dictionary</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="06.css" type="text/css" /><script src="jquery.js"></script><script src="06.js"></script></head><body><div id="container"><div id="header"><h2>The Devil's Dictionary</h2><div class="author">by Ambrose Bierce</div></div><div class="letters"><div class="letter" id="letter-a"><h3><a href="#">A</a></h3></div><div class="letter" id="letter-b"><h3><a href="#">B</a></h3></div><div class="letter" id="letter-c"><h3><a href="#">C</a></h3></div><div class="letter" id="letter-d"><h3><a href="#">D</a></h3></div><div class="letter" id="letter-e"><h3>E</h3><ul><li><a href="e.php?term=Eavesdrop">Eavesdrop</a></li><li><a href="e.php?term=Edible">Edible</a></li><li><a href="e.php?term=Education">Education</a></li><li><a href="e.php?term=Eloquence">Eloquence</a></li><li><a href="e.php?term=Elysium">Elysium</a></li><li><a href="e.php?term=Emancipation">Emancipation</a></li><li><a href="e.php?term=Emotion">Emotion</a></li><li><a href="e.php?term=Envelope">Envelope</a></li><li><a href="e.php?term=Envy">Envy</a></li><li><a href="e.php?term=Epitaph">Epitaph</a></li><li><a href="e.php?term=Evangelist">Evangelist</a></li></ul></div><div class="letter" id="letter-f"><h3>F</h3><form action="f.php"><input type="text" name="term" value="" id="term" /><button type="submit">Search</button></form></div><div class="letter" id="letter-g"><h3><a href="#">G</a></h3></div><div class="letter" id="letter-h"><h3><a href="h.html">H</a></h3></div></div><div id="dictionary"></div></div></body>


<div class="entry"><h3 class="term">ABDICATION</h3><div class="part">n.</div><div class="definition">An act whereby a sovereign attests his sense of the high temperature of the throne.<div class="quote"><div class="quote-line">Poor Isabella's Dead, whose abdication</div><div class="quote-line">Set all tongues wagging in the Spanish nation.</div><div class="quote-line">For that performance 'twere unfair to scold her:</div><div class="quote-line">She wisely left a throne too hot to hold her.</div><div class="quote-line">To History she'll be no royal riddle —</div><div class="quote-line">Merely a plain parched pea that jumped the griddle.</div><div class="quote-author">G.J.</div></div></div>
</div><div class="entry"><h3 class="term">ABSOLUTE</h3><div class="part">adj.</div><div class="definition">Independent, irresponsible.  An absolute monarchy is one in which the sovereign does as he pleases so long as he pleases the assassins.  Not many absolute monarchies are left, most of them having been replaced by limited monarchies, where the sovereign's power for evil (and for good) is greatly curtailed, and by republics, which are governed by chance.</div>
</div><div class="entry"><h3 class="term">ACKNOWLEDGE</h3><div class="part">v.t.</div><div class="definition">To confess.  Acknowledgement of one another's faults is the highest duty imposed by our love of truth.</div>
</div><div class="entry"><h3 class="term">AFFIANCED</h3><div class="part">pp.</div><div class="definition">Fitted with an ankle-ring for the ball-and-chain.</div>
</div><div class="entry"><h3 class="term">AMBIDEXTROUS</h3><div class="part">adj.</div><div class="definition">Able to pick with equal skill a right-hand pocket or a left.</div>
</div><div class="entry"><h3 class="term">ANOINT</h3><div class="part">v.t.</div><div class="definition">To grease a king or other great functionary already sufficiently slippery.<div class="quote"><div class="quote-line">As sovereigns are anointed by the priesthood,</div><div class="quote-line">So pigs to lead the populace are greased good.</div><div class="quote-author">Judibras</div></div></div>
</div><div class="entry"><h3 class="term">ARMOR</h3><div class="part">n.</div><div class="definition">The kind of clothing worn by a man whose tailor is a blacksmith.</div>


$(document).ready(function() {$('#letter-a a').click(function() {$('#dictionary').load('a.html');return false;});


$(document).ready(function() {$('#letter-a a').click(function() {$('#dictionary').load('a.html');alert('Loaded!');return false;});

