第二章 访问MP

可以通过MP serial port 或者MP LAN port 登陆MP,默认的用户名/口令为:Admin/Admin



This is a private system.

Do not attempt to login unless you are an authorized user.

Any authorized or unauthorized access or use may be monitored and can

result in criminal or civil prosecution under applicable law.



Only default users are configured.

Use one of the following user/password pairs to login:




MP login: Admin

MP password: *****

Hewlett-Packard Integrated Lights-Out HP Integrity and HP 9000

(c) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1999-2004. All Rights Reserved.

MP Host Name: mp-rx2620

Revision E.03.15



Default MP users are currently configured and remote access is enabled.

Modify default users passwords or delete default users (see UC command)


Disable all types of remote access (see SA command)



Your Certificate is expired.

Use the SO command to generate a new certificate.



CO: Console

VFP: Virtual Front Panel

CM: Command Menu

CL: Console Log

SL: Show Event Logs

CSP: Connect to Service Processor

SE: Enter OS Session

HE: Main Help Menu

X: Exit Connection

2.1 serial port


2.2 MP LAN port

通过网线连接,直接telnet MP LAN port 的IP 地址

第三章 常用命令



Command Description

BO Boot a partition

DATE Set the time and date

DF Display FRU Information of an entity

MA Return to Main Menu

PE Power entities on or off

PWRGRD Allows user to configure the power grid

RE Reset entity

RR Reset partition for reconfiguration

RS Reset a partition

SYSREV Returns all system revisions

TC Send a TOC signal to a partition

TE Broadcast a message to all users of the MP command handler

WHO Display list of MP connected users

LOC Display and Set Locator LED status

CP Display partition cell assignments

DE Display entity status

DU Display devices on bus

HE Display the list of available commands

LS Display LAN connected console status

PS Display detailed power and hardware configuration status

CA Only displays local rs232 parameters

CC Initiate a Complex Configuration

UPS Set parameters for ups monitoring via SNMP

SNMP Set SNMP daemon parameters

CP Display partition cell assignments

DC Reset parameters to default configuration

DI Disconnect Remote or LAN console

ID Change certain stable complex configuration profile fields

IF Display network interface information

IT Modify command interface inactivity time-out

LC Configure LAN connections

LS Display LAN connected console status

PARPERM Enable/Disable Interpartition Security

PD Modify default Partition for this login session

RL Re-key complex profile lock

RU Reset MP bus device

SA Display and set MP remote access

SO Configure security options and access control

XD MP Diagnostic and reboot

3.1 检查系统log

一般情况下,我们只需要关注错误级别为Warning 以上的LOG


CO: Console

VFP: Virtual Front Panel

CM: Command Menu

CL: Console Log

SL: Show Event Logs

CSP: Connect to Service Processor

SE: Enter OS Session

HE: Main Help Menu

X: Exit Connection

[mp-rx2620] MP> sl

Event Log Viewer Menu:

Log Name Entries % Full Latest Timestamped Entry


E - System Event 805 80 % 13 Aug 2008 00:47:27

F - Forward Progress 4000 100 %

B - Current Boot 78 26 %

P - Previous Boot 2 0 % 09 Aug 2008 12:39:39

C - Clear All Logs

L - Live Events

Enter menu item or [Ctrl-B] to Quit: e

Log Name Entries % Full Latest Timestamped Entry


E - System Event 805 80 % 13 Aug 2008 00:47:27

Event Log Navigation Help:

+ View next block (forward in time, e.g. from 3 to 4)

- View previous block (backward in time, e.g. from 3 to 2)

<CR> Continue to the next or previous block

D Dump the entire log

F First entry

L Last entry

J Jump to entry number

H View mode configuration - Hex

K View mode configuration - Keyword

T View mode configuration - Text

A Alert Level Filter options

U Alert Level Unfiltered

? Display this Help menu

Q Quit and return to the Event Log Viewer Menu

Ctrl-B Exit command, and return to the MP Main Menu

MP:SL (+,-,<CR>,D, F, L, J, H, K, T, A, U, ? for Help, Q or Ctrl-B to Quit) >t

MP:SL (+,-,<CR>,D, F, L, J, H, K, T, A, U, ? for Help, Q or Ctrl-B to Quit) >a

Alert Level Threshold Filter:

1 : Major Forward Progress

2 : Informational

3 : Warning

5 : Critical

7 : Fatal

Enter alert level threshold or [Q] to quit filter setup: 3

-> Alert threshold level 3 filter will be applied.

