冯曦妤--A Little Lovegreatest as you
smallest as me
you show me what is deep as sea
a little love
a little kiss
a little heart
a little give
all of little something
these are memories
you make me cry
make me smile
make me feel the love is ture
you always stand by my side
i don't want to say goodbye
you make me cry
make me smile
make me feel the joy of lover
kissing you
thank you for all the love
you always gave to me
oh i love yougreatest as you
smallest as me
you show me what is deep as sea
a little love
a little kiss
a little heart
a little give
all of little something
these are memories
you make me cry
make me smile
make me feel the love is ture
you always stand by my side
i don't want to say goodbye
you make me cry
make me smile
make me feel the joy of lover
kissing you
thank you for all the love
you always gave to me
oh i love you
yes i do
how you always do
make me cry
make me smile
make me feel the love is ture
you always stand by my side
i don't want to say goodbye
you make me cry
make me smile
make me feel the joy of lover
kissing you
thank you for all the love
you always gave to me
oh i love you
to be with you
oh i love you 


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