Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

It’s quite easy to change the aspect ratio of photos on your iPhone or iPad. With the iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 updates, similar editing tools are now available for videos. Here’s how you can easily crop and change the aspect ratio of videos on your iPhone or iPad.

更改 iPhone或iPad 上照片的宽高比非常容易。 随着iOS 13和iPadOS 13的更新,类似的编辑工具现在可用于视频。 这是您可以轻松裁剪和更改iPhone或iPad上视频的宽高比的方法。

You’ll find the new video editing features in the Photos app. After you’ve made sure that you’re running iOS 13, iPadOS 13, or higher, open the Photos app and then open the video that you want to edit. Here, tap on the “Edit” button.

您将在“照片”应用中找到新的视频编辑功能。 确保您正在运行iOS 13,iPadOS 13或更高版本之后,打开“照片”应用程序,然后打开要编辑的视频。 在这里,点击“编辑”按钮。

You now are in the video-editing window. From here, tap the Crop button found in the bottom row.

您现在位于视频编辑窗口中。 在此处,点击底部一行中的“裁剪”按钮。

You’ll see a freeform frame around the video preview. Grab one of the corners, then drag in to crop the frame.

您会在视频预览周围看到一个自由格式的框架。 抓住其中一个角,然后拖动以修剪框架。

Once you’ve decided on the frame, you can pinch and zoom in the video view. Move it around to fit the video inside the frame.

确定框架后,您可以在视频视图中进行捏合和缩放。 移动它以使视频适合框架内。

This is the freeform crop tool. But if you want to crop the video for a particular platform or an aspect ratio (for example, 9:16 for Instagram Stories), you can use the new aspect ratio presets.

这是自由形式的裁剪工具。 但是,如果您想针对特定平台或宽高比(例如, Instagram Stories的 9:16)裁剪视频,则可以使用新的宽高比预设。

From the crop section, tap on the Aspect Ratio button from the top right of the screen.


Now, you’ll see new formats below the crop tool. You can switch between Portrait and Landscape modes, in addition to a square option.

现在,您将在裁剪工具下方看到新格式。 除了方形选项之外,您还可以在纵向和横向模式之间切换。

You can also swipe horizontally on the list of aspect ratios to see all the available options. Tap on an aspect ratio to instantly preview the cropped video.

您也可以在纵横比列表上水平滑动以查看所有可用选项。 点击宽高比可立即预览裁剪后的视频。

Again, once you’ve figured out the aspect ratio, you can pinch and zoom or pan around to move the video inside the cropped area.


Once you’re happy with your changes, tap on the “Done” button. The Photos app saves your video as a new version.

对更改感到满意后,请点击“完成”按钮。 “照片”应用会将您的视频另存为新版本。

As of iOS 13 and iPadOS 13, all photo and video edits are non-destructive. If you want to revert back to the original video, you can go to the video-editing screen, then tap on the “Revert” button.

从iOS 13和iPadOS 13开始,所有照片和视频编辑都是无损的。 如果要还原为原始视频,可以转到视频编辑屏幕,然后点击“还原”按钮。

From the popup, select the “Revert to Original” button. The Photos app will show you the original video after several seconds.

从弹出窗口中,选择“还原为原始”按钮。 几秒钟后,“照片”应用程序将向您显示原始视频。

This is just one of the many new and awesome features in iOS 13. Once you upgrade, make sure to try out the dark mode.

这只是iOS 13中许多新功能和令人敬畏的功能之一。 升级后,请确保尝试使用暗模式 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/541570/how-to-crop-and-change-aspect-ratio-of-videos-on-iphone-or-ipad/


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