Analysing Fiction - Question and extract


The extracts your exam questions are based on might be longer than the one here but you should still be able to write a close analysis. First of all, have a read, and see what ideas you can come up with. Remember to link each point to a quotation or example.



How does the writer use language to create interest for the reader in this opening to The Picture of Dorian Gray? (10 marks)



The studio was filled with the rich odour of roses, and when the light summer wind stirred amidst the trees of the garden, there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfume of the pink-flowering thorn.

From the corner of the divan of Persian saddle-bags on which he was lying, smoking, as was his custom, innumerable cigarettes, Lord Henry Wotton could just catch the gleam of the honey-sweet and honey-coloured blossoms of a laburnum, whose tremulous branches seemed hardly able to bear the burden of a beauty so flamelike as theirs; and now and then the fantastic shadows of birds in flight flitted across the long tussore-silk curtains that were stretched in front of the huge window, producing a kind of momentary Japanese effect, and making him think of those pallid, jade-faced painters of Tokyo who, through the medium of an art that is necessarily immobile, seek to convey the sense of swiftness and motion. The sullen murmur of the bees shouldering their way through the long unmown grass, or circling with monotonous insistence round the dusty gilt horns of the straggling woodbine, seemed to make the stillness more oppressive. The dim roar of London was like the bourdon note of a distant organ.

The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde

Analysing Fiction - Sample answer – version one

虚构小说分析 - 回答一

The writer uses the senses to interest the reader. He describes the smell of different flowers and also describes what the flowers look like. A character is mentioned, and his name makes the reader think he might be rich. The character is lying down and smoking. The windows are described as open and huge and the curtains are made of silk. The descriptions make the setting seem very appealing, it feels like this character has lots of luxury. The room is a studio, so maybe it is a painters room with a garden outside with lots of flowers.


The writer also mentions things from Japan and Tokyo, which might make the reader intrigued as it sounds exciting. There are some unusual words that might make the reader think the setting is in the past. There are some well chosen adjectives and verbs that really create a picture in the mind of the reader. These words paint a picture for the reader. There is a very long sentence in the second paragraph, followed by two shorter sentences. This helps the description flow better. There are some examples of alliteration and words connected to movement. This makes the writing more effective and interests the reader.


Feedback - basic

反馈 - 初级

  • It focuses on WHAT is happening, rather than HOW the writer is creating interest.

  • 它的重点是发生了什么,而不是作者如何创造兴趣。

  • There are no direct quotations to support the points, and the points themselves are not developed.

  • 没有直接的引文来支持观点,而且观点本身也没有得到进一步阐述。

  • Phrases like ‘helps the description flow better. There are some examples of alliteration’ is too vague: evidence is needed and the effects need to be explained.

  • 诸如 "帮助描述更流畅。有一些典故的例子 "太模糊了:需要证据,需要解释出所产生的效果。

Analysing Fiction - Sample answer – version two

虚构小说分析 - 回答二

The character’s title of ‘Lord’ suggests high status and the descriptions of the character’s setting reinforce the feel of decadence and wealth. Wilde uses the senses to create interest for the reader, for example “rich odour” and “heavy scent”. The choice of the adjectives “rich” and “heavy” might suggest that the smell of the flowers is over-powering. This is then contrasted with the word “delicate”. The descriptions create an overall impression of luxury and wealth. The references to “Persian...Toyko…Japanese…” give the opening an exotic feel, which intrigues the reader.

这个人物的头衔 "勋爵 "暗示了他的崇高地位,对人物环境的描述加强了颓废和财富的感觉。王尔德利用感官来为读者创造兴趣,例如 "丰富的气味 "和 "沉重的气味"。选择 "丰富的 "和 "沉重的 "这两个形容词可能暗示花的气味过于浓烈。然后与 "精致 "这个词形成对比。这些描述给人以豪华和财富的总体印象。对 "波斯......东京......日本...... "的提及使文章的开头具有异国情调,使读者感到好奇。

The simile choice of the ‘beauty so flamelike’ also leaves the reader with an impression of something fleeting. The very long sentence is the second paragraph also links to the feeling of being over powered with luxury and has the effect of layering lots of rich images. The description of the setting seems to imply the character is bored, which could interest the reader further. For example, the references to ‘bear the burden’ and ‘stillness more oppressive’.

