【判断题】现在是我申请休假的时候了。 It's time for me to apply some leave.


【填空题】用两种方法创建值为1的BigInteger对象test,请填上合适的代码来实现。 1)BigInteger test=_____________; 2)BigInteger test=_____________;


【单选题】提出平行线在无穷远处相交的观点的是( )

【单选题】被称作 “ 非欧几何之父 ” 的数学家是 ( )







【单选题】( 2015 ·新课标全国II卷文综· 35 )如果以“两极格局的确立与解体”为题撰写专著,贯 穿全书的主线应该是,美苏两国 ( )




【判断题】我要请几天假. I'd like to have several days off.




【判断题】《幼儿园工作规程》( 2016 )中指出,有条件的幼儿园要成立家长委员会。

【判断题】核心家庭中最基 本的关系有夫妻关系和婆媳关系

【分录题】W: Good morning, Welcome to the Transnational Hotel. What can I do for you? M: Good morning, My name is Tom Sanders. I have a reservation for a (_____________) for three nights. W: Alright, Mr. Sanders, Let me pull up your reservation. I can’t seem to find a record of your booking. Did you book the room directly through us? Or did you use a hotel (_____________) or a travel agent? M: I booked it directly through you. I’ve already also paid a deposit on the first night. I have a reservation number if that helps. W: Yes. Sure. Can I see that, please? M: Thank you. W: oh, I see. Maybe there was a glitch with the (______________). Well, we don’t have any more single rooms available, with the exception of one adjoined room. But then you would be right next door to a family with children, which might get noisy. But that’s not a problem. I can upgrade you to one of our _____________. They all come with jacuzzis. M: Oh! That sounds nice. But how much more is that going to cost? W: That of course would be at no extra charge to you. M: Oh! Thank you. W: My pleasure. M: what about the wireless internet? W: Oh. It's really easy. This is your access code and instructions on how to use it. If you have any problems, feel free to call the front desk. And this is a list of all the hotel amenities, like the gym and the indoor pool. M: Ah, thank you very much. W: You're welcome. Has the valet already (_____________) or will you be needing a parking pass? M: Oh. I don't have a car. I took a taxi from the airport. W: Alright. Can I have some form of ID please? And could you just fill out this registration form? M: Sure. Here's my driver's license. W: Thank you. Oh, you're from San Francisco. M: Yes, I am. All the way from the west coast! W: I hope you had a good trip. M: Yes, I did. Thank you. The flight was long. But it was smooth and I slept almost the whole way. W: And is this your first time in the Big Apple? M: Yes, it is. I have a business conference to attend, but I'm looking forward to getting some sightseeing done as well. W: Well, I'd be more than happy to give you some sightseeing tips if you need any. M: Thank you. W: Alright. I've got you all checked in to your room. This is your room key. You're in room 653. Just take the elevator on the right up to the 6th floor. When you get off the elevator, turn right. Your room is at the end of the corridor on the left-hand side. Just leave your suitcase here and the (__________) will bring it up. M: Great. Thank you very much. W: If you need anything, please feel free to dial the front desk. Enjoy your stay. M: Thank you. W: You're welcome.

【分录题】woken up, hesitate, not satisfied with, apologize for, I’m sorry to hear that C : Good evening, Front Office. Can I help you? G : This is Ms. Stevenson, Room 1827. I’ve just checked in and I’m (________________)my room. . C : May I know what’s the matter? G : The room is too noisy and my husband was( ____________) several times by the noise the baggage ! I didn’t expect such things would happen in your hotel. C : (________________), Ms. Stevenson. I’ll try to arrange another quiet room for you .Please wait a moment. (after a while). We do (____________________) the inconvenience. G : That fine. Thank you. C : You’re welcome, Ms. Stevenson. Your new room number is 1728 and here is your room key. My name’s Simon, and if there is anything else I can do for you, please don’t (___________) to call me.




【简答题】观看视频,回答以下问题 1这首歌曲采用了哪一种演唱形式?带给你怎样的音响效果? 2歌曲表达了主人公怎样的内心情感? 3乐曲的旋律有怎样的特点?


【单选题】央行直接卖出持有债券将( )


【判断题】我想请病假. I'm not feeling well today.


【判断题】我有些私事要处理,我想请事假. I have some personal business that I need to take care .

【单选题】M2表示( )。

【判断题】我知道为什么我们这么累的确切原因. I know exactly why we are so tired.


【单选题】(2016 ·山东临沂二模· 34) 尼克松在就任总统之前指出:“美国是自由世界的领导者,而自由世界在共产主义面前不容退却。”他上台之后却认为:“动听而又和解的言辞对强硬而又实用主义的苏联领导者不能产生持久的影响,而是谋求在军备控制、贸易、处理危机和科学技术等不同问题领域中达成协议”。这一认识的变化 ( )




【分录题】check-in , reservation record, room number, May I help you, cash, single room R : Good afternoon. Madam. Welcome to Grand Park Kunming. (__________________)? G : Yes, I’d like to(______________) .please. R : Certainly, Madam. May I have you name, please? G : I’m Christine.Nolan R : Do you have a reservation, Ms. Nolan? G : Yes, form today. R : OK, Ms .Nolan, please show me your passport. R : Just a moment, please. I’ll check our(_________________). ( After a while ) Thank you for waiting. Ms. Nolan. Your reservation is for a business( ______________)for one night, the room rate is ¥ 800 that including two breakfasts. Is that all right? G : Yes. R : Print out the registration form? R : You stay here one day, the deposit is ¥ 1500,you want pay for credit card or(_________)? G : By Credit Card. R : OK, Ms. Nolan, please show me your credit card, Do you have a password of your card? G : Yes. R : OK, please input the password. R : The breakfast time is from 7:00am to 10:00am. Please show your(______________) before meal. G : OK. R : Your room number is 1018.Here is your key card. The bellman will take your luggage and show you the way. G : OK.




【简答题】( 2015 ·北京文综· 41 )世界博览会通过展示科学技术成果,预示世界发展方向。 1962 年世博会在美国西雅图举行 . 1957 年,苏联发射了人类历史上第一颗人造地球卫星。 1961 年,苏联宇航员加加林成为第一个遨游太空的人,美国随即提出阿波罗登月计划。 1962 年,在西雅图举办了主题为“太空时代的人类生活”的博览会 . ( 2 )阅读材料,结合所学,指出人类进入“太空时代”的国际政治背景;( 4 分)列举 20 世纪 60 年代以来我国取得的航天成就。( 6 分)





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