






Install SDS using Pulsar: http://www.eclipse.org/pulsar/

1. Download and install Eclipse and Pulsar. 
2. Open the Pulsar view. SDS components are listed under the Ericsson Service Development Studio SDK.
3. Install a component by double clicking it or selecting it and then clicking on the ‘Install' icon.
4. Repeat step 3 for each component of your choice.

Download SDS using Eclipse JEE Edition:http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/

1. Download and install Eclipse JEE Edition (Galileo or Ganymede). 
2. Select Software updates under the Help menu.
3. Add the following URL:http://www.ericsson.com/developer/sds/pulsar.
4. Ensure that the proxy settings are correct in Eclipse preferences.
5. Install specific components by selecting them and clicking ‘Install’.
6. Complete installation by restarting Eclipse.


What is SDS?
SDS is the only fully comprehensive tool for development and end-to-end testing of both the client and server side of new convergent all-IP (IMS) applications. SDS contains a standards-based IMS network simulator with communication services (CoSe) emulators. SDS supports clients and devices for Mobile, Fixed Broadband, and WLAN access. It uses Java community common practices and de-facto standards and provides high-level APIs to hide the network and terminal device complexity from the designer.

SDS runs on a PC, is based on the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and Wireless Toolkit (WTK).

What can SDS be used for?
With the SDS 4.1 FD1, developers can use the high-level IMS device APIs as defined in JSR 281 and under definition in JSR 325 to control and access advanced capabilities such as Presence and Group Management (PGM), Voice over IP (VoIP), Push-to-Talk (PTT), IMS-M and Combinational (CS Voice + PS sessions).

SDS includes an IMS core network emulator and can also be configured as a JavaEE/SIP server execution environment for live user or for market IMS service trials. SDS is verified with Ericsson’s IMS system offering and is released in sync with new Ericsson IMS system releases.

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