选择 "如此美丽 "的比喻,也给读者留下了一种转瞬即逝的印象。第二段中的长句子也与奢侈的感觉相联系,并有分层的丰富图像的效果。对环境的描述似乎暗示了这个人物很无聊,这可能会引起读者的兴趣。例如,提到 "承受负担 "和 "静止更压抑"。

Feedback - improving

反馈 - 有待改进

  • Using the name of the author shows an awareness of the fact there is a writer behind the text.

  • 使用作者的名字表明对文本背后有一个作者的事实的认识。

  • The points are supported with short quotations which are embedded into the sentences.

  • 用简短的引语来支持这些观点,这些引语被嵌入到句子中。

  • The point about the senses is developed, with details about the choice of adjectives and their effect.

  • 关于感官的观点得到了发展,详细说明了形容词的选择及其效果。

  • The answer then goes on to further explain the effects of other language choices (like the simile) and links them to explain the effect on the reader.

  • 然后,答案进一步解释了其他语言选择(如比喻)的效果,并将其与解释对读者的影响联系起来。

Analysing Fiction - Sample answer – version Three

虚构小说分析 - 回答三

Wilde’s language choices create an intoxicating sense of luxury and decadence, especially those words in the opening sentences which engage the reader’s senses: “rich odour…heavy scent…delicate perfume…”. The repetition of ‘honey’ in the compound adjectives “honey-sweet and honey-coloured…” introduce a multi-sensory description that immerses the reader in the setting. The subtle use of alliteration adds to the sensual feel of the setting: “…fantastic shadows of birds in flight flitted across…”. The verb ‘flitted’ has connotations of being insubstantial, as does the word ‘tremulous’: the reader is presented with the impression of shallow beauty. The alliteration of “bear the burden of a beauty…” seems to further develop this sense of a beauty that seems weary.

王尔德的语言选择创造了一种令人陶醉的奢华和颓废的感觉,尤其是开篇的那些词语,吸引了读者的感官。"丰富的气味......沉重的香味......精致的香水......"。复合形容词 "蜜甜和蜜色...... "中 "蜜 "的重复引入了多感官的描述,使读者沉浸在这个环境中。典故的微妙使用增加了环境的感性感觉。"......飞行中的鸟儿的奇妙影子飞过......"。动词 "飞过 "有不坚实的含义,"颤动 "一词也是如此:给读者的印象是浅薄的美。典故 "承受着美丽的负担...... "似乎进一步发展了这种看似疲惫的美感。

The reader is intrigued by this aristocratic reclining figure; we are given no details about his appearance, it is as if the writer wants the setting to reveal his character. The verb choices like ‘shouldering’ and ‘circling’ reinforce a sense of restlessness, but there is also a more negative undercurrent that interests the reader: “…sullen…monotonous… straggling…oppressive…”. These word choices create an unsettled atmosphere, despite the richness and luxury of the setting. The final short sentence seems to deflate the mood further, contrasting the multi-clause sentence describing the studio and garden with the “dim roar” of the city. The language choices imply that this character is restless, despite the beauty and richness of his surroundings.

读者对这个贵族式的躺着的人物感到好奇;我们没有得到关于他的外表的细节,似乎作者想让这个环境来揭示他的性格。肩负 "和 "盘旋 "等动词的选择加强了一种不安的感觉,但也有一种更消极的暗流让读者感兴趣。"......沉闷......单调......蹒跚......压迫......"。这些词语的选择创造了一种不稳定的气氛,尽管环境丰富而豪华。最后一个短句似乎进一步压低了气氛,将描述工作室和花园的多句子与城市的 "昏暗的轰鸣声 "形成对比。语言的选择暗示了这个人物是不安分的,尽管他周围的环境很美很丰富。

Feedback - even better

反馈 - 良好

  • Each point is supported by an embedded quotation and developed with reference to other details.

  • 每个观点都有嵌入的引文支持,并通过参考其他细节加以发展。

  • It uses technical vocabulary like "alliteration", "multi-clause sentence", "compound adjectives" and "connotations" to explain how effects are created, and it weaves these terms into the argument, rather than stating "this is a simile".

  • 它使用了 "典故"、"多句式句子"、"复合形容词 "和 "内涵 "等技术词汇来解释效果是如何产生的,并将这些术语编入论证,而不是说明 "这是一个比喻"。

  • The effect on the reader is explored implicitly, signalled by words like "intrigued" and "deflate the mood".

  • The points are not based around the techniques, but around the effects, which creates a more sophisticated analysis.

  • 对读者的影响是含蓄地探讨的,由 "好奇 "和 "放空情绪 "等词来表示。

  • 这些观点不是围绕着技巧,而是围绕着效果,这创造了一个更复杂的分析。


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