MP:SL (+,-,<CR>,D, F, L, J, H, K, T, A, U, ? for Help, Q or Ctrl-B to Quit) >

3.2 Dump 全部的log

dump 就是将系统保存的日志全部显示出来出来。步骤如下:


CO: Console

VFP: Virtual Front Panel

CM: Command Menu

CL: Console Log

SL: Show Event Logs

CSP: Connect to Service Processor

SE: Enter OS Session

HE: Main Help Menu

X: Exit Connection

[mp-rx2620] MP> sl

Event Log Viewer Menu:

Log Name Entries % Full Latest Timestamped Entry


E - System Event 805 80 % 13 Aug 2008 00:47:27

F - Forward Progress 4000 100 %

B - Current Boot 78 26 %

P - Previous Boot 2 0 % 09 Aug 2008 12:39:39

C - Clear All Logs

L - Live Events

Enter menu item or [Ctrl-B] to Quit: e

Log Name Entries % Full Latest Timestamped Entry


E - System Event 805 80 % 13 Aug 2008 00:47:27

Event Log Navigation Help:

+ View next block (forward in time, e.g. from 3 to 4)

- View previous block (backward in time, e.g. from 3 to 2)

<CR> Continue to the next or previous block

D Dump the entire log

F First entry

L Last entry

J Jump to entry number

H View mode configuration - Hex

K View mode configuration - Keyword

T View mode configuration - Text

A Alert Level Filter options

U Alert Level Unfiltered

? Display this Help menu

Q Quit and return to the Event Log Viewer Menu

Ctrl-B Exit command, and return to the MP Main Menu

MP:SL (+,-,<CR>,D, F, L, J, H, K, T, A, U, ? for Help, Q or Ctrl-B to Quit) >d

3.3 清除全部的系统log



CO: Console

VFP: Virtual Front Panel

CM: Command Menu

CL: Console Log

SL: Show Event Logs

CSP: Connect to Service Processor

SE: Enter OS Session

HE: Main Help Menu

X: Exit Connection

[mp-rx2620] MP> sl

Event Log Viewer Menu:

Log Name Entries % Full Latest Timestamped Entry


E - System Event 805 80 % 13 Aug 2008 00:47:27

F - Forward Progress 4000 100 %

B - Current Boot 78 26 %

P - Previous Boot 2 0 % 09 Aug 2008 12:39:39

C - Clear All Logs

L - Live Events

Enter menu item or [Ctrl-B] to Quit: c

Are you sure you want to clear all logs? (Y/[N]): y

-> Logs have been cleared.

3.4 检查主机FW


CO: Console

VFP: Virtual Front Panel

CM: Command Menu

CL: Console Log

SL: Show Event Logs

CSP: Connect to Service Processor

SE: Enter OS Session

HE: Main Help Menu

X: Exit Connection

[mp001635b65393] MP> cm

(Use Ctrl-B to return to MP main menu.)

[mp001635b65393] MP:CM> sysrev

3.5 检查主机电源和风扇状态

检查主机电源和风扇问题时可以使用cm 菜单中的命令ps


CO: Console

VFP: Virtual Front Panel

CM: Command Menu

CL: Console Log

SL: Show Event Logs

CSP: Connect to Service Processor

SE: Enter OS Session

HE: Main Help Menu

X: Exit Connection

[mp001635b65393] MP> cm

(Use Ctrl-B to return to MP main menu.)

[mp001635b65393] MP:CM> ps


System Power state: On

Temperature : Normal

Power supplies State


Power Supply 1 A/C Disconnected or Out of Range

Power Supply 2 Normal

Fans State


Fan1A(CPU) Normal

Fan1B (CPU) Normal

Fan2 (Memory) Normal

Fan3 (I/O) Normal

CPU0 Fan Normal

CPU1 Fan Normal

3.5 做TOC

有时在系统故障诊断时,需要做TOC,生成dump 文件供响应中心诊断分析,找出故障原因


CO: Console

VFP: Virtual Front Panel

CM: Command Menu

CL: Console Log

SL: Show Event Logs

CSP: Connect to Service Processor

SE: Enter OS Session

HE: Main Help Menu

X: Exit Connection

[mp001635b65393] MP> cm

(Use Ctrl-B to return to MP main menu.)

[mp001635b65393] MP:CM> tc

注意:TOC 会使系统shudown 并将内存中的信息dump 到硬盘,以便在诊




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