6.1.2 操作JavaScript对象


[{"term": "BACCHUS","part": "n.","definition": "A convenient deity invented by the ancients as an excuse for getting drunk.","quote": ["Is public worship, then, a sin,","That for devotions paid to Bacchus","The lictors dare to run us in,","And resolutely thump and whack us?"],"author": "Jorace"},{"term": "BACKBITE","part": "v.t.","definition": "To speak of a man as you find him when he can't find you."},{"term": "BEARD","part": "n.","definition": "The hair that is commonly cut off by those who justly execrate the absurd Chinese custom of shaving the head."},{"term": "BEGGAR","part": "n.","definition": "One who has relied on the assistance of his friends."},{"term": "BELLADONNA","part": "n.","definition": "In Italian a beautiful lady; in English a deadly poison.  A striking example of the essential identity of the two tongues."},{"term": "BIGAMY","part": "n.","definition": "A mistake in taste for which the wisdom of the future will adjudge a punishment called trigamy."},{"term": "BORE","part": "n.","definition": "A person who talks when you wish him to listen."}


  $('#letter-b a').click(function() {$.getJSON('b.json', function(data) {var html = '';$.each(data, function(entryIndex, entry) {html += '<div class="entry">';html += '<h3 class="term">' + entry.term + '</h3>';html += '<div class="part">' + entry.part + '</div>';html += '<div class="definition">';html += entry.definition;html += '</div>';html += '</div>';});$('#dictionary').html(html);});return false;});


var entries = [{"term": "CALAMITY","part": "n.","definition": "A more than commonly plain and unmistakable reminder that the affairs of this life are not of our own ordering.  Calamities are of two kinds:  misfortune to ourselves, and good fortune to others."},{"term": "CANNIBAL","part": "n.","definition": "A gastronome of the old school who preserves the simple tastes and adheres to the natural diet of the pre-pork period."},{"term": "CHILDHOOD","part": "n.","definition": "The period of human life intermediate between the idiocy of infancy and the folly of youth — two removes from the sin of manhood and three from the remorse of age."},{"term": "CLARIONET","part": "n.","definition": "An instrument of torture operated by a person with cotton in his ears.  There are two instruments that are worse than a clarionet — two clarionets."},{"term": "COMFORT","part": "n.","definition": "A state of mind produced by contemplation of a neighbor's uneasiness."},{"term": "CORSAIR","part": "n.","definition": "A politician of the seas."}
];var html = '';$.each(entries, function() {html += '<div class="entry">';html += '<h3 class="term">' + this.term + '</h3>';html += '<div class="part">' + this.part + '</div>';html += '<div class="definition">' + this.definition + '</div>';html += '</div>';


  $('#letter-c a').click(function() {$.getScript('c.js');return false;});


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<entries><entry term="DANCE" part="v.i."><definition>To leap about to the sound of tittering music,preferably with arms about your neighbor's wife ordaughter.  There are many kinds of dances, but allthose requiring the participation of the two sexes havetwo characteristics in common: they are conspicuouslyinnocent, and warmly loved by the vicious.</definition></entry><entry term="DAY" part="n."><definition>A period of twenty-four hours, mostly misspent.  Thisperiod is divided into two parts, the day proper andthe night, or day improper <![CDATA[—]]> theformer devoted to sins of business, the latterconsecrated to the other sort.  These two kinds ofsocial activity overlap.</definition></entry><entry term="DEBT" part="n."><definition>An ingenious substitute for the chain and whip of theslave-driver.</definition><quote author="Barlow S. Vode"><line>As, pent in an aquarium, the troutlet</line><line>Swims round and round his tank to find anoutlet,</line><line>Pressing his nose against the glass that holdshim,</line><line>Nor ever sees the prison that enfolds him;</line><line>So the poor debtor, seeing naught around him,</line><line>Yet feels the narrow limits that impound him,</line><line>Grieves at his debt and studies to evade it,</line><line>And finds at last he might as well have paid it.</line></quote></entry><entry term="DEFAME" part="v.t."><definition>To lie about another.  To tell the truth about another.</definition></entry><entry term="DEFENCELESS" part="adj."><definition>Unable to attack.</definition></entry><entry term="DELIBERATION" part="n."><definition>The act of examining one's bread to determine whichside it is buttered on.</definition></entry><entry term="DELUSION" part="n."><definition>The father of a most respectable family, comprisingEnthusiasm, Affection, Self-denial, Faith, Hope,Charity and many other goodly sons and daughters.</definition><quote author="Mumfrey Mappel"><line>All hail, Delusion!  Were it not for thee</line><line>The world turned topsy-turvy we should see;</line><line>For Vice, respectable with cleanly fancies,</line><line>Would fly abandoned Virtue's gross advances.</line></quote></entry><entry term="DENTIST" part="n."><definition>A prestidigitator who, putting metal into your mouth,pulls coins out of your pocket.</definition></entry><entry term="DIE" part="n."><definition>The singular of "dice."  We seldom hear the word,because there is a prohibitory proverb, "Never saydie."  At long intervals, however, some one says:  "Thedie is cast," which is not true, for it is cut.  Theword is found in an immortal couplet by that eminentpoet and domestic economist, Senator Depew:</definition><quote><line>A cube of cheese no larger than a die</line><line>May bait the trap to catch a nibbling mie.</line></quote></entry><entry term="DIPLOMACY" part="n."><definition>The patriotic art of lying for one's country.</definition></entry><entry term="DISTANCE" part="n."><definition>The only thing that the rich are willing for the poorto call theirs, and keep.</definition></entry>


