
如未安装,请看:linux离线安装docker + docker-compose






tar -zxvf harbor-offline-installer-v1.10.6.tgz


# Configuration file of Harbor# The IP address or hostname to access admin UI and registry service.
# DO NOT use localhost or, because Harbor needs to be accessed by external clients.
# hostname设置访问地址,可以使用ip、域名,不可以设置为127.0.0.1或localhost
hostname: #这里需求修改为ip或者域名# http related config
http:# port for http, default is 80. If https enabled, this port will redirect to https portport: 80# https related config
#因为测试使用 HTTP 协议,故将 HTTPS 配置注释
#生产环境必须要使用 HTTPS,并且 HTTPS 需要额外的配置
#https:# https port for harbor, default is 443
#  port: 443# The path of cert and key files for nginx
#  certificate: /your/certificate/path
#  private_key: /your/private/key/path# Uncomment external_url if you want to enable external proxy
# And when it enabled the hostname will no longer used
# external_url: https://reg.mydomain.com:8433# The initial password of Harbor admin
# It only works in first time to install harbor
# Remember Change the admin password from UI after launching Harbor.
#harbor 系统管理员密码配置,账户admin,密码默认为Harbor12345
harbor_admin_password: Harbor12345# Harbor DB configuration
database:# The password for the root user of Harbor DB. Change this before any production use.#密码默认为root123password: root123# The maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool. If it <=0, no idle connections are retained.max_idle_conns: 50# The maximum number of open connections to the database. If it <= 0, then there is no limit on the number of open connections.# Note: the default number of connections is 100 for postgres.max_open_conns: 100# The default data volume
data_volume: /data# Harbor Storage settings by default is using /data dir on local filesystem
# Uncomment storage_service setting If you want to using external storage
# storage_service:
#   # ca_bundle is the path to the custom root ca certificate, which will be injected into the truststore
#   # of registry's and chart repository's containers.  This is usually needed when the user hosts a internal storage with self signed certificate.
#   ca_bundle:#   # storage backend, default is filesystem, options include filesystem, azure, gcs, s3, swift and oss
#   # for more info about this configuration please refer https://docs.docker.com/registry/configuration/
#   filesystem:
#     maxthreads: 100
#   # set disable to true when you want to disable registry redirect
#   redirect:
#     disabled: false# Clair configuration
clair:# The interval of clair updaters, the unit is hour, set to 0 to disable the updaters.updaters_interval: 12jobservice:# Maximum number of job workers in job servicemax_job_workers: 10notification:# Maximum retry count for webhook jobwebhook_job_max_retry: 10chart:# Change the value of absolute_url to enabled can enable absolute url in chartabsolute_url: disabled# Log configurations
log:# options are debug, info, warning, error, fatallevel: info# configs for logs in local storagelocal:# Log files are rotated log_rotate_count times before being removed. If count is 0, old versions are removed rather than rotated.rotate_count: 50# Log files are rotated only if they grow bigger than log_rotate_size bytes. If size is followed by k, the size is assumed to be in kilobytes.# If the M is used, the size is in megabytes, and if G is used, the size is in gigabytes. So size 100, size 100k, size 100M and size 100G# are all valid.rotate_size: 200M# The directory on your host that store loglocation: /var/log/harbor# Uncomment following lines to enable external syslog endpoint.# external_endpoint:#   # protocol used to transmit log to external endpoint, options is tcp or udp#   protocol: tcp#   # The host of external endpoint#   host: localhost#   # Port of external endpoint#   port: 5140#This attribute is for migrator to detect the version of the .cfg file, DO NOT MODIFY!
_version: 1.10.0# Uncomment external_database if using external database.
# external_database:
#   harbor:
#     host: harbor_db_host
#     port: harbor_db_port
#     db_name: harbor_db_name
#     username: harbor_db_username
#     password: harbor_db_password
#     ssl_mode: disable
#     max_idle_conns: 2
#     max_open_conns: 0
#   clair:
#     host: clair_db_host
#     port: clair_db_port
#     db_name: clair_db_name
#     username: clair_db_username
#     password: clair_db_password
#     ssl_mode: disable
#   notary_signer:
#     host: notary_signer_db_host
#     port: notary_signer_db_port
#     db_name: notary_signer_db_name
#     username: notary_signer_db_username
#     password: notary_signer_db_password
#     ssl_mode: disable
#   notary_server:
#     host: notary_server_db_host
#     port: notary_server_db_port
#     db_name: notary_server_db_name
#     username: notary_server_db_username
#     password: notary_server_db_password
#     ssl_mode: disable# Uncomment external_redis if using external Redis server
# external_redis:
#   host: redis
#   port: 6379
#   password:
#   # db_index 0 is for core, it's unchangeable
#   registry_db_index: 1
#   jobservice_db_index: 2
#   chartmuseum_db_index: 3
#   clair_db_index: 4# Uncomment uaa for trusting the certificate of uaa instance that is hosted via self-signed cert.
# uaa:
#   ca_file: /path/to/ca# Global proxy
# Config http proxy for components, e.g. http://my.proxy.com:3128
# Components doesn't need to connect to each others via http proxy.
# Remove component from `components` array if want disable proxy
# for it. If you want use proxy for replication, MUST enable proxy
# for core and jobservice, and set `http_proxy` and `https_proxy`.
# Add domain to the `no_proxy` field, when you want disable proxy
# for some special registry.
proxy:http_proxy:https_proxy:# no_proxy endpoints will appended to,localhost,.local,.internal,log,db,redis,nginx,core,portal,postgresql,jobservice,registry,registryctl,clair,chartmuseum,notary-serverno_proxy:components:- core- jobservice- clair

View Code



sudo ./install.sh



1)、登录Web Harbor

输入账户密码进入  默认账号/密码:admin/Harbor12345




1、使用docker login

docker login

使用docker login出现如下问题:

原因:因为使用的是 HTTP协议故需要在客户端进行配置

Username: admin
Error response from daemon: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused


1、修改 /etc/docker/daemon.json 文件,加入"insecure-registries" : 服务器i
sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json#文件加入"insecure-registries":[""]

2.修改后重启 Docker 服务

sudo systemctl restart docker




1、 给镜像打tag




docker tag goharbor/nginx-photon:v1.10.6 ip/test/harbor-nginx:v1.0.2


docker images


docker push ip/test/harbor-nginx:v1.0.2



docker pull ip/test/harbor-nginx:v1.0.2


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