

链接kudu 报错。

# telnet samba.xx.com 7051
Trying 172.xx1.xx.33...
Connected to samba.example.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.


linux 报错:telnet Connection closed by foreign host相关推荐

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  2. telnet Connection closed by foreign host.

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  4. xshell连接突然报Connection closed by foreign host.

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  5. docker 运行镜像后,telnet 出现Connection closed by foreign host或连接被重置(已解决)

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  6. Connection closed by foreign host.

    [root@pengman Desktop]# telnet 7027 Tring Connected to ...

  7. 解决 SSH Connection closed by foreign host 问题

    用 Xshell 连接服务器总是报错 : Connection closed by foreign host. Disconnected from remote host... 原因可能是 SSH 服 ...

  8. Unencrypted connection refused. Goodbye. Connection closed by foreign host.

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  9. Connection closed by foreign host. 误改BUG

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