$('#letter-d a').click(function() {$.get('d.xml', function(data) {$('#dictionary').empty();$(data).find('entry').each(function() {var $entry = $(this);var html = '<div class="entry">';html += '<h3 class="term">' + $entry.attr('term');html += '</h3>';html += '<div class="part">' + $entry.attr('part');html += '</div>';html += '<div class="definition">';html += $entry.find('definition').text();var $quote = $entry.find('quote');if ($quote.length) {html += '<div class="quote">';$quote.find('line').each(function() {html += '<div class="quote-line">';html += $(this).text() + '</div>';});if ($quote.attr('author')) {html += '<div class="quote-author">';html += $quote.attr('author') + '</div>';}html += '</div>';}html += '</div>';html += '</div>';$('#dictionary').append($(html));});});return false;});

6.2 选择数据格式









6.3 向服务器传递数据

6.3.1 执行get请求


  $('#letter-e a').click(function() {var requestData = {term: $(this).text()};$.get('e.php', requestData, function(data) {$('#dictionary').html(data);});return false;});

6.3.2 执行post请求


  $('#letter-e a').click(function() {var requestData = {term: $(this).text()};$.post('e.php', requestData, function(data) {$('#dictionary').html(data);});return false;});


6.3.3 序列化表单


        <div class="letter" id="letter-f"><h3>F</h3><form action="f.php"><input type="text" name="term" value="" id="term" /><button type="submit">Search</button></form></div>


  $('#letter-f form').submit(function(event) {event.preventDefault();$.get('f.php', {'term': $('input[name="term"]').val()}, function(data) {$('#dictionary').html(data);});});


  $('#letter-f form').submit(function(event) {event.preventDefault();var formValues = $(this).serialize();$.get('f.php', formValues, function(data) {$('#dictionary').html(data);});});

6.4 为AJAX请求提供不同的内容

6.5 关注请求


  $('<div id="loading">Loading...</div>').insertBefore('#dictionary').ajaxStart(function() {$(this).show();}).ajaxStop(function() {$(this).hide();});

6.6 错误处理


  $('#letter-e a').click(function() {var requestData = {term: $(this).text()};$.get('z.php', requestData, function(data) {$('#dictionary').html(data);}).error(function(jqXHR) {$('#dictionary').html('Sorry, but an error occurred: ' + jqXHR.status).append(jqXHR.responseText);});return false;});

6.7 AJAX和事件


  $('h3.term').live('click', function() {$(this).siblings('.definition').slideToggle();});

6.8 安全限制


  var url = 'http://examples.learningjquery.com/jsonp/g.php';$('#letter-g a').click(function() {$.getJSON(url + '?callback=?', function(data) {var html = '';$.each(data, function(entryIndex, entry) {html += '<div class="entry">';html += '<h3 class="term">' + entry.term + '</h3>';html += '<div class="part">' + entry.part + '</div>';html += '<div class="definition">';html += entry.definition;if (entry.quote) {html += '<div class="quote">';$.each(entry.quote, function(lineIndex, line) {html += '<div class="quote-line">' + line + '</div>';});if (entry.author) {html += '<div class="quote-author">' + entry.author + '</div>';}html += '</div>';}html += '</div>';html += '</div>';});$('#dictionary').html(html);});return false;});

6.9 其他工具

6.9.1 低级AJAX方法


  $('#letter-a a').click(function() {$.ajax({url: 'a.html',success: function(data) {$('#dictionary').html(data);}});return false;});

6.9.2 修改默认选项

  $('#letter-a a').click(function() {$.ajaxSetup({url: 'a.html',type: 'POST',dataType: 'html'});$.ajax({type: 'GET',success: function(data) {$('#dictionary').html(data);}});return false;});

6.9.3 部分加载HTML页面


  $('#letter-h a').click(function() {$('#dictionary').load('h.html .entry');return false;});

6.10 小结

6.11 练习


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