
(.text+0x15): undefined reference to `get_names'
(.text+0x2d): undefined reference to `show_names'


#include <string.h>
#define SLEN 32struct names_st
{char first[SLEN];char last[SLEN];
};typedef struct names_st names;void get_names(names *);
void show_names(const names *);
char * s_gets(char *st, int n);


#include "names_st.h"#include <stdio.h>void get_names(names* pn)
{printf("Please enter your first name: ");s_gets(pn->first, SLEN);printf("Please enter your last name: ");s_gets(pn->last, SLEN);
}void show_names(const names* pn)
{ printf("%s %s", pn->first, pn->last);
}char* s_gets(char* st, int n)
{char* ret_val;char* find;ret_val = fgets(st, n, stdin);if (ret_val) {find = strchr(st, '\n');if (find)*find = '\0';elsewhile (getchar() != '\n') {continue;}return ret_val;}


#include <stdio.h>#include "names_st.h"int main(void)
{names candidate;get_names(&candidate);printf("Let's welcome ");show_names(&candidate);printf(" to this program!\n");return 0;


gcc -o main userheader.c namest.c

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