
Let’s imagine that I have a simple JavaScript file and I want to calculate the sum of integer numbers but I have a problem and I want to debug this file(but I don’t want to use console.log as a debugger!)


This is the file:


A simple function that we are going to debug.

In order to use debug mode we need to run the file with this command:


node inspect sumCalculator.js

Also, we can use this command but it is deprecated:


node debug sumCalculator.js

As we enter the debug mode we can see these lines on the console:


Nodejs debug mode

As we can see debugger is listening on port 9229 and a unique URL. We are going to use this URL after we learn a few commands in debug mode.

如我们所见,调试器正在侦听端口9229和唯一的URL。 在调试模式下学习了一些命令之后,我们将使用此URL。

We can use the help command to see what we can do here: help

我们可以使用help命令来查看在这里可以做什么: help

Nodejs debug commands

基本调试命令: (Basic debug commands:)

  • Resume execution(continue): c or cont

    恢复执行(续): ccont

  • Next line: n or next

    下一行: nnext

  • Step into a function: s or step

    步入函数: sstep

  • Step out: o or out

    跳出: oout

  • Set breakpoint: sb or setBreakpoint

    设置断点: sbsetBreakpoint

  • Clear breakpoint: sc or clearBreakpoint

    清除断点: scclearBreakpoint

The repl command gives us a repl mode command line and we have access to functions and variables in debug mode. (Or as Node.js docs define: Open debugger’s repl for evaluation in debugging script’s context)

repl命令为我们提供了repl模式命令行,并且我们可以在调试模式下访问函数和变量。 (或按Node.js文档的定义:打开调试器的repl以在调试脚本的上下文中进行评估)

让我们调试这个简单的文件 (Let’s debug this simple file)

First of all, we need a breakpoint. I think line 4 is the best place we can set a breakpoint. So in order to set a breakpoint at line 4, we need to execute this command: sb(4)

首先,我们需要一个断点。 我认为第4行是设置断点的最佳位置。 因此,为了在第4行设置断点,我们需要执行以下命令: sb(4)

Setting a breakpoint

We can use cont command but what is the point if we cannot see variables?There are two ways to check variables in debug mode:


1. repl you have to enter repl mode and then you have access to variables and functions and you can check them.

1. repl您必须进入repl模式,然后才能访问变量和函数,并且可以对其进行检查。

2. Using watch.


We are going to use the second way as it is a better way when we are in a loop:



Pay attention that the watch function expects a string.


As I start the debugger I might encounter with an error like this: sum is not defined and that’s OK since before reaching our breakpoint these variables are not defined.

当我启动调试器时,可能会遇到这样的错误: sum is not defined ,这没关系,因为在到达断点之前未定义这些变量。

If we use cont then we can see the values of these variables:


Watching values

So I guess the problem with my function is that I’m starting from 0!


在浏览器中调试 (Debug inside the browser)

We want to use chrome dev tools to debug any script:

我们想使用chrome dev工具来调试任何脚本:

  1. Enter the debug mode: node inspect yourFile.js

    进入调试模式: node inspect yourFile.js

  2. Open chrome and in address bar type chrome://inspect.


chrome inspect tool

You can see that because of the port of debug mode chrome is watching this file and by clicking on the blue inspect text we can enter the debug mode in chrome:


chrome inspect tool

Now you have access to all debugging options in a graphical way.





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