
1. 一共有n层,每层m列,每列k个位置


level=1, num_rows=1, spots_per_row=11
parkVehicle("Motorcycle_1") // return true
parkVehicle("Car_1") // return true
parkVehicle("Car_2") // return true
parkVehicle("Car_3") // return true
parkVehicle("Car_4") // return true
parkVehicle("Car_5") // return true
parkVehicle("Bus_1") // return false
parkVehicle("Bus_1") // return true

enum VehicleSize {Motorcycle,Compact,Large,
}//abstract Vehicle class
abstract class Vehicle {// Write your code hereprotected int spotsNeeded;protected VehicleSize size;protected String licensePlate;  // id for a vehicleprotected ArrayList<ParkingSpot> parkingSpots = new ArrayList<ParkingSpot>(); // id for parking where may occupy multipublic int getSpotsNeeded() {return spotsNeeded;}public VehicleSize getSize() {return size;}/* Park vehicle in this spot (among others, potentially) */public void parkInSpot(ParkingSpot spot) {parkingSpots.add(spot);}/* Remove car from spot, and notify spot that it's gone */public void clearSpots() {for (int i = 0; i < parkingSpots.size(); i++) {parkingSpots.get(i).removeVehicle();}parkingSpots.clear();}//this need to be implement in subclasspublic abstract boolean canFitInSpot(ParkingSpot spot);public abstract void print();
}class Motorcycle extends Vehicle {// Write your code herepublic Motorcycle() {spotsNeeded = 1;size = VehicleSize.Motorcycle;}public boolean canFitInSpot(ParkingSpot spot) {return true;}public void print() {  System.out.print("M");  }
}class Car extends Vehicle {// Write your code herepublic Car() {spotsNeeded = 1;size = VehicleSize.Compact;}public boolean canFitInSpot(ParkingSpot spot) {return spot.getSize() == VehicleSize.Large || spot.getSize() == VehicleSize.Compact;}public void print() {  System.out.print("C");  }
}class Bus extends Vehicle {// Write your code herepublic Bus() {spotsNeeded = 5;size = VehicleSize.Large;}public boolean canFitInSpot(ParkingSpot spot) {return spot.getSize() == VehicleSize.Large;}public void print() {  System.out.print("B");  }
}class ParkingSpot {// Write your code hereprivate Vehicle vehicle;private VehicleSize spotSize;private int row;private int spotNumber;private Level level;public ParkingSpot(Level lvl, int r, int n, VehicleSize sz) {level = lvl;row = r;spotNumber = n;spotSize = sz;}public boolean isAvailable() {return vehicle == null;}/* Checks if the spot is big enough for the vehicle (and is available). This compares* the SIZE only. It does not check if it has enough spots. */public boolean canFitVehicle(Vehicle vehicle) {return isAvailable() && vehicle.canFitInSpot(this);}/* Park vehicle in this spot. */public boolean park(Vehicle v) {if (!canFitVehicle(v)) {return false;}vehicle = v;vehicle.parkInSpot(this);return true;}/* Remove vehicle from spot, and notify level that a new spot is available */public void removeVehicle() {level.spotFreed();vehicle = null;}public int getRow() {return row;}public int getSpotNumber() {return spotNumber;}public VehicleSize getSize() {return spotSize;}public void print() {  if (vehicle == null) {  if (spotSize == VehicleSize.Compact) {  System.out.print("c");  } else if (spotSize == VehicleSize.Large) {  System.out.print("l");  } else if (spotSize == VehicleSize.Motorcycle) {  System.out.print("m");  }  } else {  vehicle.print();  }  }
}/* Represents a level in a parking garage */
class Level {// Write your code hereprivate int floor;private ParkingSpot[] spots;private int availableSpots = 0; // number of free spotsprivate int SPOTS_PER_ROW;public Level(int flr, int num_rows, int spots_per_row) {floor = flr;int SPOTS_PER_ROW = spots_per_row;int numberSpots  = 0;spots = new ParkingSpot[num_rows * spots_per_row];//init size for each spot in array spotsfor (int row = 0; row < num_rows; ++row) {for (int spot = 0; spot < spots_per_row / 4; ++spot) {VehicleSize sz = VehicleSize.Motorcycle;spots[numberSpots] = new ParkingSpot(this, row, numberSpots, sz);numberSpots ++;}for (int spot = spots_per_row / 4; spot < spots_per_row / 4 * 3; ++spot) {VehicleSize sz = VehicleSize.Compact;spots[numberSpots] = new ParkingSpot(this, row, numberSpots, sz);numberSpots ++;}for (int spot = spots_per_row / 4 * 3; spot < spots_per_row; ++spot) {VehicleSize sz = VehicleSize.Large;spots[numberSpots] = new ParkingSpot(this, row, numberSpots, sz);numberSpots ++;}}availableSpots = numberSpots;}/* Try to find a place to park this vehicle. Return false if failed. */public boolean parkVehicle(Vehicle vehicle) {if (availableSpots() < vehicle.getSpotsNeeded()) {return false; // no enough spots}int spotNumber = findAvailableSpots(vehicle);if(spotNumber < 0) {return false;}return parkStartingAtSpot(spotNumber, vehicle);}/* find a spot to park this vehicle. Return index of spot, or -1 on failure. */private int findAvailableSpots(Vehicle vehicle) {int spotsNeeded = vehicle.getSpotsNeeded();int lastRow = -1;int spotsFound = 0;for(int i = 0; i < spots.length; i++){ParkingSpot spot = spots[i];if(lastRow != spot.getRow()){spotsFound = 0;lastRow = spot.getRow();}if(spot.canFitVehicle(vehicle)){spotsFound++;}else{spotsFound = 0;}if(spotsFound == spotsNeeded){return i - (spotsNeeded - 1); // index of spot}}return -1;}/* Park a vehicle starting at the spot spotNumber, and continuing until vehicle.spotsNeeded. */private boolean parkStartingAtSpot(int spotNumber, Vehicle vehicle) {vehicle.clearSpots();boolean success = true;for (int i = spotNumber; i < spotNumber + vehicle.spotsNeeded; i++) {success &= spots[i].park(vehicle);}availableSpots -= vehicle.spotsNeeded;return success;}/* When a car was removed from the spot, increment availableSpots */public void spotFreed() {availableSpots++;}public int availableSpots() {return availableSpots;}public void print() {  int lastRow = -1;  for (int i = 0; i < spots.length; i++) {  ParkingSpot spot = spots[i];  if (spot.getRow() != lastRow) {  System.out.print("  ");  lastRow = spot.getRow();  }  spot.print();  }  }
}public class ParkingLot {private Level[] levels;private int NUM_LEVELS;// @param n number of leves// @param num_rows  each level has num_rows rows of spots// @param spots_per_row each row has spots_per_row spotspublic ParkingLot(int n, int num_rows, int spots_per_row) {// Write your code hereNUM_LEVELS = n;levels = new Level[NUM_LEVELS];for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEVELS; i++) {levels[i] = new Level(i, num_rows, spots_per_row);}}// Park the vehicle in a spot (or multiple spots)// Return false if failedpublic boolean parkVehicle(Vehicle vehicle) {// Write your code herefor (int i = 0; i < levels.length; i++) {if (levels[i].parkVehicle(vehicle)) {return true;}}return false;}// unPark the vehiclepublic void unParkVehicle(Vehicle vehicle) {// Write your code herevehicle.clearSpots();}public void print() {  for (int i = 0; i < levels.length; i++) {  System.out.print("Level" + i + ": ");  levels[i].print();System.out.println("");  }  System.out.println("");  }




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