
I received an 80GB iPod Video for Christmas and immediately wanted to watch a movie with it. I went up to iTunes and got the free 40 minute "Battlestar Galactica: The Story So Far" video. I didn't get an official $20 iPod Video Cable or $100 AV Connection Kit, and I'm also a cheap b*stard, so I went looking for a standard RCA adapter around the house that one uses to hook up a camcorder.

我在圣诞节收到了80GB的iPod Video,并立即想用它看电影。 我上了iTunes,并获得了40分钟免费的“ Battlestar Galactica:到目前为止的故事”视频。 我没有获得官方的20美元的iPod视频电缆或100美元的AV连接套件,而且我还是一个便宜的b * stard,所以我去房子周围寻找一个标准的RCA适配器,用它来连接便携式摄像机。

I plugged it in, started the video after setting TV Out to On on the iPod and selecting NTSC as the format as we're in North American, and...nothing. Zippo.

我插入了它,在iPod上将TV Out设置为On并选择NTSC作为我们在北美使用的格式后,开始播放视频,...什么都没有。 芝宝

I thought I might have to buy a real cable, but come on, it's just four wires, this should "just work."


Then I realized that the thing that's unique about the iPod (or at least different from my camcorder) is that one headphone connector is used for audio and video.


A 1/8" standard headphone connector has three "connectors" in the form of three rings in the plug itself. One ring corresponds to one output cable.


So, on a standard microphone, there's three rings:


  • Tip - Left Channel提示-左声道
  • Middle Ring - Right Channel中环-右声道
  • Ring closest to the cable - Ground最靠近电缆的环-接地

When hardware folks want to add functionality, they add a ring and make the connector longer.


In the picture at the upper right (from CameraHacker.com) there are FOUR rings on this standard video cable.

在右上方的图片(来自CameraHacker.com )中,此标准视频电缆上有四个环。

  • Tip - Left Channel提示-左声道
  • First Ring - Video


  • Second Ring - Ground


  • Ring closest to the cable - Right Channel


Notice that the rings are very different...that wouldn't be a problem if the 1/8" jack was ONLY used for audio. However, remember that the iPod needs the jack to work for both standard headphones, and for video.  Thus, they had to change the pin assignments for compatibility. (Folks have apparently accused them of changing pins to make money. I don't think so, this makes more sense.)

注意环有很大的不同......这不会是一个问题,如果1/8"插Kong只用于音频。但是,请记住,iPod需要千斤顶工作为标准耳机以及视频。因此,为了兼容性,他们不得不更改引脚分配(人们显然指责他们更改引脚以赚钱。我不这么认为,这更有意义。 )

Since they had to make the tip longer than a standard headphone tip, it makes sense that they'd put the video farther down (deeper into the headphone jack).


  • Tip - Left Channel提示-左声道
  • First Ring - Right Channel


  • Second Ring - Ground


  • Ring closest to the cable - Video


This means that when using an standard RC 1/8" AV Cable on an iPod, that the Video now runs through the red wire and the Right Channel is now in the yellow wire.

这意味着在iPod上使用标准RC 1/8“ AV电缆时,视频现在通过红色导线传输,而右声道现在在黄色导线中

After I figured this out, I saw this article on O'Reilly, but this gentleman, IMHO, got it wrong, as he has reversed his right and left audio channels now. You just need to swap Yellow and Red.

在弄清楚这一点之后,我在O'Reilly上看到了这篇文章,但是这位恕我直言的先生弄错了,因为他现在已经反转了左右声道。 您只需要交换Yellow和Red即可

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/getting-video-out-of-an-apple-ipod-with-a-standard-audio-video-rca-cable


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