When you spend a lot of time in front of your computer, the annoying beeps start to drive you mad after a while. I really don’t need to be told that I hit the wrong key anymore, so I’ve compiled a list of how to turn off all the system beeps in Windows XP.

当您在计算机前花费大量时间时,烦人的哔哔声会在一段时间后使您发疯。 我真的不需要再被告知我输入了错误的键,因此,我整理了一份清单,介绍了如何关闭Windows XP中的所有系统蜂鸣声。

One of the most irritating beeps happens when you use the Volume control… but there are other beeps, such as on error dialogs or when you hit the wrong key.


Disable Beep in Device Manager


Open up Device Manager by right-clicking on Computer and choosing Properties, then on the Hardware tab you’ll find the button for Device Manager.


Select View \ Show hidden devices from the menu.


Find Non-Plug and Play Drivers in the list, and then right-click on “Beep” and disable it:


When it prompts you to reboot, select no, and then right-click again and choose Properties this time. On the Driver tab, change the Startup type to “Disabled” and then click the “Stop” button if you are able to.

当它提示您重新引导时,选择“否”,然后再次右键单击并选择“属性”。 在“驱动程序”选项卡上,将“启动类型”更改为“已禁用”,然后,如果可以的话,单击“停止”按钮。

This should disable the system beep speaker, but it probably won’t change the volume control beep, so continue on.


Disabling Beep in Registry


Open up regedit.exe through the run box, and then navigate down to the following key:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Sound


Find the “Beep” key on the right-hand side and change the value to “no”.

在右侧找到“提示音”键,然后将值更改为“ no”。

Disable Beep in Sounds Panel


Open up Control Panel and find the Sounds and Audio Devices panel, choose the Sounds tab and then find “Default Beep” in the list.


Change the sound drop-down on the bottom to “None” and then click Apply. This should disable the volume control beep.

将底部的声音下拉列表更改为“无”,然后单击“应用”。 这应该禁用音量控制蜂鸣。

You’ll want to also change Critical Stop to “None” as well, and should probably also turn off some of the other items.


You can also use TweakUI to get rid of some of the beeps, but if you follow the items on this page you shouldn’t need that.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows/turn-off-the-annoying-windows-xp-system-beeps/

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